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Jon Stewart skewers Biden, Trump in ‘Daily Show’ return: ‘What the f‑‑‑ are we doing here?’
  • Thank you for taking the time to write out such a well reasoned rebuttal. I'm always on mobile and simply don't have the stamina, but I appreciate all the points you've laid out.

    I am always sad when I see the left wing criticisms of the "both sides" argument on Lemmy. Like, I don't necessarily disagree, but I find the whole premise of one side vs another as some of the worst tendencies in democracy at work. I refuse to equate left vs. right == democracy. It's bigger than that.

    And speaking of democracy, I think it's really important that everyone be unbiased around what constitutes a threat to democracy. Yes, J6 was objectively bad, and I don't trust Trump to put his big boy pants on in round two. But I'm also alarmed at the lengths to which this legitimate fear is used as a justification for antidemocratic strategy from the DNC.

    No matter their political ideology, when people start letting fear inform every decision - and justify their worse impulses - I get reeaaaalll nervous, as should we all.

  • Removed
    Kamala Harris Says She Is Ready to Serve as Biden Faces Age Scrutiny
  • Hell no to Harris, she has negative charm every interview I've seen, like she has utter contempt for anyone else.

    There were 4 opeds in the NYT over the weekend talking about Biden's age, which felt remarkably candid for the elite rag it is. One of them in particular was an "interesting" idea where Biden is swapped out before the convention, but after the primaries / delegates are assigned. Democracy FTW (/s)

    Now that I think about it though, why would the aides actually running the white house want a real leader? Seems like they have it pretty good as it is.

  • What's with all the tech layoffs?
  • Definitely agree it's not an Illuminati cabal meeting in hoods and masks.

    But it's not not that either - there's lots of overlap on boards of directors and VCs invested in these companies. They're in the same circles and probably play golf together. Or, they hang out on the tarmac before their Davos keynotes on saving the world.

  • Pakistan launches strikes inside Iran against militant targets
  • Great call out, I've been keeping up with that saga and it seems things never change when it comes to the US state department.

    I'm beginning to feel that the instability caused by US hegemony is a feature, not a bug.

  • AirDrop cracked by China, revealing phone number and email
  • Ahh, interesting to read about the technique, thanks for the link. For anyone else curious, here's a TLDR quote:

    In 2021, researchers at Germany's Technical University of Darmstadt reported that they had devised practical ways to crack what Apple calls the identity hashes used to conceal identities while AirDrop determines if a nearby person is in the contacts of another. One of the researchers' attack methods relies on rainbow tables.

  • Your Sci-Fi suggestions
  • I see a number of things on your list I also enjoy (and some I haven't seen so thanks for the recs!).

    I've got a pretty long list, but I think only the first three are scifi in the space faring long run series sense. Including some others in the genre more broadly, in case any look interesting too:

    • The Final Architecture, Adrian Tchaikovsky
    • Altered Carbon, Richard K Morgan
    • A deepness in the sky, Vernor Vinge
    • The Acts of Caine, Matthew Stover
    • Roadside Picnic, Arkady Strugatsky
    • Broken Earth Trilogy, NK Jemison
    • Nexus Trilogy, Ramez Naam
    • Old man's War, John Scalzi
  • Your Sci-Fi suggestions
  • Ditto on the Becky Chambers series. I actually liked the second book the most narratively, and if the OP likes Murderbot, they may really enjoy similar themes around artificial intelligence. I also really liked the final installment. It's a familiar setup with strangers locked in a room together, but I found it very meditative. Also, it wraps up one series character's journey to a decision that I found very profound.

  • Apple will require court order to give push notification data to law enforcement Apple will require court order to give push notification data to law enforcement

    Apple will now require a court order or search warrant to give push notification data to law enforcement in a shift from the previous practice of accepting a subpoena to hand over data. In Apple…

    Apple will require court order to give push notification data to law enforcement
    Photos and Videos Online Storage
  • I've used ente on a family plan for the last year and really like it. Although I have the aptitude to run a NAS, the last thing I want to do in my free time is look at a terminal. So for me, ente has been great - pretty plug and play.

  • The Ghosts of the Worldwide Surveillance Apparatus Show Their Hand
  • Most people have. I was hopeful that the extension on FISA / section 702 would get removed from the NDAA today but it looks like that failed 65-35. I suppose some hope still remains as it works it's way through the house, and / or the extension ends.

    Not holding my breath, though.

  • Cloud engineer gets 2 years for wiping ex-employer’s code repos
  • Oof

    Following his dismissal, Brody allegedly refused to return his work laptop and instead used his still-valid account to access the bank's computer network and cause damages estimated to be above $220,000


    Impersonated another cloud engineer at FRB to access the firm's network and make configuration changes

    I can see this at a mid size startup or enterprise, but a bank?

  • US govt pays AT&T to let cops search Americans' phone records – 'usually' without a warrant US government pays AT&T to let cops search phone records

    At least get a court order before mining Hemisphere Project data, says Senator

    US government pays AT&T to let cops search phone records

    > A senator has complained that American law enforcement agencies snoop on US citizens and residents, seemingly without regard for the privacy provisions of the Fourth Amendment, under a secret program called the Hemisphere Project that allows police to conduct searches of trillions of phone records.

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