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Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • I knew I was missing at least one other instance. What a jackass.

  • Florida school district must restore books with LGBTQ+ content under settlement
  • DeSantis does love to fuck around. He never learns anything from the finding out he later recieves, but oh my he does love him some fuckery.

  • Watch Stephen Miller have a full meltdown when asked to back up crime claim with facts
  • Seeing his reaction to facts and logic is like watching a cartoon robot's reaction to a logic bomb.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • What's keeping him in the race is the delusional nature of his supporters. Think about all those points you wrote about what a horrible person he is. How many other candidates could survive even one of those controversies? He lives in an imaginary world of his own creation where whatever he says he believes to be true, and his cult like followers are so brainwashed that their perfectly smooth grey matter just soaks it up like a sponge. There's precious little he could do or say at this point that would have his base leave him.

  • Haitian families in Ohio under attack as racist claims spread
  • This isn't even the first time he's done this, remember what happened with Covid and Asian Americans? Just look at the hate groups that support him, he never really distances himself from them, and he riles them up or gives them a target whenever it behooves him to do so.

  • Jimmy Kimmel has a suggestion.
  • He doesn't eat brains, McDonalds doesn't have brains on the menu. He just slowly poisons minds with his illogical gibberish.

  • He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • Stupid is as stupid does.

  • He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • It's like someone took a bunch of Republican grievance talking points and tossed it into a big nonsensical word salad of fear mongering.

  • He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • Listening to him is to hear the sound of dementia.

  • He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • Acting normal for 3 minutes would be a record for Trump.

  • “Concepts of a plan”: Trump roasted for having no clue what he’s doing
  • And now it's vote for the senile felon.

  • “Concepts of a plan”: Trump roasted for having no clue what he’s doing
  • Gee, if people had just realized he has no idea what he's doing 8+ years ago we all would've been better off.

  • Any ideas?
  • Yeah, I mean I wouldn't necessarily attribute it to someone buying such a specific type of tech, but in many other hobbies it wouldn't be unusual

  • Oil
  • The word "Objectify" is about 2-3 syllables too long for whoever created that ad to understand.

  • Any ideas?
  • I think there are two types of people you could consider in this scenario.

    The first being an individual who has a genuine interest in a hobby, they research what gear would be the best for what they want to do, and then puts in the work to gain expertise.

    The second type is where I think the derision is focused. These are the people who walk into a store, and either ask for the top of the line gear or just buy whatever is the most expensive, without putting any thought into it, and don't really care about the hobby. In other words, the hobby is performative, and the gear becomes a status symbol.

    I don't have any ill will towards someone buying the best gear for their needs, regardless of skill level, but if you're just doing it for show, I think that's fair game for mockery.

  • Any ideas?
  • The opulent newb.

  • The bridge is an orange-pilled urbanist
  • For once, an article reporting an "overweight Ford" causing a mess isn't referring to a politician in Ontario.

  • You couldn't just, like, place the wheelchair at the sides??
  • Interesting strategy if that was the point of it, considering the wholly intact bench in the background of the photo.

  • Toot toot
  • He was also a taxonomist with a specialty in parasitology (I worked for him doing parasitology work on fish) turns out when he first met his to be wife (anecdote that came directly from him) he went fishing, and brought the fish to his to-be in-laws where he was sure to point out evert parasite in the fish that they would then go on to eat.

  • Hamsterassic Park

    Jurassic Park, but the dinosaurs are hamsters.

    Bing AI Image Generator.

    Bed time for cactus owls.

    Just a silly random image of owls nesting in a cactus. Made using Bing AI image generator.

    Don't do Crunch Kids!

    Cap'n Crunch sellin in a dark alley way. Those poor kids are lookin a little rough.

    Generated using Bing AI.

    His spoon is too big!

    Just a caterpillar whose spoon is too big for them.

    Made using Bing AI.

    Ornithologists are assholes.

    A bit of a flawed comic strip due to some taxonomic inaccuracies, but the punchline makes it a favorite for herpetologists.

    An XKCD comic:

    Edit: spelling

    His Spidey sense is tingling!

    Looks like Stark's been a bad influence on him.

    (Just messing around with AI image generator trying ways to get around content filters.)

    He's reformed, and he's looking for a job!

    Not quite the rancor I was looking for, but he seems to be reformed and look at what he can do!

    Cannibal frogs on vacation

    My friend and I attempted to try to create the most ludacris images with Bing AI image generator. Which led to "Cannibal frogs on vacation". Apparently the ai can't spell, even if you literally give it the words.

    There are other images in the series, but this is the least disturbing.

    Party Salamander Tshirt

    Asked the Bing AI image generator to create "Party Salamander Tshirt". Aside from the spelling mistake, it did not disappoint.

    It's that time of year again.

    It just isn't the holiday season until Mic Mac Mall pulls out its Woody.

    Sway_Chameleon Sway

    Just a guy, doin' stuff.

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    Comments 146