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Upgrade vs Reinstall

I'm a generalist SysAdmin. I use Linux when necessary or convenient. I find that when I need to upgrade a specific solution it's often easier to just spin up an entirely new instance and start from scratch. Is this normal or am I doing it wrong? For instance, this morning I'm looking at a Linux VM whose only task is to run to update an SSL cert. I'm currently upgrading the release. When this is done I'll need to upgrade I expect some kind of failure that will require several hours to troubleshoot, at which point I'll give up and start from scratch. I'm wondering if this is my ignorance of Linux or common practice?

Ransomware and Backups
  • The backups are on a separate system with different credentials. One copy of the backups is sent to online storage that is immutable. You set a retention policy and then you can't delete, overwrite, or change the backups.

  • Question regarding WSFC file server role networking

    If I create a VM role, I can assign it's networking to a VLAN, however I can't do the same to a file server role. Does anyone know if it's somehow possible?

    Exec at my company: Look at this email, does it look like a scam?

    The email: Hi this is Scammy McScamface and I'd like to scam you please click the scam link below.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Palo Alto would do what you want. PA410 or 420 would probably do for your ships. They're not at all rated for harsh conditions, but they're about as robust as you'll find for basic network gear. If you get a PA for the home office as well, you can use their SDWAN for connecting everything.

    For many ports do you need on each ship? I'm using Unifi industrial switches in our manufacturing plants. They stand up to the Texas summers in a highly alkaline environment. They're only ten ports though (8 poe).

  • Drop Zones. A hack for not loosing things.

    Designate a place in every room as, "the place I put things." Use positive reinforcement to train yourself to put things down in that space. Every time you use a drop zone, give yourself an attaboy/girl. It needs to be big enough that it can hold a few things, keys wallet, cell phone, but not so large that things can get lost in it. You don't want too many drop zones, but you need to have one always handy. Keep them uncluttered when possible so that they're always available. Dissuade the people in your life from "cleaning up" these spaces. Now, when you lose something, you've got a good chance of finding it by checking all your drop zones.

    But we used it at my last job!

    They hired a new hotshot engineering manager (the kind that makes physical things). He hates the engineering software we run. I don't blame him, it's crap software. He constantly complains about how slow it its. He's right again. Crap Software Vendor says it's my platform that makes their software slow and buggy. I'm willing to make any changes they recommend, but they've got nothing. They're like, "it runs fine in our test env." So hotshot goes rogue and signs contracts to move engineering to a cloud platform that he used at his old job. I wasn't brought in until after the ink dried.

    New vendor sends me a link, login, and password via email. I go to the link. It's fucking remote desktop gateway. Open to the internet. The password isn't a temp, that's my permanent unchangeable password. This is how they handle user access control. No MFA. Nothing between the screaming void and our data but IIS and an AD password.

    So I start pissing in the tent. I tell everyone this is unacceptable security for our IP. Vendor acknowledges that their security is insufficient and lays out their roadmap to fix it, hopefully by the end of year(I'm holding my breath). I ask if we can just run the software ourselves.

    I have a convo with our CEO who usually listens to my advice. He asks if we can just host the new software on our platform (the one that already has MFA and a whole lot of other security measures). I say, "That's exactly what I was thinking." So, CEO email in hand I go back to the group and tell them to make preparations to move the implementation to our platform.

    Hotshot starts bitching and moaning about how he doesn't want another slow app. A data analyst chimes in with her two cents out of fucking nowhere. I'm not even sure why she's on the email chain. I'm about two seconds away from going Joe Pesci on these goombas.

    What the fuck guys? Who cares if the app is slower on our platform (not that it necessarily will be)? What good is a fast app that's insecure? How fast is it gonna be when it's ransomwared to hell? It'll be nice that the app is fast when BianLian is downloading all our designs so they can extort us.

    "Well they're a big company and they haven't gotten hacked yet?" Thanks for that Captain Smith, but I know a fucking iceberg when I see one.

    What Are Some General "Buy It For Life" (Durable) Items You Recommend?
  • I tried to buy a BifL non-stick pan and found that it doesn't exist. Everything marketed as non-stick has some coating that will wear off and become useless. "But what about {brand that says it's not PTFE, PFOA, or PFAS}?" Yep them too. Look up sol-gel non-stick coating if you have ceramic non-stick. If you don't want to have to buy pans over and over again, you have to go stainless, cast iron or carbon steel. Cast iron enamelware is pretty good too, but isn't really non-stick. I'm in the process of finding stainless/cast-iron replacements for all my non-stick pans.

  • Looking for tips on eating
  • Dinner tonight was one of my favorite meals, BFMC. Bread, fruit, meat, cheese. A loaf of fresh bread, a hunk of tasty cheese, a little bit of cured meat like salami, and some fruit. If you want to get fancy you can add some nuts and olives.

  • I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • I don't think using terms that you disagree with is necessarily a straw man. If we had been arguing about the possibility of flight and my position was that all previous attempts had failed, you'd come back and say, "those weren't attempts at flight, those were bad bird impersonations."

    On a separate note, I've got a question for you. If capitalism inevitably leads to people being poorer, why does this graph show that over the last 200 years the number of people in poverty has steadily declined?

  • Met with a psychiatrist for ADHD diagnosis
  • I don't want to constantly have to fight against my ADHD just so I can be average. Can you imagine any other disease getting this kind of treatment? "Yeah, you have cancer, but it's not killing you so just deal with it."

  • I'm not Lazy or Apathetic

    When I was a kid they told me, "If you care about something and work hard you'll succeed." I failed, a lot, and so I figured, "I must be lazy and apathetic."

    Eventually I found my ikigai and success. I thought, "now I care and now I'm working hard, I'm a different person, this is why I'm successful now."

    I always knew I had ADHD, but strangely nobody seemed to acknowledge it outright. My parents just laughed when the neighbor called me space-cadet. I was diagnosed with dysgraphia, which was all my mom wanted to talk about.

    Recently I've been reading about ADHD and I came to a realization. I was never lazy or apathetic. I'm not a different person now, I just found something where the bulk of my work provides me the dopamine I need to stay engaged. I've also got some masking strategies, which took me 30 years to develop because I had to do it on my own.

    Nobody looks at a paraplegic and says, "boy are you lazy."

    Please don't let other people define you. Don't mistake your ADHD for a character flaw. Find your ikigai. It won't fix your ADHD, but it will make you a whole lot happier.

    Ikigai: >A motivating force; something or someone that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living. The feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment that follows when people pursue their passions. Activities that generate the feeling of ikigai are not forced on an individual; they are perceived as being spontaneous and undertaken willingly, and thus are personal and depend on a person's inner self.

    I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • “We’ll never survive!” “Nonsense. You’re only saying that because no one ever has.”

    I really want to believe that a communist world is possible. Maybe I'm like the pessimists that doubted humans could ever fly. I just don't see it ever working.

  • I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • I really like that you defined all these terms. It makes it much easier to discuss the ideas when the language doesn't get in the way. Thank you.

    Would it be correct to state that every attempt at bringing about communism has failed thus far? From the Bolsheviks to Mao to Castro, none of them have succeeded. Is communism not what those movements were attempting to accomplish? Yes, things went badly, and the end result was not communism, but that doesn't change the fact that those movements had the aim of ending capitalism, in favor of communism.

  • I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • Every unregulated capitalist economy has devolved

    Right, but I'm not arguing for unregulated capitalism. I think capitalism should be highly regulated. I'm arguing for fair markets that reward good actors and punish bad. I'm arguing for continually refining capitalism and fixing the problems. Which is why I keep having this argument. You're obviously an intelligent person, motivated to change society for the better, with a good moral compass. I want you on my side. I want people to want to work on the actual problems, and not pin their hopes on some big idea that will fix everything, because that doesn't exist.

    Sure, there have been authoritarian governments that said they were socialist for PR.

    This is the cognitive dissonance about Marxism that bugs me the most. You believe that a system such as Capitalism is so flawed that it must be replaced with something else, but you are unwilling to see that Socialism is also flawed in different ways. If you adhered to the principles of pure Marxism, you would see that Socialism as well must be discarded for a better alternative. Instead of seeing that, you will label every failed Socialist state as a fake. We need something else.

  • I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • Steam engines literally led to the development of electric motors. Steam engines led to steam turbines which led to dynamos which led to electric motors, each invention building off the knowledge gained at the previous step.

    Your analogy is doubly flawed. Each type of engine you mention has strengths and weaknesses that depend on external variables. Internal combustion isn't better at producing electricity for instance, which is why we mostly use external combustion to do that. Electric motors aren't better than internal combustion, except that internal combustion is causing climate change. It's also flawed because history has shown that Socialism doesn't work better than Capitalism. I could see, if this were purely theoretical, someone arguing the benefits of Marxist ideas, but it's been tried. In several places around the world, people tried to put in place the kind of changes you're advocating. In every case it led to authoritarianism, brutal repression, and starvation. Does it suck that poor kids don't have enough to eat, while Bezos builds space yachts? Yeah it sucks, but it's not millions-starving-to-death levels of suck like we actually, not theoretically, got every time we tried Communism or Socialism or any kind of take-their-stuff-and-give-it-to-me-ism.

  • Is RD Gateway hosted by Amazon secure enough? RD Gateway on AWS—Solution

    Learn about the solution architecture and details for deploying Remote Desktop Gateway to the AWS Cloud.

    RD Gateway on AWS—Solution

    My company is about to shift a large workload to a vendor that uses an RD Gateway hosted at Amazon to serve access to the front-end application. It's open to the internet at 443. There's no MFA. How worried should I be?

    On days when I carry a bag

    Wallet, leatherman, flashlight, knife, battery.

    If I'm not carrying a bag, I usually don't bring both knives or the battery.

    What's to prevent someone from hijacking my username?

    Since usernames are only unique to the instance it's created on, what's to stop someone from creating a copycat username in order to impersonate another user?

    Is safe to whitelist on a secure network?

    We're installing a new app on a secure network. The vendor has requested we allow access to That seems overly broad to me and unsafe. Thoughts?

    Well it happened. I fell. Coming down a hill in a bike lane.

    I thought I could make a 90° left turn, took it too wide and clipped my wheel on the curb. I ate it hard. Face and shoulder hit asphalt. Wrecked a 25 year old Hawaiian shirt. Also wrecked my arms. Pretty sure nothing broke, but my tendons are sore as hell. I can't lift my arms. Thus endeth my downhill ambitions. Cruising only from now on. I'm 45 and I can't take a fall like that.

    Hybrid Azure AD users who have been converted to shared mailbox can't be deleted. Remove a former employee - Overview - Microsoft 365 admin

    Block access to Microsoft 365 so a former employee can't sign in, secure organization data, and allow other employees to access their email and OneDrive data.

    Remove a former employee - Overview - Microsoft 365 admin

    When offboarding a user, the option to retain that user's mailbox and give other people access is, convert to a shared mailbox. When you do this it doesn't delete the user account. It still shows up as an active, unlicensed user. This can be sort of troubling as reporting of active user counts still includes those users. I'm not 100% sure that this is different, but many of our users are hybrid with an on-prem AD. When we try to delete the user and convert to a shared mailbox, the deletion fails, but the convert to shared succeeds. If we subsequently move to on-prem account to an un-synchronized OU, the user account and it's associated share mailbox also get deleted. The way I've found to fix this is to restore the AAD user account after we move the on-prem account. It's all a bit of a hassle and I wonder if there's a better way. How do you handle offboarding hybrid accounts?

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