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Humans are now the African savannah’s top predator
  • Idk about the scientific validity of this approach, anyone care to comment?

  • House sends Senate bill to avert government shutdown
  • I'm just kidding, I already held my employer hostage for a raise.

    Life Pro tip: be the only person that knows how to do a valuable thing. We don't get attaboy raises for existing anymore unfortunately or even cost of living increases it seems.

  • Republicans reject own funding bill, US government shutdown imminent
  • The issue is that you morons come in and say troll shit and then wait two days and then try to make it into a serious conversation like you weren't just being a fucking cunt to begin with goodbye

  • We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world
  • -starts cooking with Teflon and metal spatula exclusively-

  • Republicans reject own funding bill, US government shutdown imminent
  • Church it up however you like Wesley, I call it like I see it.

  • Rep. Bowman under investigation for pulling fire alarm as McCarthy compares it to Jan. 6
  • They'll probably want to lock Biden up over it

  • FBI arrests Proud Boys member who disappeared days before sentencing over role in Jan. 6

    --as you storm away to your room and slam the door--

  • House sends Senate bill to avert government shutdown
  • Oh cool we all get pay raises? Where's mine?

  • Rich Americans are stiffing the taxman to the tune of $66 billion
  • If you did more than react to the title while jerking yourself off about how fucking brilliant you are, you'd realize that the context here is that somebody is saying what they want to do about it. But don't let me get in the way of your fucking psycho maniacal ranting, do you boo 😘

  • FBI arrests Proud Boys member who disappeared days before sentencing over role in Jan. 6
  • When you stop acting like a child people will stop treating you like one. It isn't rocket science.

  • FBI arrests Proud Boys member who disappeared days before sentencing over role in Jan. 6
  • Classic Golden Rule. Stooping to their level doesn't do you any good nor does it do the country any good nor does it do your fellow citizens any good so cut it out.

  • House gives subpoena ultimatum to Mayorkas, demands data on terrorism suspects jumping the border
  • That's because they were probably all stuffed into detention cells and raped into submission during Trump's tenure.

  • FBI arrests Proud Boys member who disappeared days before sentencing over role in Jan. 6
  • Easy with the Justice boner, it's not an attractive look no matter how right or wrong you are.

  • Disney+ to Crack Down on Password Sharing in Canada
  • Tis that time indeed matey

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein, an 'icon for women in politics,' dies at 90, source confirms
  • Can we get some of the clipart Style with the glossy glass rounded rectangle

  • Ask Ubermeisters
    Users of Lemmy Who Always Need To Get The Last Word: How Do You Feel About GPT?

    It always has to have the last word. always. Do you say bye and close the window before it can respond? haha

    I'm over the Reddit posts / comments

    image is "distracted boyfriend" meme but vertically extended with AI out-painting. the distracted boyfriend, who is staring at the distracting girl's legs, is labelled "reddit users who keep posting about reddit for some reason", the girlfriend has the Lemmy mouse for a head and is labelled "Lemmy users". The distracting woman walking towards camera has her face replaced with Steve Huffman, CEO and fall guy for Reddit inc. her face is labelled "what reddit actually it" and her feminine legs are labelled "what they wanted it to be".

    Ubermeisters Ubermeisters
    Posts 3
    Comments 892