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Malwarebytes alerts about

When visiting today I'm receiving the following alerts from Malwarebytes. Anyone else seeing this? Malwarebytes classifies it as a RTP detection.


New Release: Gringotts Wizarding Bank
  • The price is on par with other licensed sets such as Star Wars, Disney, or Lord of the Rings. This set does look amazing though, especially with the addition of the mine car system. Only negative is the stupid "GRINGOT TS" sticker. It should've been a printed piece, especially considering the set costs $430.

  • Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown
  • I cancelled my subscription even before the password sharing crackdown. I was tired of the price constantly increasing. Besides that I needed to eliminate some subs since the combined costs were approaching that of cable TV.

  • The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • I didn't know DuckDuckGo had the app tracker feature. It was just a browser the last time I gave it a go. Thanks for the tip! I've been using NextDNS for my Private DNS on Android for awhile. I had to temporarily disable it for DuckDuckGo to identify the trackers. It looks like NextDNS was doing a good job blocking them.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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