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Alt text: Image of a opossum with cat ears with the text "I am good kitty"

Arbitrary List of Popular Lights - Fall Equinox 2024 Edition
  • 🦀🦀 Wooo it's that time of year!

    Thanks for doing this 🦀🦀

  • Battery drained
  • Should count for the whole week

  • Octopuses and fish caught on camera hunting as a team (ft. octopus punching fish)
  • Wow, the best part being that the octopus "punched" opportunistic fish who don't help in the hunt.

  • Pastas Assembled
  • Starlink v2 satelites will ruin science.
  • Spektr-R | Decommissioned, single array, 10 meter diameter

    From your link: "The very high angular resolving power was achieved in conjunction with a ground-based system of radio-telescopes and interferometrical methods, "

    HALCA | Decommissioned, single array, 8 meter diameter

    From your link: This orbit allowed imaging of celestial radio sources by the satellite in conjunction with an array of ground-based radio telescopes" ... "the project was eventually cancelled in 2011 due to increasing costs and the difficulties of achieving its science goals"

    Orion | "It is believed that this refers to the diameter of the main antenna, which might be well in excess of 100 m", potentially you're correct! Oh. These are ground facing dishes that aren't use for scientific purposes and are highly classified.

  • Starlink v2 satelites will ruin science.
  • The same is done in space, you realize that...

    No, it isn't. The radio astronomy done in space is for Gamma rays, x-rays, UV and IR. Things the atmosphere blocks.

    What's done on the ground is for much larger wavelengths (+1m) which, again, requires massive equipment that is currently is not feasible to send up.

    The fix isn't to eliminate StarLink, I agree. The fix in my opinion is to have stricter controls from the ITU about how much interference a device can produce.

    Put that shit in space like they always should have

    So which is it? It's already done in space, or that's the direction we should go?

    Even your explanation about your original comment being "extremely easy to comprehend" has two opposing statements.

  • Starlink v2 satelites will ruin science.
  • We don't do a majority in space because of the absolutely massive size of the equipment needed... The VLA, for example, is 28 different dishes/antennas that are over 200 tons of metal a piece.

    The signals that are being measured are absolutely tiny, so much so (and to your point about interference in the ground), that A microwave can cause issues.

    The issue with the StarLink v2 is that; they are in LEO (Low Earth Orbit), they emit a lot more than other satellites, and there are a shit-ton of them - which means it's harder to schedule equipment time around the interference theyre causing. And the problem is only getting worse.

    Your comment is very disjointed though, so I'm not entirely sure what your point is.

  • That's like .. four ears!

  • What Happens When You Plug a SUICIDE CORD in a live outlet? Do Not Try This Ever
  • TLDW: Nothing happens (US Plug, 120V circuit, with a "standard" 2 prong outlet)

    This is because the dual plug outlet already has connected/Shared Neutrals and connected/shared Hot, powered by the same source.

    Don't do this

  • Decision time
  • Ah, yeah - someday I'll make it scale better

  • Decision time
  • What benefit does SSL/HTTPS provide if the data going back and forth is just HTML? (No user names / passwords / etc.?)

    I have it set up for my jellyfin server since there is login data.

    Not that I won't add it, just didn't know there was a need

  • Decision time
  • Oh no...

    How about this: ?

    ;_; might need to update my htaccess

  • Decision time
  • You can pry from my cold dead hands.

  • McDaniel: Focus first on Tua's health, not career
  • Fins Up

    But also, 100% the right call. I hope he retires, these hits to his head are just awful to watch. CTE scares the crap out of me

  • Some rows of videos have different padding
  • Steve Mould 💚

    Really cool water bottle, but couldn't bring myself to spend $60+

  • $700
  • Vertical stand in the thumbnail costs extra too.

  • Deleted
    Can I Follow A Self-Guided Tour From 1937?
  • Love this channel

  • [Review] JETBeam E26: flat EDC flashlight with SFT-40, UV and green laser
  • Full review has it:

    it becomes slightly wider, but also flatter and therefore fits more comfortably in your pocket. It weighs 115 g with clip and (non-removable) battery

  • What has been your favorite or most memorable GW2 moment?

    Could be an expansion release, guild drama, random encounter, etc.

    Mine would be when I was a newer player doing a Twilight Arbor dungeon run with veterans and I enabled "Plant Mode".

    I was the classic Longbow ranger with Stalker who had no idea wtf was going on. We got to the wardens on Leurent's path (up) and it was not going well, I kept going down. The others in my party kept reviving me but in doing so were downed and then killed. The champ probably had about 2% health left when I was the last one standing and I am sweating IRL - mainly nervous that I'm going to get chewed out by the other party members if I can't finish the fight.

    One of the party members types "Just spam all your buttons!" so I start clicking anything and everything (yes, was a mouse ability clicker back then... how times have changed).

    I don't think I had ever used my elite at that point, mainly because I didn't understand it. I just knew it said something about plants. Ended up clicking Take Root and was instantly felt dread. My character was locked down and I couldn't move as I became enshrouded with plant matter.

    As if to further cement the absolute embarrassment that was washing over me, the same party member goes "Plant mode?!".

    I seriously considered alt+F4'ing to hide from my shame - only to realize that I wasn't taking any damage anymore... And that there were seed turrets spawning all over as if to save me. They started attacking the Champ and it ticked down another % or so - it was so close to dying!

    Then my protective plant shroud disappeared and I was running again, desperately trying to live. However, I was still so low from before I had initially cast the elite that I was quickly downed. Instantly I spammed "Lick Wounds" (As many downs in the open world had taught me).

    As I inched closer to death another party members says "OMG It's so close". Fractions of a second before I was about to die my pet starts reviving me - and it happens. One of the slow arching shots of the plant mortar near me lands the final blow on the champion and I revive - I was absolutely stunned.

    My party was absolutely ecstatic and kept typing things like "Plant mode ftw" and "Salad mvp". In that moment I felt like I was a seasoned GW2 player just like the rest.

    Definitely died to the root attack from the nightmare tree just moments after that though.

    Picture of my character roughly around the time

    [33:00] The Story of Vermont's Jekyll & Hyde

    The story of Clarence Adams. (Spoilers in the Wikipedia article)

    TLDW - spoilers!


    The culprit of a 15 year spree of burglaries is found to be none other than one of the most respected members of the community Clarence Adams. At the time of the burglaries, Adams was not only a selectmen of his town of Chester, but also one of the most determined in the criminal's apprehension offering his own money for their capture.

    However, Adams is caught after his 15 year spree when he accidentally triggers another town member's trap in the towns mill and is shot in the leg.

    After his death, rumors came out about Adams' ability to cheat death. 19 years after his death, burglaries were still being blamed on him.

    Not always after trash

    Alt: Image of a Raccoon smelling some light purple flowers

    Pizza Beam Shot

    Flashlight: Big 'ol incandescent Maglite

    Using Craigslist to make a band [13 Min]

    Pretty humorous imo. Someday, I too wish to be "Hello Fresh" famous

    When it's Friday night and you're a few drinks deep

    What's an owl's favorite game?

    Spoiler idk formatting is wild

    Guess Who!

    S7:E26 - Meanwhile | Moon-Balloon making sound

    This might sound insane... but on a rewatch of S7 E26 near the beginning I swear I hear the 'jumping pixar lamp sound'.

    This happens when Fry and Leela are entering the carnival and Fry has a balloon made of Leela. The carnival personal making the balloon I swear is the noise of the Pixar lamp jumping.

    Craterface Balloon making

    That time of year - look for friends that need hugs!

    Alt Text: image of Will Ferrell in the movie Elf getting a hug from a friendly and loving raccoon.

    NLD - Emisar KC1 Keychain light

    Early Christmas present from family - Hank's Emisar KC1 Keychain light.

    Super tiny, photo below of it next to the D2.

    LED: SST20 4000k

    Body: (Red)

    Currently using an AAA battery as I don't have any 10440s

    Perfect for a keychain (unsure if the bands included were meant for what I chose to use them for... But it works)

    Flashlight Identification

    Alt text: Image of the character James Holden with a flashlight in S04 E7 "A Shot in the Dark" of The Expanse.

    Hello all - hoping to find out if this is a real flashlight or not. In season 4 episode 7 of "The Expanse" James Holden has a flashlight that toggles between a normal light and UV (seen below).

    I know often props are just props, but was curious if this was available as a real light.


    $184K for your very own "bar" and heart shaped hot tub

    Does Anet Nerf Every Class Next Patch? [Poll] Does Anet Nerf Every Class (GW2) Next Patch - Online Poll -

    What's your opinion? Vote now: Yes, No, Buffs for each class except Ele...

    Does Anet Nerf Every Class (GW2) Next Patch - Online Poll -

    Link to the Strawpoll

    Bonus points if you can guess which class is nerfed the hardest.


    Alt Text: Image of my boi Gurgi finding the weed

    One Time 2x Astral Acclaim from Dailies

    You can receive 2x Astral Acclaim once if you haven't bought the new expansion yet.


    1.) Finish dailies

    2.) Log out

    3.) Add expac to account

    4.) Login

    5.) Repeat dailies for more Astral Acclaim

    It won't give you more AP and it only works once, so not anything too useful - but wanted to share.

    [Game] Madden 24 (Windows)

    Just a quick review of Madden 24 on the Steam Deck (Windows 10 - BaldSeaLion Guide).

    Quick Summary: Overall the game runs quite well on the Steam Deck. There are dips and slight freezes, but some of that is just the poor performance with the game (Same issues on my desktop - 2080/5800X3D).

    The Radeon control panel monitoring has it at 28fps average with occasional dips to 24 with the default GPU settings. I haven't tried a lower resolution with upscaling.

    Everything in the game is functional and I'm able to play franchise mode and online.

    Using Steam Deck Tools I can easily swap to Xbox360 controller mode and did not need to re-keybind anything.

    I did initially have CryoUtilities on with the default settings, but that was causing the game to hang every 10 seconds or so. Without CryoUtilities the game will only hang while transitioning to the half-time / 'video' type summarizes of the game (I assume most people skip this).

    Lastly, I am using Windows 10 instead of using Windows 11 due to EA Anti-cheat requiring SecureBoot to be configured correctly. On Windows 10, EA Anti-cheat ignores the Secureboot requirement. ( I believe I investigated getting it to work on Windows 11 to exhaustion, but if someone is able to achieve Windows 11 compatibility with the game, please let me know).

    Quick Edit: Within my Steam Deck BIOS I do have the VRAM set to 4GB

    Winged_Hussar Winged_Hussar

    My name is Matt. I enjoy helping people with technology related issues. I also like adorable animals.

    Je suis seul car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel

    Et je meurs car il ne veut pas apprendre Excel

    Comme les marins, qui fument des cigarettes sur le canal, ah.

    Mais Excel ne sera pas appris aujourd

    Posts 40
    Comments 230