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What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • The dirty secret that nobody wants to talk about. Sometimes, stuff equals capability. This is especially true with tools, renovation supplies, and hobby supplies. That old drain snake in the garage? $350 plumber call. Rarely used winter gear in a closet? No $$$ rental on the occasional ski vacation. Sewing machine and supplies? Now you can alter or repair your clothes.

    It can also be resiliency. All those extra Christmas candles? Great for a power outage during hurricane season. Buying, preserving, and storing summer produce can save money later in the year. A deep pantry can be a critical safety net for some people with job insecurity.

    Of course, there’s still a lot of crap we can get rid of, like old hand-me-downs and things we’ll never use.

    It’s really a balancing act between the cost of maintaining capability and the cost of paying for outside services. For me, I basically add an entire room to my house for $150 a month, and still get to keep the ability to do the things I love and have some resiliency in my life.

  • Atlanta 1950s and now
  • Sadly, that’s the intersection of I-75/85 and I-20, right in the middle of downtown ATL. Here’s a more recent picture showing some more context.

    Also, here’s an article talking about the history of I-20 being built through Atlanta:

  • The US government is taking a serious step toward space-based nuclear propulsion
  • As with any technological advancement , there are risks, but if humanity is ever intending to become a spacefairing species, we will have to make peace with nuclear energy. It’s the only technology that comes anywhere close to making interplanetary travel feasible at large scale.

  • CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
  • I’ve been migrating to sync from Dropbox after hearing too many reports of Dropbox scanning user content for things they deem objectionable. I like the end to end encryption, but I have found the mobile experience on iOS to be lacking. It seems to have trouble integrating with Files and uploading files directly via the iOS share menu. Annoying but not a dealbreaker.

  • The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?
  • Strongly agree. We’ve already learned that prohibition doesn’t work and that people will always find other ways to get their fix.

    If flavored vapes are “marketed to children”, what about flavored THC edibles and fruity/candy flavored alcohol? What about energy drinks and highly caffeinated sodas? What about high calorie ultra-palatable foods with absurd quantities of high fructose corn syrup? How is nicotine so different from any of the other drugs that society has decided are socially acceptable?

    Humanity has had a relationship with mind altering substances since the dawn of time. It’s ingrained in our cultures, and may even be partially responsible for how human intelligence has adapted to where it is today. Nobody is going to overwrite thousands of years of history by banning vapes. People will just find some other way to access nicotine and other substances, probably by switching back to smoking or chewing. A brief ten-year interval of pushback against smoking in select countries didn’t mean that people no longer wanted nicotine, it just meant that people wanted a less objectionable way of consuming it than burning leaves in paper.

  • Riding the technology wave, which of THESE devices have you owned? (Intended target around age 40 and up)
  • PDA- yes, plenty of Palm devices over the years. Pretty sure I had an IBM WorkPad 30x, a Zire 71, and a Tungsten T3. They were great devices, absolutely fantastic for the time period.

    DVD recorder- yes, both for the TV and DVD burner drives in PCs.

    Web TV- not me, but we did get a setup for my grandparents back in the day. What an absolutely terrible way to browse the internet.

    3D tv- never saw the need personally.

    Raspberry pi- oh yes, been playing with them since they came out.

    Internet Radio Player- no, never did. By the time this made sense I was fully invested in the iPod world and had hoarded enough music to not make it worthwhile.

  • When was the last time you were surprised by liking a piece of music?
  • I generally listen to a pretty big variety of music, but over the past few years I’ve really been liking jazz and big band music from the 1930s and 1940s. So much so that I made an internet radio station of public domain music from that era so I could listen to it like it was a radio broadcast then.

  • Which communities are you currently missing on Lemmy?
  • I miss the niche trade subs, like r/electricians, r/construction, and r/machinists. Tons of great content on their subs that just isn’t here on Lemmy since most people on those subs don’t skew as techy as most Lemmy users.

    Still not worth supporting Reddit though.

  • The US is building factories at a wildly fast rate
  • It may make the economy less efficient on paper, but that doesn’t take in to account the external costs of trade. In return for cheap products, we gave up a strong manufacturing career base and replaced it with low quality service industry jobs which pay less overall. It’s one of the factors that’s led to wage stagnation, which is WAY more damaging than more costly products.

    That’s not even to mention the environmental costs of shipping. The literal tons of heavy fuel oil that are burned to get the bananas from Farmer Fred are now causing sea level rise and changing weather patterns, which makes both Bob and Fred lose in the end.

  • The US is building factories at a wildly fast rate
  • This is some great news. De-industrialization has created a skills gap in the trades that is going to take a generation or more to overcome. So many industries are utterly dependent on skilled people that have many years of experience, and those people are aging out of the workforce too rapidly to be replaced.

    The culture shift in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s which treated “blue collar” as something for young adults to try to avoid is partially responsible, but without the demand for those jobs there was no push to fix that.

  • Why haven't we seen forums move to Lemmy despite the availability of a forum-like UI?
  • Yeah, most established forums with active user bases have been around for a loooooong time. One of the reasons people are still active on them is because they haven’t made significant changes.

    There’s no drama like changes to forum drama.

  • Why haven't we seen forums move to Lemmy despite the availability of a forum-like UI?
  • Yeah, most established forums with active user bases have been around for a loooooong time. One of the reasons people are still active on them is because they haven’t made significant changes.

    There’s no drama like changes to forum drama.

  • Social media is doomed to die
  • This is a pretty good article. I think the author dances around it a bit but gets it: it’s all about investors wanting infinite growth.

    Think about it this way- if ad-supported social media isn’t profitable (which seems to be the case) and constantly requires VC cash to stay afloat, really the customers of the product are the investors. The cult of “line go up” demands that engagement be constantly increasing, which means that it’s effectively impossible nowadays to have a social media site focused on creating a vibrant active community. Community equals steady traffic and engagement once it hits its stable point. That’s just not good enough.

    It really explains why every site is trying their hardest to become TikTok- short, relatively cheap to host video clips that press the dopamine button and get users addicted to the service. Add an endless feed to keep users hooked, and you have a recipe for maximum engagement. It’s the best bang for the Buck from an investor perspective.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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