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  • I'm a fan of BNA's tanuki main character Michiru, and Summer Tanuki's storyline, and how Tom Nook's name is pun with Tanuki and...

    The stars just aligned for me, I swear.

  • Onde posso comprar um Raspberry Pi Zero (ou clone)? - Pi-Hole

    Olá, usuarios de nossa nação;

    Eu moro em uma família de maioria inexperiente com computadores e acho que seria uma boa ideia instalar um DNS Pi-Hole aqui em casa, já que este é relativamente simples (considerando que eu estou familiarizado com o ambiente Linux) e extremamente útil. O único problema é conseguir à máquina em si por um preço razoável, já que, mesmo usados, eu não consegui preços ótimos. Então, existe algum lugar para comprar ele por um preço melhor ou uma alternativa que também funcione, agradeceria!

    You like using the command line, dont you?
  • They are two different software, hyfetch being a remake of neofetch.

  • some people just don't deserve good things.

  • amen
  • Is it?

  • "Special needs"
  • Same

  • You like using the command line, dont you?
  • sorry for the delay

    go to ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/hyfetch/distros/ and find yours. Open it on a text editor and replace the entire ascii part with this

    ${c1}   .;       .o    ccccl;       'd          d
      c         .c.  ,,   .,;,   'c           l
      o           ;:. o.      ,:;c            ;
      c            .k,,;.       ,.            ;
      c           ,l,.'...                    :
      l                                       d
      l                                       d
      :.       ......         ',;;'.':'.     d.
       o    ,k...KXXXk       .XXXX,  ,;    ,:. 
    ;'.'d,  c.   NXXXO       .XXXX;   l  .:;..o
    'l..... l    0XXXl        0XXK    c     .c.
      ;;.   ,.   .co,  ,,.     ..     '   .:'  
       c, ',:'.                    .;c,.   :,  
      ,;    .        ;,,;;;,,;             ,c 
      ''.'',,,.                    .';;...'''. 
              .doc;...          .,:.           
                :,                ;c           
                 .k.               .l          
                .o'.                ,c         
                 .'d                 :.        
                  d                   l        
                 .d                   d    

    save it then do hyfetch -c, for this i used the default options :3

  • You like using the command line, dont you?
  • 3.5 and a lot of faith on redunduncy

  • Every generation has some product/ingredient that they didn’t know was dangerous at the time: tobacco, lead, asbestos, etc. What is that item for this generation?
  • there is a comically high amount of random shit that can be made of highly dangerous materials just be cause no one bothered to make regulation against it

    like motherfucking breakpads. The average lawyer has more to do than care about the law on the materials of breakpads.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • can you prevent someone from copying it in the first place?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • EW

    HavingAWebPlataformOfMajorImportanceNotBeUsableByMostUsersAfterAMinorBug% Speedrun LMAO

  • I'm the author of an April Fool's Internet Standard, AMA
  • what if, at some point, the standards and protocols you helped developed are applied?

  • gender rule
  • DOG lmao

  • uni rule
  • amazing.

  • You like using the command line, dont you?

    im sorry

    made on hyfetch (a mod of neofetch) by modifying the preset file for my distro (in this case Pop!_OS) to be the boy kisser

    Mozilla opposes Web Integrity API proposal
  • try not to ruin the user experience to make more money challenge (impossible)

  • Mozilla opposes Web Integrity API proposal
  • never thought of that, let me try...

  • Mozilla opposes Web Integrity API proposal
  • every day that passes we are closer to the day using TOR is not an option.

  • ThaNook ThaNookLmao

    #1 Firefox Lover, Rarely Active, Ever Changing, #1 Tanuki Fan, Professional :3 User, Autism Haver, English Language Hater, Brazilian, Pop!_OS Linux user, FOSS fan, Developer for Sex2, Furry, Very Possible Boykisser, Reddit 196 refugee, Avarage 2014 Internet Randomness Enjoyer. Tumblr:@thanook

    Posts 2
    Comments 36