Retropunk64 @ Retropunk64 Posts 0Comments 29Joined 7 days ago
Dumbasses go from not believing everything a politician tells them to believing everything a politician tells them because he's dRaInInG the SwAmP. Zero sympathy for anyone still buying their lies.
Well yeah, that's why my parent comment said its good for offline editing. I don't need collaborative online editing.
30% of Americans voted for Krasnov, and not even all Krasnov voters are far right, and thats even assuming he didnt cheat in any way. America is not 50% far right.
Idk, as a reformed Disney nerd in my youth, I thought the section about Space Mountain was cool as hell, even if it was only tangentially related to the rest of the video.
Those damn leopards at it again.
I didn't say you lied, just saying that there's no way you've been on the internet for 30 years and have never seen DAE anywhere before now.
Lmao, okay. I can guarantee you, in their minds they're at war with us. Wake the fuck up and smell the smoke.
Agree to disagree then.
Mn literally has the longest blue presidential voting streak in the country. Just because there's nuance tto that statement (as there is in everything), that doesnt mean the state isnt incredibly blue.
I don't believe you. DAE has been an extremely common abbreviation for well over a decade at least.
Dems are part of the system and are not our allies.
Like one of the bluest.