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The fediverse in a nutshell
  • Came here to say this.

  • Is the country you are from more of a 'Hugger' or a 'formal Handshake' kind of culture when it comes to greeting each other?
  • Handshake in Hungary.

    However in my friends group it's often hug, especially when we haven't seen each other a long time. I like it. It's nice.

  • If You Had to Worship or be the Champion of an Ancient Greek God/Goddess Which One Would You Pick?
  • GOD how I love the animated Hercules movie. It's a masterpiece.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ha! I would do it for $999.999.

  • i <3 statistics
  • That's true! But I think more than one "front" can be open in this battle. And we also need the ones that can be won quicker or easier. Or at least start those too.

  • Wholesome math teacher
  • Exactly, you are going to lower and lower powers. (Is power the word in English here?)

    ax², bx¹, cx⁰

  • Wholesome math teacher
  • It's so strange that it was always taught me as a²+b²+2ab. Of course I know it doesn't matter, but still strange to see it this way.

  • Bruh
  • Scaled and controversial sort?
  • I really don't know why that happens to you, seems odd. Maybe worth a Github issue alongside a couple of logs from your server.

  • Anyone want to join me and my wife in Destiny 2?
  • Yeah, when I only skimmed over the title I was thinking, whoa, are we doing this on Lemmy? Okay, nice!

  • EU takes action against Elon Musk's X over disinformation
  • And fortunately they made the law future proof. It doesn't say that "hey, you should use USB-C" but it says "hey, you should use the connector mentioned in Appendix H which is defined by committee R". That way they don't need to start over the whole bureaucratic process the pass the law, just ask a committee to reevaluate the tech and they change the appendix. It can be USB-D from tomorrow.

  • Beautiful like the moon
  • Except when you take that photo with a Samsung. Then the picture of the moon is always perfect.

  • ‘The Count of Monte-Cristo’ Movie Unveils First Look at Pierre Niney as Pathé, Chapter 2 Wrap Production
  • No need for any other Monte Cristo movie after THE one with Gérard Depardieu.

    (I know he is a loon now, I still love his old movies.)

  • Am I going to coffee geek jail?
  • Believe it or not, jail.

  • Scaled and controversial sort?
  • I dunno. I use it since I can and (at least for me) it's awesome. Finally fresh posts from little communities besides the big ones, far more diversity. I love it.

  • She scolds me about not buying anything in the bar we hang at
  • You are not doing anything wrong. She is a bitch.

  • Posts that I've marked as read still show up even though Show read posts is disabled
  • This read/unread thing is broken on the web frontends and e.g. in Sync too since the v0.19 server updates.

  • Any updates?

    Hey or any other mod/dev/anybody.

    Is Sync still a thing? I saw you haven't commented on lemmy for 2 months now. There are no updates here or on the Play Store. Lemmy v0.19 is rapidly coming with breaking changes. Are you prepared for that?

    Thanks in the name of the community!

    TheGreenGolem TheGreenGolem
    Posts 4
    Comments 542