Zana @ Zana Posts 0Comments 159Joined 2 yr. ago
Dark joke. Fortunately not dark enough for the dad to beat it to death.
As someone who has never used an RSS reader, any suggestions?
Yeah, then we needed to clip the money to it and give it to the teacher.
It's not even wrong lol
It literally does at this point.
Wait they still do dvds? I thought they split it off, then that failed, then they just abandoned it.
Magenta for the magenta god.
The description text is full of their ad stuff too while the GN videos is not.
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The Madison stuff was definitely not a simple mistake.
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This video is actually a response to that.
Now I am depressed and hot.
This happens a lot. Then a few minutes later someone else says something and everyone responds to that.
But there is no money in that, please, think of the corporations! /s
You're right, I am going to stop this addiction cold turkey. Never eating food again.
Last time I saw a crop that bad a million Irish people died.
I definitely will donate, thank you friend :)
What can we do? I don't live by anywhere they are striking.
Me trying to get people to play Spec Ops: The Line