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1 yr. ago

  • Yeah, and CGP Grey, Ian Danskin's Innuendo Studios, I enjoy the Crash Course series though more classes than topical, and Kurzgesagt is amazing though has their own type of bias.

    But if I want to know something about e.g. Boeing or train derailments or a deep dive into student loans, or something I did not even know that I wanted to know about e.g. the current status of ethical farming wrt chocolate, or food delivery apps, he has it all covered. So it is not only the depth that is fascinating, but the width and breadth of coverage as well (both wrt a single video and moreover the number of those total).

    Unfortunately it mixes in opinion and interpretation directly integrated alongside the delivery of the facts. So it is funny (juvenile), informative (truly!), and overbearing all at once, and seems designed to leave you feeling more informed than you actually are upon watching.:-(

    Still, they offer so very many videos on so very many topics, and I have never seen anything these days that comes close - e.g. their Boeing video describes more in 10 of its 30 minutes than a typical TV "documentary" these days (at least, of the type my mother watches), and then it goes on to cover essentially what a full length feature film documentary would cover, all in something digestible while eating a lunch (or two). And I respect that so much - that takes effort and skill that is hard to match.

  • You:

    Google's response:

  • Now we have graduated to the disinformation age:-(

  • Somehow I feel like you would know better than I on the matter pertaining to this subject... (Lemmy equivalent to "username checks out"?:-P)

  • Mustache only=sexual predator, goatee=evil, etc. - facial hair never lies!:-P

  • I feel like you will appreciate it when I say that this song was crap-tastic!:-)

  • Listen here young'un, back in my day the only thing that would randomly fall from the sky was bird poop - and we liked it that way!

  • Trevor's standup specials are all really good, both before and after he came to America. He has a strong act, talking about his personal life and responses to that.

    But he wasn't as good a fit in a team environment talking about mainstream American matters, except ironically when the show was "over" for the day and he talked more in his personal voice again. I strongly hope to see him land somewhere else where I can enjoy him again - I'd definitely keep following his comedy specials.

    Though nothing compares to Jon Stewart being back in the saddle again!!! 🎉 🤩

  • Afaict he is the last "investigative journalist" left in America, though he is biased himself, yet who else comes close that amount of depth?

  • Fwiw, this is how I choose to view the situation:

  • Tbf, those are some big shoes to try to fill:-) (I mean, not like, literally... but you know what I mean!)

  • USA bias strikes again! :-P

  • Unfortunately it's only slated to last until the election results... though this is one time that I hope things do not go as planned!:-P

  • Not a terribly accurate portrayal... (cop was way too accurate, not involving bystanders, and actually bothered to clean up the mess!)

  • At the same time, his leaving was also a success story in itself. He had all the money he ever needed in life, he was at the top of his game except just was exhausted working that continual grind, and was feeling his age so unlike e.g. any member of Congress, decided to voluntarily relinquish his power in order to create room for new people to step up, while he went on to blaze entirely new pioneer territory outside of mainstream TV, which was quite a risk even for someone like him. Wow... what a class act! 😍

  • Surely you mean that you totally believe that these totally real creatures have "nothing whatsoever" to do with any kind of... um... surveillance capacity, government or otherwise, r-r-right, RIGHT!?

  • I mean... that depends on what metric you are going by, I suppose.

    Not by personal happiness, or by health outcomes, or "freedom", or safety, or education, or (non-military) technology, or ... well the list gets rather extensive.

    To be fair, the USA did used to lead the world, e.g. being first if not to space then to the moon, and we sequenced the human genome, and computers were invented here, and there's Hollywood serving up movies and culture all over the world, etc., so I am not knocking any of the past achievements. Notably, after WWII we did get a bit of an "uneven" start compared to countries like the UK that were bombed by Germany whereas the USA emerged fairly unscathed, and yet we took that headstart and really went for it! We indeed were the most successful country in the world - unquestioned by almost anyone.

    However, lately... well, "the economy" is still booming, but most average people are going to die significantly sooner than their parents generation did, possibly by a terrorist event such as a school shooting that we have nothing whatsoever to try to stop, health outcomes are abysmal, and many millennials and especially Gen-Zers strongly doubt that they will ever be able to afford a home, seeing how homes have become "investments" rather than places to live in, colleges costs have quintupled, most jobs today for younger people are "temporary" positions in the gig economy, etc. etc. etc.

    You do bring up a good point: compared to the rest of the world we still do have it pretty good, in some ways. It is just that compared to how we ourselves used to have it e.g. 50 years ago, we are doing significantly worse, relatively speaking.

    Look at almost any list, e.g. the top 10 scientific discoveries, or engineering accomplishments, and America barely makes those lists anymore. Other nations with drive & heart like India or China are sacrificing so that they can outpace us. That's fine I guess, they needed their turn:-). But at some point we should ourselves: what exactly makes us "successful"... these days?

    You might think that I am one of those that hates America, but I do not think of myself that way, it is just that I am questioning our place and how it has changed over the years. Though perhaps I am simply paying attention to the wrong sources, so if you want to send me something to read or watch that answers that, I would like to learn. So far though, everything that I have learned lately ends up just depressing me b/c it at least appears to be a decay, and not just morally.

  • My thoughts about Netflix are the same: I am less than happy about the content - which is beyond their control - but very happy with the apps that they offer that is totally within their control.

  • and

    We are beings of electric patterns, with our thoughts riding our brains the way the brain rides the body, and it begs us to wonder then: what rides us in like manner - memes & TV commercials? :-P