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Israel kills orphans and widows in Gaza school bombing
  • Good, widows and orphans over there in Gaza killing protesters, launching missiles, blowing up walkie-talkies and pagers. Not the Israeli government no sir, they are just defending themselves from the killers, these widows and orphans, I bet they are widows and orphans because they killed their husbands and parents.

    Hell, an orphaned widow came to my house and shot my dad. True story, she came in yelled Admiral Akbar, and shot him dead. True story, trust me bro.

  • Trump signals support for reclassifying pot as a less dangerous drug, in line with Harris' position.
  • I am high as fuck and I don't believe him.

    Speaking of not believing, I can't believe how awesome French bread pizza is.

  • Israeli soldiers fatally shot an American woman at a West Bank protest, witnesses say
  • You guys are just 2047 dead American protesters away from getting a strongly worded letter, so you better stop it...or else...oh, by the way, since you used bullets to kill that American, we will send you some more. Wouldn't want you guys running out.

  • Donald Trump owes more than $100m from lawsuits, financial disclosures show
  • They took his retirement plan when they scooped up all those classified docs lol.

  • Extremely rare "doomsday fish" found off Southern California coast
  • Damn it, now we have Doomsday fish AIDS. I hope you're happy now oceangoers.

  • [Texas] Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues General Motors for Unlawfully Collecting Drivers’ Private Data and Selling It To Several Companies, Including Insurance Companies
  • I am still holding out that they dropped the 15 federal indictments so he would be emboldened and hang himself with all the rope they gave him.

  • Homeowners are increasingly re-wilding their homes with native plants, experts say
  • I live in Texas, we had a big beautiful St. Augustin yard. Thick, green, very nice. 3 years ago I quit watering it. Last year I seeded it with a mix of Buffalo Grass, Curly Mesquite Grass, and Blue Gamma. It's almost taken over. It uses zero water, I only mowed it once the year before and twice this year because we got a boatload of rain this year unlike the year before. I stopped mowing the backyard and just removed all the wax and China berry shoots. I have all sorts of native flowers and Chili Pequin plants all over the place. The flowers are great and the birds are everywhere. Best decision I have made since I got this place.

  • Deleted
    Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for DWI in 1995
  • I mean, who hasn't trapped a woman in a dressing room and forcibly finger fucked her against her objections? Life is boring. Who hasn't paid to fuck a porn actress while his wife was pregnant and then used campaign funds paid through a lawyer to keep her quiet? What's the big deal?

  • ‘I Have No Idea’: Trump Says No One Knows What ‘Net Zero’ Emissions Means During ‘Intellectual’ Speech on the Economy
  • "First off, I am very smart, maybe the smartest. My uncle was a genius so that makes me a double genius. Kammock Hairsama isn't smart, how could she be? She isn't even white. I am white always have been. That bitch Kamala, she is Indian, at least that's what she says, but I've never seen her at a Powwow, have you? Probably not because now she says she is black. I haven't seen her eat fried chicken. I don't know what she is maybe no one knows I've heard people say that. I don't know, people say Mr. President you are so smart why don't you stop the carbon thing with the air like you stopped wildfires by raking the forest? I say you can't do that, no one can because net zero is fake news. No one has seen a net zero, have you, let me tell you net zero...not a thing. How could you have a net that is zero, nets need to catch things most nets are something like net 400, lots of good nets, great nets maybe even the greatest nets here. No nets zero though no one knows, I don't know." - Donald "I'm Worth 2 Packs of Kools in Prison" Trump

  • Vance agrees that raising grandchildren is ‘whole purpose of postmenopausal female’
  • Women are for reproduction use only. Men can fuck couches and dress up like women but their place is out in the world. Doing the tough jobs like I did when I was a US Marine, risking my life to write press releases and enjoy it in the rear, hahaha, that's what she said. I am not weird, you're weird. When a woman can no longer produce babies and her womb has dried up she should devote her time to raising the children of her husband's young new baby machi...I mean grandchildren. In conclusion, Donny said I could say the n-word any time I want if he gets elected and he would also buy me a nice new sexy suede couch and he promised not to deport my brown wife and our Italian-level white children." - James David "My Preferred Name Is JD" Vance

  • Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan: ‘Not as scary as people think’
  • Elon is like that greasy kid in high school who would correct the History teacher with facts he learned by posting on /pol/. "Actually, the slaves loved being slaves because they got free housing and healthcare."

    Can someone please line his shit ass up against the wall already?

  • J.D. Vance Told His Son to ‘Shut The Hell Up’ About Pokemon While Talking to Trump
  • I miss it, the little dude will be 26 going on 30 next year.

    Edit: I hit send before I finished editing it.

  • ‘Immediate regret’: The former teen bride and the Republicans who don’t want to outlaw child marriage
  • Look man, if the kid fucking party can't fuck kids then what's the point? Someone needs to consider the kid fucking party's feelings and let them fuck them kids. But don't let dudes dressed as women read to them that might warp the kids brains.

  • J.D. Vance Told His Son to ‘Shut The Hell Up’ About Pokemon While Talking to Trump
  • If that little dude is as stoked about Pikachu as my dude was about Ninja Turtles then I feel his frustration. My dude one time spent an entire 5-hour car ride talking about Master Splinter. If I could have left him on the side of the road in New Mexico without his mother killing me, I would have lol.

  • GOP candidate posts menacing message about LGBTQ+-friendly churches while holding a gun
  • Unfortunately, these "Christians" are the ravenous wolves dressed in sheep's clothing that Matthew 7:15 warns us of.

    "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!" - William Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice"

  • Schumer: Trump Probably Regrets Picking 'Weird' J.D. Vance
  • I think you are, and I think the left has made a hobby of underestimating the "Christian" right. I think it is very naive to say the only backing they have is backwoods states and gravy seals. They have had 4 years to plan and organize. They had fake electors, police, and active-duty military; that one alone should scare you, and now 19 governors actively pushing the election fraud lie. They have the courts, and all it would take is some organized violence and solid leadership.

    None of what I am typing matters because you will keep your head buried just like everyone else because then you would have to admit this movement is bigger than you have been told or want to believe. That's been the problem since 2016, underestimating the ideology that runs Trump is how we got him.

    I hope you are right, but I am still going to be ready for it if or when you are wrong. As the old man said, "We will see."


  • Schumer: Trump Probably Regrets Picking 'Weird' J.D. Vance
  • So, let's just keep underestimating the opposition, and let's see where that gets us.

  • Schumer: Trump Probably Regrets Picking 'Weird' J.D. Vance
  • They have been planning for that since Jan 7th, 2021. This isn't some fly-by-night if I win thing, this will be a well-planned coup attempt. I hope I am wrong but they are openly insinuating as to what their plans are.

    Edit: changes 2020 to 2021 Thank you Samus12345 for pointing out the mistake.

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