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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
4 wk. ago

  • Are those the brave folks who uncovered the Ukranian Nazi plot to collude with space-laser-owning Jewish people to turn the hurricanes gay so they'll target conservative towns giving the Immigrants the opportunity to take their guns and steal jobs from helpless billionaires, forcing them to implement DEI quotas and serve fentanyl-laced dog meat for lunch? I feel like I hear that on Newsmax as I leave it on in the background, ya know, for company, because scientists brainwashed my family and now I'm not allowed at Thanksgiving.

  • AI Generated Images

    Based on a true story.

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Or taking feet pictures to keep the heat on

    Lemmy Shitpost

    The Man Who Met Kit Duncan

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Imposter Syndrome

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Contemporary healthcare

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Plot devices IRL

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Diet activism

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Reading the news lately

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Doctors after the CDC is defunded

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Right-Wing politics

    Lemmy Shitpost

    The U. S. Faith Office

    Lemmy Shitpost

    The Small Business Administration soon

    Lemmy Shitpost

    The future after DEI is gone

    Lemmy Shitpost

    More relevant now than ever

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Word of the day

    Lemmy Shitpost

    I hope it doesn't find you

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Space Oddity

    Lemmy Shitpost

    Spicy Candy

    Lemmy Shitpost

    The Safety Alternative

    Lemmy Shitpost

    What job do you need this hard hat for?