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Noooo China, you can't make your own Chips...
  • chip fab go brrrrrrrrr

  • car-brains be like
  • "The worse the traffic the freer the people."

  • AI crap | Drew DeVault's Blog
  • The US military is testing out AI-controlled drones, which aren’t going to be self-aware but will scale up human errors (or human malice) until innocent people are killed.



  • Nobody wants to die for empire, smh.
  • 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀



  • Prigozhin killed in plane crash. Thoughts?
  • He became a good Nazi.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Officer down! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀

  • US media now says Ukraine's counteroffensive needs a plan B
  • While it has begun slowly to adapt, Ukraine’s military is still deeply rooted in Soviet-era offensive tactics and culture, centralizing decision-making at the top while penalizing subordinate soldiers who dare to deviate from the plan.

    "Ukraine's losing cuz communism!"


  • My recent post triggered an ukranazi lurking on to write a hilarious blog post
  • You see, we don’t call a positive political event a coup.

    "if we like it then it's not a coup!"


  • We should make a better effort at highlighting revolutionary communist women
  • o7 I totally agree!

    One of my favorites is Gerda Lerner. She grew up fighting Nazis in Austria in the 1930s. At one point they came for her dad. Gerda refused to snitch so the Nazis threw her in prison. After she got out, she fled to the US and tried to have a normal life, got married, founded a communist group, had a couple kids. Then she went back to school and became one of the founders of the academic field of women's history. She wrote The Creation of Patriarchy, a materialist history of the patriarchy that goes back over 5000 years.

  • How Pro-Russian propaganda about Ukraine works!
  • Libs when Trump supports Nazis: "If 10 people sit down at a table with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis at the table."

    Libs when they support Nazis: "You're smearing me! Guilt by association!!"

  • What's your opinion on George Orwell?
  • Snitches get stitches.

  • Eviction, but we're super polite about it.
  • Chad Parenti, PhD

    Looks/acts exactly like Michael, but D E S T R O Y S that broken mic.

  • Biden adds transgender veteran to presidential transition team at Department of Defense
  • Yeah, agreed. We need a proletarian identity politics. Because identity really only matters in the working classes.

    The US even had Black slave owners. There were probably liberals back then trying to use them as examples of progress. Diversity within the bourgeoisie doesn't help us.

    We shouldn't look at the enslavers, we should look at who's enslaved. Don't look at the bombers but who's being bombed. Who's being killed in prisons and concentration camps, who's being killed by their water. It's working-class POC every time.

    Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded.

    Proletarian identity politics is about worker solidarity and worker emancipation. Getting diverse bourgeois imperialists to bomb the workers is the opposite of that.