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[Weekly] What are you reading this week? [8/06/23]
  • I finished Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson last week and decided to re-read The Odyssey by Homer. I’ve only read ~10% but it’s still as good as I remember it from my college English class

  • [Weekly] What are you reading this week? [8/06/23]
  • I loved Devolution by Max Brooks. Would highly recommend if you like survival horror and his writing style!

  • Do you have a favorite film scene that you come back to again and again?
  • I initially read this as favorite films and came to say The Princess Bride or Clue. But for favorite scenes, I’d say the one where Inigo is growing impatient waiting for the Man in the Mask to scale the mountain or the part of Clue where the butler races around the mansion trying to explain the murders

  • Do you think the Spurs are doing too much with Wemby?
  • @Ds4zkMjT

    Thx for commenting! Yes, it seems like I’ve been OOTL regarding star players and the Summer League

  • Do you think the Spurs are doing too much with Wemby?
  • @asparagus9001

    Thx for commenting! Yes I’ve seen the video, and I agree that the “slap” was blown out of proportion. The reason I brought it up was primarily to draw attention to the fact that Wemby has bodyguards in the first place. That seems so odd to me, but maybe lots of rookies get bodyguards? I understand taking precautions to prevent injury in a player at high risk, but are bodyguards really needed for that?

    And I agree with your assessment for him sitting out of Summer League. I was unaware of his French league schedule, but trying to prevent injuries for as long as possible with the guy who will potentially be the new face of the franchise makes sense.

    In terms of downside, I tend to worry about how all these new players will adjust to such a different lifestyle from the ones they used to lead. While this might not be the case for Wemby since he was already playing professionally in the French league, but to go from high school hooper to college star to NBA fame, with all these expectations of carrying a franchise or being a breakout star—that can be a lot of pressure for any 19-20 year old.

  • Do you think the Spurs are doing too much with Wemby?
  • @djsaskdja

    Ohhh I didn’t even think about the fouling as a factor! And I imagine given his proportions, there’s concern of serious injury with the excessive body contact. Perhaps the plan is for him to spend the time bulking up so that he’s more durable in the regular season?

  • Do you think the Spurs are doing too much with Wemby?
  • @Barns

    Ahh ok, I see. So it seems to be primarily an issue of his longevity in the league given his proportions. That makes sense, thx!

  • Do you think the Spurs are doing too much with Wemby?

    I recently saw that Wemby will be out for the rest of Summer League and combined with the whole bodyguard-Britney incident, I’m wondering if all this protection will have unintended consequences for him in the long term? But what do y’all think? Is it pretty normal for teams to be this cautious with their new star players? What’s the logic behind resting a rookie during Summer League?

    What is the biggest action that got you to where you are now?
  • Believing in myself. When I was in high school, I decided that I wanted to go to an Ivy League college. I figured I was just as capable as anyone else that went to those schools, I just needed to get there. But my guidance counselor refused to write the recommendation letter bc nobody at my school had ever gone to an out-of-state college before. I had to have a parent-teacher conference to get the letter approved. Fast forward to now, I’ve since finished college at an Ivy and now ~5% of each graduating class from my high school attends and Ivy for college. Turns out we were more than capable of doing it; someone just had to do it first.

  • What is one generally common thing a lot of people do or believe that you cannot understand?
  • I cannot understand the people who do those annoying social media “pranks” that involve making a mess for some poor retail person/janitor/cashier to clean up. Especially because the most direct explanation is that the videos gain traction—to which I then ask, who are the people that watch those videos and go “heck yeah I love this”??

  • [Buha] Gabe Vincent says he chose the Lakers because he wanted to join a contending team and compete for championships...
  • That’s why a lot of people are suspicious that the quote is out of context or out of order. And it looks like the full quote explains that he likes LA bc he can be close to home and compete for a championship

  • What real life person had a "redemption arc"?
  • @RheingoldRiver


    perhaps similar to LoL, there are several valorant teams/ players that have seen redemption arcs. I’d argue paper rex have gone from “W gaming trolls” to “W gaming trolls with a method to their madness” placing 3rd at Tokyo with a sub! I think Forsaken has demonstrated that he’s a very diverse player—and does it all well.

  • Kbin: What is your favourite (or least favourite) horror film?
  • @The_Digitalfigment

    Yes! John Carpenter’s The Thing is fantastic!!

  • Kbin: What is your favourite (or least favourite) horror film?
  • I’m a big fan of the found footage (FF) subgenre of horror. Some favorites would be Gonjiam Haunted Asylum (2018), Cloverfield (2012), and Hell House LLC (2015)

  • barnyard_noise barnyard_noise

    hello! and welcome to my page. current obsessions are zenitsu, pothos, and stephen king

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