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Western "nations" join forces to break China’s grip on critical minerals
  • Last time they did this, China dumped all over the market and killed all the competition after they invested a ton of money.

    I don't think it will come to that. The investors will spend a lot of money and everything will be way over budget and years late

  • China's chip capabilities just 3 years behind TSMC, teardown shows
  • As I just posted to Yogthos, it's the downtime that will be costly here. The mirrors and prisms can be made cheaply enough when you take China's supply chain and large scale manufacturing into account, but the loss of production will have to be reduced somehow. Lasers require incredible precision; the difference between just barely touching the allen wrench and not can make the beam go from centered on target to completely off the detector. This translates to hours of tedious adjustments to get the beam back on target, even with alignment pins.

  • China's chip capabilities just 3 years behind TSMC, teardown shows
  • I mean, as-is with much lower power lasers, it's written up as a cost of operation. What used to be parts that were installed once and then never touched are now regular maintenance tasks.

    I don't think the mirrors and prisms will be the expensive part in the grand scheme of things, but the downtime to shift spots and replace components will be expensive.

  • China's chip capabilities just 3 years behind TSMC, teardown shows
  • An EUV laser blasting at 1 kW is gonna absolutely chew through optical components. I hope they're making some serious advances in materials science. Contemporary components like mirrors, attenuators, filters, etc start degrading when you blast them with more than 1W of DUV.

  • According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), "Updated July 26, 2024"

    CHIPS Incentives application stage: Due diligence

    Payments have not been disbursed yet. The money is supposed to be disbursed when the fabs are producing chips, IIRC, and they have barely started moving tools into one of the fabs. The article linked in the X.Com The Everything App post you linked says the payments and loans were announced. One of the big sticking points of the act was the government didn't want to Foxconn it, so they tied payment to completion. According to NIST, they haven't paid anyone shit yet.

    A bigger chunk of their shit earnings can be blamed on Brandon prohibiting them from selling chips to the largest market in the world.

  • muh defaced monuments.
  • They damaged the American Civic Religion reliquary! George Washington is mad at us now!

  • US government to further restrict European chip exports and services to China. 😂
  • It's too late, Joe. America's racist policies already drove a whole host of brilliant Chinese scientists and engineers back home with all of the knowledge they helped create. Every time you tighten your grip, more and more of the semiconductor market slips out of your grasp.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • You gotta touch grass more often, keep Nothing Ever Happens Gang on the ropes

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • shooter is apperently dead.


  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • The X Dot Com "The Everything Site" video showing a dead guy on the roof looked pretty white.

  • Those terracotta armies? Ancient WMDs.
  • What is this Tomb Raider?

  • Boy Harsher - Lost

    > Can you love me > The way that I love you? > An endless ache

    Check out this dope ass bear
    Starting a Party. How do?

    I'm going to try keeping this as anonymous as possible, so I won't be going into where I am, of course.

    An IRL comrade told me several years ago that the only way ahead in political organizing where I am is to start something myself. I disagreed at the time and I've spent the intervening years trying to find an org that was doing something and not handicapped by a poisonous national committee. The benefit to that was that I've found some good IRL comrades from various shitty orgs that would be worth joining with in the struggle, but that first comrade was right and I hate it.

    I want democratic-centralism. I want political education. I want praxis.

    So, I come to you with this question: How do?

    More specifically, regarding political education, does anyone have a good, well-ordered reading list? Like, from babby's first socialism to contemporary political analysis.

    I'm much less worried about the praxis side, as the majority of my experience is in labor organizing and the other comrades I want to propose this idea to have experience in other community organizing.

    WashedAnus WashedAnus [he/him]


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