WorkshopBubby @ WorkshopBubby Posts 2Comments 53Joined 3 wk. ago
ive seen this promoted all over the place for weeks
I saw some discussion of them taking people with no experience for certain rolls like 3d printing/drone building stuff while you get training. But if Canadian leaders get their heads out of there ass, and we decide that we are going to put up a fight, I will enlist here.
Sure they are illegal, but when we are at war it's kind of unavoidable. There is no peaceful way out of this situation. I'm not joining a fucking martial arts class, fuck yourself. I will enlist in the ildu if Canada decides not to fight.
True, but I don't think it matters any more what they think. They are a cult, and we cannot salvage this situation by swaying them. We have to act accordingly. They just need to be mowed down if they get in the way.
I doubt he thought it would go differently. But he did an amazing job showing the world how utterly depraved Trump and Vance are. There can be no question now that they are Putin stooges. The United States lost the cold war, Putin won without firing a single bullet. It is out in the open.
We should burn it down again. I want to march on Washington with Canadian flags, and American flags, and signs that say "Save America" if the US police/Military gun us down it might make the Americans wake up and eject their dictator. It's an existential threat to humanity. We can't afford to wait.
Good work, although I am pretty convinced that our MLA's and Premiers have no fucking idea what is going on. Or they are just keeping people in the dark to avoid panic or something. When you try to ring the alarms people just think you're unhinged and overreacting because you don't like trump.
Yeah, it was a setup, Trump basically admitted that it was a setup at one point saying "this is why I've allowed this to go on" or something along those lines. Zelensky was making his case using examples, and history, but trump and vance wouldn't engage on the substance. They never do. They repeat their talking points that the magats love "you have no cards, people are being killed, you campaigned for the opposition," it was fucking disgusting. There can be no more doubt that Trump is serious about invading us, he saw what Putin did and said "ya I like that" or he is just an outright Russian asset. I think both scenarios are plausible. If we just wait, we are fucked.
inb4 permabanned from another platform
it's #darkwoke, the only people who are offended by this are the Nazi's, and that is exactly who we should be offending
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Hey so as a Canadian, we are about to get attacked by our long time ally and the worlds military superpower. We are probably going to be steamrolled, and then become second class citizens in the Trump dictatorship cult. Am I allowed to say violent things about how that makes me feel? Or will I get banned, like on reddit?
I feel like in a way, it is too late. The human race decided it doesn't care to fight climate change. There is going to be significant disruptions, especially near the equator. But on the other hand, even if we overshoot our climate targets, there is always a chance for us to reverse the damage dealt using technology and by reclamation of ecosystems that have been destroyed. I think as long as our species survives we can fix things. But we need a massive, massive change in attitude to muster the political will to do something.