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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
4 mo. ago

  • Don't expect honesty from the bootlicking mainstream networks. Those concerned with appearing "impartial" when one side is an avowed dictator are not concerned with honesty- only profits.

    AP and Propublica are far better options or if you want that left wing bias fox news says mainstream media has, go with Vox.

  • Doubtful, it's probably in storage or being sent back to warehouses. They're likely betting on Orange Foolius folding in a couple weeks.

    No reason to take a loss when it's already paid for. Storing it will hurt the US more than destroying it then reordering a month from now.

  • MMP is my dream system. I like the idea of retaining local reps even if we have less of them.

    From what I understand though, FairVote is pro PR and I don't know of any other sizable electoral reform organizations.

  • Canadian here, sure feels like its against us, especially given the border threats.

    We literally have articles coming out from mainstream outlets talking about guerilla warfare. People here are starting to get rabid.

    I don't think your dimwitted leaders understand how much the average Canadian resents being forced to deal with america (for decades), the resentment is turning into hatred.

  • Seems like a stupid move even from the "I hate trans people" camp.

    There are going to be some expensive lawsuits coming from this one regardless of how attractive using cognitive dissonance to pretend trans people don't exist is to you.

  • If we were to assume that everyone would just wait until the 15th to do all their amazon orders that they waited a week for then I would agree it's symbolic.

    For many, this will be what happens, but for some, they will find an alternative. Then maybe in the future they chose that alternative too. It's about gradual progress towards better alternatives. For you, maybe finding ways to make your work less reliant on those things would help. Or if that's not possible maybe working somewhere else that doesn't make you sacrifice your values.

    As an example, one person choosing to educate themselves on animal welfare might not have much effect today, or tomorrow, or even next week. But after years, even small changes can mean the elimination of suffering for dozens or hundreds of lives.

  • "Education" doesn't really feel like a solution to things that people often lean into cognitive dissonance on.

    Everybody has the opportunity to know how reprehensible the conditions the meat that ends up in supermarkets (and probably your local market too) is but very few people are willing to change their diets. Many people talk about caring about 'loving animals' but when it comes down to making changes, the head just usually goes into the sand.

    Kurzgesagt did a good video recently on what the cost to improve animal welfare for things that end up on peoples plates would be but the truth is the only reason why we know what those numbers are is because some places have banned certain practices. The only way to realize those benefits is through legal changes, not 3% of people paying 3 times as much for fancy free range eggs.

    That said, I'm also generally against banning things, I just don't know how you make that sort of thing less attractive- a Twitter Tax?