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It's the 1st of April! Did you do or get an April's Fool? What was it?
  • That's awesome, congratulations to you too!

  • It's the 1st of April! Did you do or get an April's Fool? What was it?
  • It's our first wedding anniversary today and we agreed no pranks so we could relax and enjoy it. Not that either of us are the pranking type anyway really, but better to agree it out loud šŸ˜„

  • How many communities are you subscribed to?
  • I remember posting this question just after the Reddit exodus so went back to look at my stats from back then. According to the post I'd been on Lemmy for 12 days and had subscribed to:

    • 121 Lemmy communities
    • 42 Kbin magazines
    • 163 total

    That was just on this account though, and I have two accounts with fairly different feeds. So let's say I was probably on a total of around 180-200 then across both accounts, and have been adding them at a slow but steady rate

    That gives us a scientifically sound estimate of my current total subscriptions: a lot.

  • No one should be proud of where they were born
  • Lol I didn't even see that, fair enough šŸ˜„

  • No one should be proud of where they were born
  • Came prepared to downvote this for being common sense, but judging by the comments it actually is surprisingly unpopular! Well played.

  • Should I add hashtags to Lemmy posts
  • I can only speak for how it shows up on Mastodon, but over there any hashtags we try and add here just show up as plain text and don't show in the actual tag feed, so it does nothing for discoverability.

  • The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify
  • Actually will, cheers for the recommendation!

  • What's your hobby or hobbies?
  • Ooh what are you on with atm? I'm embroiled in a minimalist city builder thing and just got to the part where I need to learn to animate things, which I have been full-on dreading.

  • "Men are bad at picking up on women's hints." What are your actual thoughts on this sentiment?
  • I could've written this comment word for word. It really does make things a lot easier to just be direct, being able to do this is one of the very few outright advantages of our non-standard brains imo!

  • Would you rather live in a big city or a small town?
  • UK answer: city 100% no question.

    Being able to actually get places and do things and have people to do those things with, I don't even know how a small town could ever compare. Grew up in one, currently living in another one, both crap.

  • The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify
  • Somehow genuinely had no idea Gojira were French so, TIL!

    Also wtf South Africa.

  • After eight years, i resigned as a moderator of my community
  • Gotta actually link things if you want people to find them, my friend! šŸ˜‰

  • I want Nintendo Streetpass in my life again...
  • For the Mastodon users among us, obligatory plug

  • What is a dish whose component parts you all like individually, but put together as a dish you think is nasty?
  • Thank you for experiencing this so the rest of us don't have to.

  • Get penetrated, Cosmic Extremes
  • Interesting! Tbf there is very little going on in our small town, a cult might spice things up a bit.

  • Subscribing to New Communities
  • If you're the first person from your instance to subscribe to that community, you'll only see new posts. If there is a particular post or comment you want to reply to, though, you can grab the URL and put it into your instance's search box to sort of force it to federate across.

  • Get penetrated, Cosmic Extremes

    Got this through our letterbox yesterday. What sort of supernatural powers do we think they're talking?

    I did always quite fancy the power of invisibility when I was younger although nowadays I'd probably pick teleportation. Not sure where "supernatural power" ends and "superhero power" begins, though šŸ¤”

    Maybe this is more like the ability to be slightly see-through and float 6 inches off the ground. Which I guess is still cool in its own way.

    Alpha Male v0.00003
  • Rock and stone, my friend ā›

  • Sony is now testing PSVR 2 support for PC
  • I'm still using the v1 headset but have to admit this would probably tip me over into upgrading.

  • Most Bri'ish thing I've seen today
  • This kind of nonsense is the reason I've not been to a hairdresser since I was 16. Which is both a) a very long time ago and b) readily apparent just by looking at me.

  • Anyone else unreasonably hyped for new Gladiators?

    I feel like most Saturday TV from my childhood wouldn't hold up, but in my mind at least Gladiators was the exception! Really hope they don't ruin it.

    (17:50, BBC1 for the unaware)

    So, which app are we all moving to?

    Now that 0.19 is in testing on a couple of servers we're faced with the reality that Liftoff is probably not going to be functional for much longer. So I'm curious what everyone's got planned.

    Personally I've got my eye on ! which is currently under development but looks like it might be the closest to my ideal. Developer describes it thusly:

    > I liked the feature richness of Liftoff (e.g. the possibility to explore all the communities of an external instance), the multi-community feature of Summit and the polished UI of Thunder and I wished I could have them all in the same app.

    It's currently very promising, but also very buggy so I'm hopeful it might be in a more usable state by the time 0.19 starts majorly rolling out. We shall see. The dev put out a call for testers a couple days ago but I'm sure more wouldn't hurt if anyone wants to give it a whirl.

    I've tried most of the main Android options by this point, Summit gets the most use just because of multi-communities (great for sports and other happening-right-now events) but I'm really not a fan of its interface.

    Boost looks nice and simple, but I find a lot of the features to be just straight-up broken.

    Sync and Eternity both put me off with their looks even though they look totally different to each other!

    Connect would probably be my second choice so far, but I'd still need to keep Summit around for the multi-communities which is a bit annoying.

    That's about the extent of my investigations at this point. Would love to hear which you've tried and what you like / dislike from the point of view of a Liftoff user. Let's get some recommendations ironed out before everything breaks and this group is overrun with people asking why šŸ˜…

    What's a low-stakes, achieveable goal on your bucket list?

    Could be outstanding, could be something you've already completed.

    I like to break my goals down into a sort of ladder with the eventual goal at the top, but smaller achievements on the way. So to that end my bucket list includes such gems as:

    • Go out for a meal alone
    • Buy a fancy ice lolly without feeling guilty about it
    • Climb up the nearby hill without stopping for a break
    • Reach out to for a catchup
    • Finish reading the whole Discworld book series (I never did read the last one, iykyk)
    LotRO is as cozy as I remember it

    Haven't been feeling well this week so I took the opportunity to log into the game for the first time in years. Maybe Past Me knew when she logged out that it was going to be for a while, because she made sure I was in a lovely spot for the sunrise when I came back!

    Happy to see Laurelin server is still going strong, I've been pottering around it on and off for 12 years now and still never even made it to Moria due to spending all my time farming, smoking pipe-weed on the roof of my hobbit house, and back in the day playing quite a lot of creep and RP-selling dyes in Bree when I should've been levelling instead šŸ˜…

    That's my Christmas break game sorted, anyway. Do they still do the Yule festival?

    I'm poorly and would like cheering up please

    Went down with a mysterious cough on Tuesday night. Seemed like just a bad cold Wednesday, got worse and added dizziness to the mix Thursday, now today the dizziness is gone (hooray) but whatever I've got has changed tack and is trying out severe nausea on me instead (booo).

    Was supposed to be out tomorrow with a friend I've not seen since August. Not impressed.

    So while I spend the next few days swooning around the house complaining about it like an actual child, I'd love to hear some happy things to focus on instead!

    Weekend plans, amusing anecdotes, promises to avenge me should I not make it through, jokes at my expense, all equally welcome. For the love of god just distract me šŸ˜­

    GameMaker is going free for non-commercial use GameMaker Is Growing - Celebrate With More Free Options This Thanksgiving | GameMaker

    We're updating GameMakerā€™s pricing and adding more free options. Plus free asset bundles for everyone!

    GameMaker Is Growing - Celebrate With More Free Options This Thanksgiving | GameMaker

    Plus switching from the subscription model to a one-time fee for commercial PC-only license. Nice.

    I enjoyed this part of the announcement:

    > We have seen other platforms making awkward moves with their pricing and terms, so we thought, what if we did the opposite

    I wonder who they could possibly be referencing šŸ¤”

    Went for a night out in my husband's hometown on Saturday.

    First pub, two drinks, Ā£10.70. Ouch, we thought. But that must just be what it costs round there nowadays.

    Second pub, literally round the corner. Same two drinks came to Ā£6 something.

    I'm trying to be normal today and do my actual job instead of falling into a hyperfixated rabbithole of how pubs work and how they can possibly be so different despite being in essentially the same location and about the same size. But I can't get it out of my mind!

    Both of them had dogs in, so it can't be that. The more expensive one was much more brightly lit, so maybe pub-grade lightbulbs are very expensive? šŸ¤”

    Any subject-matter experts hanging about who can put me out of my misery?

    UKCasual broke my phone...thanks guys

    You may or may not have heard of the gross Android 14 bug currently affecting people with multiple user accounts on their phone. I'm in this picture, hi, this is me.

    When I heard about the bug, I stopped using the second profile and everything seemed to be fine. A narrow escape, right?!

    Alas, no.

    This morning I saw something vaguely amusing, and thought "my friends at UKCasual will chortle quietly at this". Tried to take a crashed. And again. And that's apparently it! I now have no access to storage on my phone and am left hoping Google come up with a fix asap.

    Not even going to tell you what the amusing photo was, so ner.

    How's your day going? šŸ˜©

    Found Ā£2.80 down the back of our couch while cleaning. What should we spend it on?

    The two pound coins are especially manky, if that affects your suggestions at all.

    So. What degenerate thing do YOU* put in your Yorkshire puddings?

    Not that I'm admitting this is a degenerate meal, but it seems to be looked down on by everyone I know and haven't convinced to try it yet.

    • Basic plain pasta shells, cooked normally
    • Drain water
    • Add like half a block at least of chopped-up basic cheddar and stir it while it melts
    • Stuff into six (this is the appropriate amount, trust me) Yorkshires
    • Throw the pan away due to burnt cheese

    Easy peasy, lemon....cheezy? I await your judgement.

    *whoever replies with a penis joke first, loses

    Quick! Kenney's All-in-one Game Assets Bundle is free today! Kenney Game Assets All-in-1 by Kenney

    Includes 40,000+ game assets including 2D sprites, 3D models and more!

    Kenney Game Assets All-in-1 by Kenney

    Usually coats $19.95.

    I slept for most of this offer apparently but it's still available for nine and a half hours as of time of posting! You can claim it with your Itch account then download it later.

    As the man himself says, "Get all my game assets in a single bundle, great for learning new engines šŸ‘€"

    UK folks, if you could only listen to one album forever which album would it be?

    I'm off on holiday tomorrow and will have basically no internet for over a week. So naturally I'm downloading all the media I can think of, just in case of downtime.

    Thought it might be fun to solicit some musical suggestions from you lot to help expand my mind. So here we are. What's your ultimate all-time #1 album?

    My tastes are pretty eclectic\* so feel free to suggest basically anything, and maybe I'll update after holiday and judge what I thought of them all. Or maybe not, you know, that sounds like potentially quite a lot of effort.

    Cheers in advance!

    \* mostly on the alternative / rock side of things but also love various kinds of dance sub-genre on occasion and of course the genre-that-isn't-a-genre-at-all, Eurovision

    Thought I'd get a head start on the washing this morning

    Forgot my hands don't really work first thing, and the bottle of laundry juice was brand new and heavy.

    Luckily I've got two loads to go on and managed to scrape this lot off the bench with my hand into a spare one of those cup things. But urgh, the kitchen floor is all a bit Ghostbusters 2.

    Smells nice, like, it's got that going for it.

    My turn for the Thursday complaints thread!

    I guess whoever is up earliest on a Thursday gets to make it, and isn't being up really early cause enough for complaint in itself? Hmm, this is far too deep philosophy for so early in the morning.

    Anyway. My main complaint this week is that our new neighbours have got a new tiny puppy. It's a little bulldog type thing I believe, but absolutely tiny so even the couple of glimpses I've had of it running around the back garden it's been mostly hidden in the grass.

    The complain is not the existence of a new tiny neighbour, it's that I can't think of a not-socially awkward way of meeting it.

    I demand to meet the puppy!

    Anyway how's your Thursday? Get it all off your chest before the weekend, that's the healthy way.

    [CROSSPOST] Unpopular opinion about accessibility in gaming turns into actually a useful list of easy accessibility considerations

    cross-posted from:

    OP posted their unpopular opinion that game devs shouldn't be using their development time on making games accessible for people with disabilities.

    But check out the top comments, which have turned into basically a handy checklist of all the simple accessibility features we can easily add to our games!

    Thanks, OP šŸ˜„

    > Sorry in advance

    Megathread of useful gamedev feeds

    Since Lemmy is a terrible influence, Iā€™ve been convinced to give RSS another go as a means to get at the news that interests me interesting stuff that Iā€™d otherwise miss. Itā€™s actually working surprisingly well, so I thought Iā€™d share some gamedev-specific resources that Iā€™ve subscribed to so far.

    My current approach for the feed is to subscribe to basically anything that looks interesting, then prune it later if it turns out to be no good or be too spammy. So Iā€™d very much appreciate suggestions of blogs, magazines, video channels, podcasts, whatever is RSS-able!




    • MCV / Develop Magazine - News, interviews etc from around the UK gaming industry
    • Game Developer (nĆ©e Gamasutra) - Lots of interesting news and articles among the nonsense here but I canā€™t find a way to sub to only certain categories, so may be too spammy. Weā€™ll see.


    • LOSTGARDEN - Self-described as ā€œa rare treasure trove of readable, thoughtful essays on game design theory, art and the business of designā€ and itā€™s not wrong
    • Keith Burgun Games - Basically a personal blog that includes devlog updates, general musings on gamedev, and a podcast
    • Blobs in Games - Technical articles that mostly go over my head but are interesting to read through anyway to see what sort of thing actual smart people get up to
    • Brandon Cole - Game reviews and other articles from the perspective of a blind gamer who works as an accessibility consultant. Really interesting read, and audio versions of posts are included.




    I donā€™t really do podcasts but would like to get into them more, so any recommendations for this section very welcome!


    Did you know you can still subscribe to YouTube channels via RSS? This should help with the problem of YT trying to decide what we actually want to see, versus what weā€™ve literally told it we want to see. So far Iā€™ve RSS-followed:

    • GDC - An excellent resource that you all no doubt already know about
    • Going Indie - Video essay type content on the business side of games, from a guy who started his own indie studio
    • Ask Gamedev - Despite the name this is more of a showcase channel for indie / solo games, but itā€™s fun for a bit of occasional inspiration
    • Grant Abbitt - Actually a 3d modelling channel focusing on Blender but the way he explains things has been invaluable for me and my game

    Plus a couple of devlog channels by members of this community that Iā€™d like to make sure I donā€™t miss:

    If any of you reading this have your own devlog channel, please share, Iā€™d love to check it out too!


    For anyone thinking of joining the RSS revolution, Iā€™m trying out Inoreader which Iā€™d seen recommended a fair bit around Lemmy. Not too sold on it yet, but the free plan is a decent enough start.

    > interesting stuff that Iā€™d otherwise miss

    [RESOURCE] Easy Releasy by Jannik Boysen gives you one less thing to think about when releasing games on Itch

    Saw the author tooting about this project on Mastodon and I wanted to share it with everyone here.

    Weā€™ve all been there. You get to the end of a game jam and realise you need to set up an Itch page asap, or youā€™re wrapping up a long term project and youā€™re too burnt out to have the energy to even think.

    This is a template pack that aims to take that pesky thinking out of the process. Just follow the template dimensions for the various images on your Itch page, and thatā€™s one less thing to worry about and one more thing helping you stand out from all those unloved pages out there.

    Find the download at:

    Waiting for the daily chat thread to go up like...

    Anyway. How are we all doing this aggressively sunny Monday morning? Anyone get up to anything exciting over the weekend?

    I've just woke up, managed to get a bit of relaxing done this weekend although not as much as planned so feeling extra bitter about being back to work. Hay fever is on a mission to kill me. Not getting much sleep in general at the moment which is making everything else seem ten times worse.

    On the bright side we went swimming yesterday and last time my legs really started to stiffen up the day after but this time I've escaped unscathed, so just goes to show how quickly it makes a difference! Also I managed to sort of half figure out a concept in my game dev hobby that's been kicking my arse the last couple weeks. Still a long way to go until it actually works properly, but I'm making progress and quite proud.

    For once, Past Me really put the legwork in on a project last week so Present Me gets to have a fairly slack Monday for once. Sounds good to me!

    New mod intro & taking feedback on the community so far!

    TL;DR New moderator, so please do report any problematic posts or comments. What sort of content would you like to see here? Post-mortems? AMAs? And a reminder that we allow self-promo here but only if it adds value from a gamedev perspective.


    Hi all! You might have seen my name around in the community. Iā€™ve been here since before the Reddit blackouts, which I guess makes me some kind of ancient lemming-witch, and spent the last few weeks trying to kick off discussion threads and shilling our community at every opportunity which is probably how some of you made your way here in the first place.

    Iā€™ve recently been appointed as community mod by an instance admin (thank you Ada <3), due to our lead (and only other) mod currently being inactive.

    Firstly, please know this isnā€™t a grab for power, it just makes sense to have someone able to deal with reports and enforce the existing rules already put in place by our lead mod until they hopefully return. Iā€™ll do my best to steer the ship until that happens, but would love to get your feedback on direction.


    As weā€™re a relatively new community on a relatively new site, obviously we donā€™t have a huge amount of valuable content here. YET. Iā€™ve been chatting to some friends on other platforms about potentially making long form, in-depth posts here about their experiences to serve as interesting, educational reads as well as pillar content for the community.

    Gamers with specific accessibility requirements, senior AAA developers, solo indie devs who have successfully acquired project funding or navigated their way through Next Fest, employers who can talk about how to get hired, that sort of thing.

    We could potentially even go in the direction of AMA style threads rather than essays and make an event out of it, if thatā€™s something the community would be more interested in?

    Any suggestions for the sort of thing youā€™d like to see are very welcome, and Iā€™ll do what I can to make it happen! Personally Iā€™m coming at the gamedev topic from the perspective of a hobbyist solo developer, but I know we have a diverse group here who will most likely want to see different things, so this is your chance to be heard.


    Lastly I just wanted to touch on the existing rule around self-promo, as I know many people are using mobile apps that donā€™t show the sidebar info and may be unaware.

    Self-promotion is WELCOME in this community. But with a caveat: it must come with added value for our members. Iā€™ll quote the sidebar here, written by our glorious leader:

    >Self-promotion is fine as long as you do it from a gamedev perspective - share your progress, insights, techniques and mishaps! If you recently posted, update the previous post instead of filling the frontpage with your project

    So you want to drop a link to your devlog? Sure! Do it as part of a post discussing the stuff you learned recently during the development process and how we can avoid making the same mistakes you did.

    Looking for trailer feedback? Sure! Tell us all about the research youā€™ve done so far and how you used what you learned to structure what youā€™re showing us. What do you think worked and what didnā€™t?

    Want an excuse to give us your Steam wishlist link? Sure! But do it as part of a post-mortem post of some kind, a brief guide on how you approached making an unusual mechanic, or even a meta-discussion on what youā€™ve learned about encouraging more wishlistsā€¦

    ā€¦you get the idea.

    If promo posts start to significantly overshadow more discussion-focused posts we may eventually revisit this rule, but as a probably temporary guardian of the space it would be weird of me to come in and immediately make changes like that, so here we are.

    Thanks for reading my wall of text and I hope you all have a great day!

    TeaHands TeaHands

    I live an increasingly confusing double life as TeaHands the game dev, and TheGiddyStitcher, multicrafter extraordinaire!

    Currently working on my first ever commercial indie game, a minimalist city builder.

    Posts 32
    Comments 798