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5 days ago

  • Unbelievable how common this still is. Hope we can get rid of WW2 bombs in time for WW3 bombs.

  • There's also a lot more nostalgia for the "good old days" than France or Germany seem to have.

    There definitely was at the time but we've caught up since. Even in Germany despite what the "good old days" refer to here. The specific rhetoric varies between countries but ultimately this is just what happens when you rally morons and make them feel like they understand politics no matter the place.

  • It's fine but even though I'm a foss enthusiast I gotta say MS Word is more convenient.

  • It's legit and hopefully it'll gain traction. Canada, Australia and NZ have all expressed their interest in developing closer relations. We share common interests and (arguably more importantly these days) we also share common values. Australia is also the backbone of US surveillance of the Southern hemisphere. And Canada's geostrategic position is significant as well. It would be foolish not to pursue this with the utmost effort.

  • Ich dachte mir ich probier's spaßeshalber mal aus aber ich bin jetzt schon sicher dass es kein Zurück mehr gibt 😄 Voyager ist als App einfach überlegen und es ist auch eine kritische Masse an Nutzern da, sodass man nicht das Gefühl hat immer mit denselben 5 Köpfen zu quatschen. Ich bin wunschlos glücklich.

  • Thanks for the summary. What I think is important to note is that in Russia's version of Project 2025 (published in 1997) the author had already announced it:

    The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from the European Union.

    The book also states plans for Germany and France that are interesting in the light of recent events:

    Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe

    France should be encouraged to form a bloc with Germany, as they both have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".

    Bottom line is Brits aren't more naive, nationalistic or what have you than the rest of us, we've just been assigned different roles by Moscow.

  • This is the most devastating thing that could have happened to those women. Courts are gone. This will end when someone steps up and puts Trump and his stooges down like the rabid dogs they are.

  • Tbh it doesn't feel satisfying to think about with children being involved. At least they won't have time to become woke because unlike real life threatening diseases that's obviously bad.

  • Ich🚧iel

  • Rennbuckel

  • Die wollen garantiert keine Amis auf ihrem Boden auch wenn es aktuell nach Annäherung aussieht. Und Trump will ja auch gar keine tatsächliche Politik machen. Ich könnte mir eher vorstellen dass er versuchen wird Teile des Arsenals an Putin zu verkaufen (ohne dass ich dafür konkrete Anhaltspunkte habe).