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Low-carbon technologies need far less mining than fossil fuels.
  • I would argue that your perspective is a narrow one and you need to change what info you are consuming. My personal take (if you have any interest):

    1. Most of the people on this world are not rich enough to be part of daily traffic jams. They are just trying to survive and enjoy life with what they have.

    2. Current resource competition is driven by profit seeking and not bourne out of necessity (i.e. we're not "competing" in the traditional sense, where countries at war are doing so to feed their people etc... At least, not yet.)

    3. There is definitely more space and resources available for more people, if we learn to better distribute what we have - the how of this, while keeping everyone happy, is the billion dollar question.

    4. You can choose to live in the jungle by yourself if you want, no one is (hopefully) forcing you to take part in working etc.

    5. If you can, you should go travel more. If you can't, go volunteer some of your time to your community. It tends to clear my "the world is going to shit" thoughts. Sure, there's problems everywhere, and we should fight for the ones we feel are important, but there is also a lot of great things happening.

  • Low-carbon technologies need far less mining than fossil fuels.
  • I'm sorry, are you saying women's rights were better in the 1700s or wars didn't happen? Or that people had less problems? Or that the ruling class shared power?

    I don't mean to offend, but this is an insanely naive view of the world.

  • Low-carbon technologies need far less mining than fossil fuels.
  • A lot less humans existed for a lesser period of time without electricity.

    We used to burn oil and other fuels for lamps, raw wood for heat, raw sewerage was everywhere if not released untreated into waterways. All of this was hugely polluting and detrimental to health. Please don't kid yourself that there were better times in the 1700s.

  • Daily Discussion - 22 September 2024
  • If I had to choose, I'd rather Ødegaard be out than Saliba at the moment.

    But yeah, still really not ideal to not have your playmaker in a game where chances will be thin as it is.

  • Games featuring paid loot boxes will soon receive a mandatory 'M' rating in Australia
  • As clarification I meant: "do people in Australia care about the tiny black and white sticker on the box which says "M - rated for mature audiences" now?"

    and not: "why should the global community give a damn about Australia...".

    I remember cinemas were always strict with entry into movies, but game shops never used to ask for ID. Has this changed?

  • Washing Machine/Dryer Stand
  • You mean more frequently meaning smaller loads, right? At the moment it's about one 8kg load every 1.5 days, so in winter it's not long enough to dry. Might try a fan setup in the immediate term though and see how it goes.

  • Washing Machine/Dryer Stand
  • I looked at those and figured the additional cost, plus only one load being washed at a time may be a bit annoying... But realistically, I'll have to see if one load per day is enough. Thanks!

  • Washing Machine/Dryer Stand

    We have finally reached the point where we no longer have enough space to dry our clothes indoors, and will need to invest in a dryer.

    We have a washing machine in our bathroom (also small) so the dryer would ideally go under/over that.

    Does anyone have experience building or buying an appropriate stand? The dryer and washing machine will likely weigh about 50-60kgs each.

    Resources for learning electromagnetic system design & regulation

    I have a mech engineering background and have been tasked to look into electromagnetic product design in the coming years.

    Before I dive deep and tackle this change, I would like a refresher on electromagnetic radiation, especially low power applications. Massive bonus points if there are any resources which include regulation too.

    Anyone got any worthwhile resources?

    Olympia bei ORF

    Hat jemand herausgefunden, wo man den genauen Zeitplan finden kann, um zu sehen, welche Sportart der ORF bei den Olympischen Spielen streamt und zu welcher Zeit?

    Ich kann nur die Livestream-Optionen für ORF1 und ORF SPORTS+ sehen, aber keinen genauen Zeitplan. In der ZDF Mediathek habe ich gesehen, dass man die einzelnen Sportarten auswählen kann, ist das auch hier möglich?

    Photo Album Software (request)

    I have a large number of photos edited and ready to go and want to then them into an album. Does anyone have any recommendations for any FOSS software that I can use to arrange the images to pages, and add text?

    I intend to send the data to a professional printer for printing and binding.

    My first thought was Libre Office's Draw, but maybe this community has something more appropriate.

    ShPD: What are your favourite and least favourite challenges?

    I personally think each of the challenges are well thought out!

    Favourites: Badder Bosses and Swarm Intelligence. These imho add a nice layer to the game.

    Least favourite: Into the darkness, it annoys me getting sniped from a ranged enemy without seeing anything.

    Special shout-out to pharmacopoeia and faith is my armour. I cannot finish the game with these on - anyone got any tips?

    On & off-ramping via exchanges

    Simple question, but I haven't been able to find any decent answer yet: Does anyone have a good guide for reducing fees when buying and selling coins for fiat?

    BudgetAudiophile Oneser
    recommendations on a record player

    I am way out of my depths even looking for one. If anyone has any pointers, it would be a huge help!

    For info: I use 2 Edifier R1280s and normally on relatively low volume, so it doesn't need to be anything crazy, but I will slowly build my sound system over the next 4-5 years and would like to not need replace a new record player (which will be a central piece) in the coming years. Willing to spend €350 depending on quality.

    Many thanks BAs!

    engineering literature

    I'm looking for a book (preferably eBook) which explains one or more engineering projects in great detail.

    Anyone have any recommendations?

    Request: Suggestions for editing

    Hi all, I'm looking for a resource or book to get further into photo editing. Preferably something that explores a handful of scenes and/or portraits and outlines or builds on basics to advanced techniques. I hope that's not too generic of a request...

    Anyone here have any tips?

    Looking for: Android FOSS Stock Tracker

    I hope this questions hasn't been overdone, but for those active in financial markets does anyone have a recommendation for an app to track markets? I can only find widget apps with limited functionality (don't show volumes on graphs, missing trend data etc.)

    I'm currently using Stocks Widget, which missing some graph features and the widget function is buggy on my phone. (

    The source of the data isn't strictly important in my case, as long as it can pull EU market info.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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