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Saw a car with an upside-down pineapple decal
  • I have heard that before, but it’s not very reliable as certain housing developers put in pampas grass as part of their landscaping so following that rule there are whole housing estates that swing.

  • Removed
    Capitalist development vs Socialist development
  • Without any stated opinion on justness or otherwise, the Sino Indian war of 62 should probably have some type of representation on the map.

  • Trump warns hostile migrants have machine guns beyond 'military scope,' 'massive machine gun-type equipment.'
  • He’s seen some of the Space Marine 2 footage and is worried that immigrants are deep striking over the border in drop pods with bolters.

  • convince me that camo patterns are cool
  • Just looked up strichtarn out of curiosity. Is it an effective pattern irl?

    It doesn’t look like it would break up form or outline very well at all from photos.

  • Working on a FOSS tool to convert raw work time data into a clean report for your boss or client. Any interest?
  • I mean if you want to do time fraud you pretty much just can. You can start tracking a task at 9am then immediately go to make a coffee and chat to a coworker until half 9 to run up the clock. You really don’t need a fancy tool for that.

    However a tool to make data more digestible and readable shows a level of interest in presentation of data. I would be less concerned about that. Someone willfully doing time fraud wouldn’t advertise it.

  • Should i stick with Kingdom come deliverance?
  • Yeah the perfect block counter move is way better than the combos for being actually achievable - especially as a lower levelled character. I do really like the combos when you git gud and can pull them off they’re super satisfying. KCD is weird because it feels like it should be a pure player skill game like dark souls or something timing blocks and strikes, but it actually isn’t, its actually secretly like xcom or something where everything has percentage chance dependant on yours and your opponents levels and how accurately you hit the timing windows. So it can be super frustrating as a new player because you try to block / strike / combo and you can do everything correctly but because you’re playing a peasant boy fighting an experienced mercenary solider you don’t pull it off and get stomped - but the game doesn’t feed that back to you. It’s a bit off putting. Then later when you’re high leveled fighting a low level bandit you can lazily mash whatever button you want and miss the timing window by miles and you’ll still make mincemeat of your foes regardless.

    Also yeah mace>>than sword for anyone in armour.

  • Should i stick with Kingdom come deliverance?
  • I super enjoyed it. My general advice is to train with Captain Bernard until you git gud. Both you personally learning the combat system but also Henry levelling up. Also my personal advice is to session herb picking (collect every marigold, nettle and belladonna, there is a good spot to find them in the fields half way between Neuhof and Rattay) and do loads of alchemy - it’s super dull but one you have infinite saviour schnapps and marigold decoctions you can make loads of money and have access to health and save points. Then you can take the game in a more exciting way as you can boss combat and take more risks. Otherwise just nothing else like KCD. Really immersive and fun game.

  • The U.S. Navy is preparing for the possibility of military action against China by 2027. This was reported in the Navigation Plan by U.S. Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Lisa Franchetti.
  • I mean as the USA’s main peer adversary I am surprised to read that they don’t already consider themselves to be prepared for the possibility of military action against china today. Like what else are they doing? (Besides getting humiliated by the Houthis…)

  • Removed
    Good. Stay out of my fandom.
  • This game doesn’t let me immediately live out my fantasy of being a big man elite operator type and sorting out problems with a single bullet. real-navi-patriot

    (Shooting a gun is a thing I could conceivably do in real life - unlike solving a situation with words or any other intelligent interaction, which is totally beyond me, as is taking advice/learning from a woman, all of whom I consider subhuman and beneath me)

  • Palantir CTO basically confirming their involvement in Israel's pager attack
  • Good god that guy and those replies. My thoughts are truly: illegal-to-say

  • The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • Ok. I did say “Britishness as it is today”, I never mentioned the far past.

    To be clear, not that I think the past was good in Britain either, it sucked then too, just differently.

  • The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • In the course of human history the creation of Britain and the concept of Britishness as it is today was a mistake. We shouldn’t have done it folks. It’s bad. This list shows a deeply sick society and culture. You’re right to be alienated, it’s deeply alienating.

  • NSFW
    Finally, I found a non-woke game from the past!
  • White man, good.

    Driving a car, no public transportation, good.

    Space, like our lord and saviour Jesus Musk, good.

    Wait…! Pinball? This is a pinball game? The game that gets youths congregating down the arcade? With their ludicrous modern ‘fashion’ and ‘music’, drinking cherry cola and fraternising with the opposite sex without a chaperone! Probably no good beatniks too I should wager! WOKE.

  • There's a love hotel in Nagoya with a private water slide
  • That looks rough, those 90° corners are brutal. Also very short stop pool, if you have a bit of mass you’re 100% hitting that end wall!

  • Fedora 42 On 64-bit ARM Might Make It Seamless To Run x86/x86_64 Programs
  • Alyssa Rosenzweig stay winning. Incredible work as always.

  • Are there any good British orgs?

    They all seem to be either pointlessly obsessed with electoralism despite not even being able to convince their own friends and family to vote for them (like barely double digit total votes), TERFs (on terf island - surely not!), trots, or just so small that it’s just 1 person and their two sock puppet accounts on a Facebook page (also what is with the use of Facebook?!)

    The sea takes another W. US Soldiers Were Stuck in Beached Boats Along Gaza After Storms Broke Apart Aid Pier US Soldiers Were Stuck in Beached Boats Along Gaza After Storms Broke Apart Aid Pier

    U.S. Central Command confirmed that the soldiers had been evacuated from the boats by Tuesday after the vessels broke free from their moorings on Saturday, though it was not immediately clear how long the troops were stuck on the shore.

    US Soldiers Were Stuck in Beached Boats Along Gaza After Storms Broke Apart Aid Pier

    It turns out US Navy boats can’t handle rough seas either. !farquaad-point

    The US MIC really is showing us what they can do.

    DragonFire: UK laser could be used against Russian drones on Ukraine front line DragonFire: UK laser could be used against Russian drones on Ukraine front line

    The defence secretary said the laser could be used to take down Russian drones as early as 2027.

    DragonFire: UK laser could be used against Russian drones on Ukraine front line

    Hilariously full of cope article from an irrelevant former power.

    >According to Grant Shapps, the weapon could have "huge ramifications" for the conflict in Europe.

    Press X to Doubt.

    >The laser was originally expected to be operational by 2032… ….the defence secretary told reporters while on a visit to Porton Down military research centre near Salisbury that he wanted to speed this up even further. "Let's say that it didn't have to be 100% perfect in order for Ukrainians perhaps to get their hands on it," he said.

    Very funny assessment of the readiness and efficacy of this Wunderwaffe.

    >Any suggestion that UK lasers could be sent to Ukraine to take out Russian drones is optimistic.

    Ahh the admission in the article that the whole notion of uk made laser weapons being used in Ukraine is just a nato fantasy.

    In the same vain I’m looking forward to future BBC articles about how the uk is sending a battle ready gundam to Ukraine next week

    Far from making our world smarter, the internet of things has actually made the world much much more stupid. - Smart toothbrushes cause millions in damages!

    Once again techbros find a new way to make the world worse. Now your toothbrush can be part of a bot net. Nobody asked for this, and the suggestion that it should be possible is utterly deranged.


    So BBC, are the sputtering Chinese dreams with us right now?

    Another one for the “China is going to fall, for real this time” pile.

    Palacegalleryratio Palacegalleryratio [he/him]

    Red panda because Dirt Owl said so.

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