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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 wk. ago

  • pretty on track

    lol. SpaceX are destroying Artemis as we type - and America's prestige as a space-faring nation - and are not going to Mars on any timeline, as Musk well knows. Musk doesn't care at all, it is helping him get to trillionaire status.

  • The Taliban humiliated him. He has one entirely exploitable strategy: try and be a bully and back down when he gets called out.

    The result is widespread boycott of American manufacturing, Europe pulling away from a reliance on the US including manufacturing their own arms, a pivot towards BRICS and China, and a hastened end to the dollar as global reserve currency followed by an America that has to pay its debts.

    What a fool. America's second vote for Trump has shown the world it is an unreliable partner.

  • Yeah I said in another post that the Americans I have known irl have been great. I love America's contribution to stuff like music and literature, and the arts generally. And I take your point it is a minority.

    But this oligarchy has taken a while to build but it wasn't stopped. And I do think this is a watershed moment for the US and Europe, BRICS and the dollar. I think we are entering a global economy that reflects the multi-polar world we actually have.

    As a Brit, whose economy is 50 - 100 years past being the global reserve currency, I think the people most likely to suffer over the long term are Americans, after everyone suffers the coming short-term instability.

    This total breakdown in cooperation happening just as we roll straight past climate change's last chance saloon (to butcher a couple of metaphors) is an even bigger disaster. Some of us 'doomers' are being proven right. I'd rather not be.

  • I know that eminent computer scientists wrote to I think Harris a couple of years back voicing their concerns over the security of voting machines.

    I think the Democrats are as done as a credible political force as the Republicans are.

  • Foolish bully.

    If you accept his shit he will try and get away with more.

    The people most at risk from this moron are the American people themselves. They appear to be accepting most of it. They didn't lock him up, instead they voted him into power.

    (Sorry Americans, I don't want to be inflammatory for the sake of it. I do like those of you I have known irl.)

  • I'm not sure that the attention to detail I've witnessed displayed by my amazon delivery guy is what I'd want from my rocket's heat shield and nose cone guy to be honest.

    (i.e. just bung them on anywhere before sprinting to the next rocket at the end of an 18 hour shift for minimum wages minus work deductions including water, air and toilet fees).

  • Any reply is a win for you.

    Easy block.

    But to be clear, the worry is instability and a world war three the author claims America needs in order to try and do anything to prevent the already happening process of dedollarisation, but nobody else wants. Losing said potential war is not a worry.

    The people most at risk of Donald Trump are Americans, particularly the poor and uneducated who voted for him. Beyond the US there is no fear of Donald Trump. The guy couldn't manage the taliban. He is a weak and exploitable leader.

  • The author is deluded in thinking countries Trump is in the process of actively creating trade and kinetic war with are going to be bullied into co-operating with economic policies that directly strengthen the bully.

    This article might appease some American readers hoping for a bit of rhyme or reason, or who are looking for a reason to hope the decline of the dollar as global reserve currency might be suspended, but it is about as wildly far from reality as Trump/Musk are.

  • /u/Donald_Musk is completely oblivious to the privileges printing the world's reserve currency has bought to the US, and the obligations the US has in order to maintain the dollar's position.

    Where on Earth does the US think it is going to find the money to pay its debts going forward if it isn't printing the money everybody else is using to buy oil?

    Musk and Trump are speed-running the US's collapse. They are simply nowhere near intelligent or experienced enough to maintain the US's position of dominance. It is kind of fascinating to watch it play out, kind of horrifying, kind of banal.

    Ultimately the American people voted for this. None of the people now destroying the US's global position hid what they were going to do. Chaotic times ahead because if Trump has a plan it appears to be to try and bully his way to global dominance. He couldn't even manage the taliban.

    On a personal level I can say that I take almost zero pleasure in seeing the predictions I and many other people dismissed as 'doomers' have made over the past fifteen years (in my case, others longer). I won't be replying to any messages from previous acquaintances that say 'hey you were right'.

    Let's see how long it takes for the US to resemble a country like Brazil. The shanty towns are already being formed.

  • Edited this post after one person upvoted it:

    You are note dealing with reality.

    The Democrats have helped construct the explicit oligarchy that is unfolding before your eyes.

    It absolutely is about both sides, given both of them are responsible for the current situation. Or it is about the fact that there is only one side: pretty far right neo-liberal corporatists, or fascist far right oligarchy.

    And obviously it matters if your only hope is to turn to the other side who are going to prove themselves to be utterly ineffectual. The choice being Trump, or a continuation of the economic-political ideology that made Trump (or similar) inevitable.

    But looking at the amount of up/downvotes these two posts have got I guess it doesn't matter - maybe most of you just aren't ready to deal with reality, so reality will just happen to you. Trying to downvote it away is what has led you to this point.

  • As are the Democrats, which pretty much means the US political process is completely lost.

    EDIT - Who do you turn to? It would appear that the CIA themselves have been subject to a far right coup, which is somewhat ironic, so I can't see the intelligence services doing anything, but who do you turn to? The military? Is that where America is at?

  • I mean, they never hid their intentions.

    From a European perspective, even though the Americans I have known in life have all been great, the fact is that the American people voted for all this, including the harmful alliance with Russia. It isn't just Trump.

    Unless of course Trump wasn't lying again when he hinted at manipulating voting machines. No one has mentioned it other than Trump (as far as I am aware), so I assume it is nothing, but there certainly was concern pre-election from experts in the field regarding the security of voting machines.

    I'm aware this sort of idea creates conspiracy theories, something I really am not trying to do. If anything I am just trying to find a reason that potentially lets American people off voting for Trump!

  • I don't know if there is a plan. But if there is I would guess it is no more formulated than 'whatever the government now pays for is what we are going to insert ourselves into and get paid'.

    So whatever a couple of individuals scrape and place on a free alternative is provided by a billionaire instead of the government.