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Mike Lindell claims ignorance over neo-Nazi symbolism in MyPillow prices
  • I don't think he's stupid enough not to know what those numbers mean. The crowds he hangs out with, there is zero doubt he has seen those tattoos on more than a few faces in the MAGA crowds.

    I don't necessarily think he was even aware of the price tag, or thought about a proposed sale enough to notice. I think the chances this was one of his nazi employees is higher than him setting his own sales price himself.

    He doesn't seem to be coherent enough to be running day to day things like that, when his focus is getting in front of any camera willing to record him.

  • Don't fall for it
  • It also ends up on a notepad next to their computer. But at least that requires physical access. And your Netflix password is the least of your concerns in that case

  • Their best man is such a dog
  • My wife and I had two llamas (dressed in bride and groom outfits) in our wedding.

    Our wedding planner tried to talk us out of having them in the ceremony. "They'll distract from your special moment"

    "Have you been to a wedding? They'll love the distraction."

  • Sanders Files to Force First-Ever Vote in Congress on Blocking Weapons to Israel
  • It's easy to rage against the machine on a moral pedestal. It's harder to actually steer the machine in the right direction.

    To be clear, I am supportive of putting things to a vote even if there's no chance it succeeds. Get the votes on record. I think that's an important archive that can be used later in election season to hold politicians accountable for their votes.

    I like what Bernie and AOC are doing when they push for these kinds of votes.

    But make no mistake. They can only do this from a position of being unable to effect any change. Under normal conditions, moves like this poison the well and make others on both sides less willing to work with you.

    They have the luxury of grandstanding specifically because they have zero hope of garnering support.

    Someone like a president can't really do something like this without completely burning their political capital.

  • Elon Musk’s popularity plummets to 6% among Democrats, poll finds
  • Musk bought one of the biggest social media platforms expressly to manipulate news, which in turn manipulates politics and markets.

    He's basically like a narcissistic Rupert Murdock who wants to make his manipulation all centered around how cool he is.

    That's news.

    Taylor Swift is just filler content. It's taking the place of worlds largest cookie stories. But the reason it gains traction is that she has taken on a bit of a counter persona to the Right's habitual sexism. She's an influential woman. The Right can't stand that shit.

  • Unbeelievable
  • They also murder other insects.

    My brother genocided his yellow jacket population because they were murdering his bees (small hobby farm).

    A few months later, there was a massive spider and other bug bloom. Like out of a horror film. Everywhere.

    They're an important part of the ecosystem. But they're also assholes.

  • Florida's new COVID booster guidance is straight-up misinformation
  • Same with the rest of their culture war.

    It has never been about governing or public health. Ever.

    This is about latching onto fear and hate and further polarizing people. Because feeding that hate is what their base wants, and raises your status in their hate group.

    It has always been about selfish attempts at taking the reigns of the hate train. The destruction in their wake is just the cost to play to them.

  • Taking the fight to Reddit... FOR MONEY.
  • Honestly, there's and endless sea of grift attempts going on at all times. You don't think people selling fake gold Trump coins, etc give one damn about his politics, do you? They're just trying to wring every penny out of the die hards

  • Why Trump and Vance’s strategy is ‘say anything, make up anything’
  • As demonstrated by the same kind of barrage of insane shit Trump and his administration did when they were in power. It was just rapid for crazy shit to drown out whatever bad story they wanted attention away from, constantly.

    It amazing that half the voting population wants that back.

  • 'Deranged': Experts tear apart Trump's 'ludicrous' plan on grocery prices
  • Sure. He's an idiot, no argument. But I think he understands leverage, and what tariffs means to domestic leverage over their consumers because of lack of competition. But ultimately, his understanding doesn't matter, the voters understanding does. And I doubt many who are considering voting for him understand that tariffs are worst for them personally.

  • 'Deranged': Experts tear apart Trump's 'ludicrous' plan on grocery prices
  • It's certainly possible, but I don't buy that level of ignorance.

    Trump was savvy enough to keep interest rates low to heavily inflate real estate as the obvious money dump for free money. As a real estate mogul, this directly benefited him personally.

    And don't give me that nieve nonsense that the president doesn't control the fed reserve. Trump's corruption was thorough and complete.

    Trump absolutely understands basic economic principles of supply and demand. He is constantly trying to manipulate competition to give himself more power so he can gain from it. It's the same as raising tariffs to give domestic producers more power so they can raise their profits at the cost to the consumer.

    He just doesn't give a shit about the consumer, only the kickbacks he gets from the producers.

  • 'Deranged': Experts tear apart Trump's 'ludicrous' plan on grocery prices
  • I don't know how you can miss that, though.

    Tariffs on imported goods means the price raises to cover the increased cost to import it.

    Tariffs are a mechanism to encourage domestic production by making foreign competition more expensive.

    It's literally the opposite of reducing the cost to consumers.

    Trump has to understand this. But he knows his rabid base do not. So he says it like it's going to help consumers, rather than exclusively the domestic producers that are already overcharging.

  • LinkedIn
  • It's really just a way for former coworkers thatdon't know your personal email or phone, or don't feel comfortable using them if they do, to reach out to you if they have an opening or are looking for one after a layoff or something urgent.

  • “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs
  • Both can be true.

    Preserved and curated datasets to train AI on, gathered before AI was mainstream. This has the disadvantage of being stuck in time, so-to-speak.

    New datasets that will inevitably contain AI generated content, even with careful curation. So to take the other commenter's analogy, it's a shit sandwich that has some real ingredients, and doodoo smeared throughout.

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