NimdaQA @ NimdaQA Posts 0Comments 136Joined 4 days ago

So? Don’t see the problem in denying land to a country where 400,000 innocent people died in their occupation every month.
I will PM you source for 1 since I do not really know the rules regarding posting NSFW content in the comments. Minsk II was already null and void by the time he invaded due to Ukraine violating it.
Yup, the Kwantung Army was not at its peak in 1945.
However that doesn’t make the invasion unimpressive in my view as for example, the Soviets got an entire tank army across a mountain range using nothing but winches and cables. The Soviets advanced across an area the size of Western Europe in mere days.
Yeah by August 1945, Japan’s navy was sunk and America had air supremacy over Japan. Japan was more or less defeated, Operation August Storm not occurring would not have changed that.
And probably a very interesting way to spread the knowledge that yes, you can overdose on vitamins.
Personally I just think Putin just knows how to interact with Trump.
They both seem to have the similar mindset in that since they are leading a major country, other smaller countries should bow down to them and do whatever they are told to do. Trump seems to have a genuine respect for the other major powers like Russia and China while viewing his relationship with America's allies as a master-servant type of relationship.
Because of this, Trump is willing to concede more to Russia than to Ukraine. However, Trump would have likely been more than happy to continue aiding Ukraine if Zelenskyy signed the mineral deal. It was not explicity stated of course but I see it as a large possibility. This is because Zelenskyy signing the deal would make Trump look very good. It would make Trump seem like he has all the power. It would make Trump look like he just made the greatest deal of the century. Zelenskyy embarrased him. And then Putin made himself look very amiable with him saying things like. "Unlike Zelenskyy, I want peace, I want this war to end, I am willing to sign whatever deal we can come up with, its just Zelenskyy doesn't want peace" (paraphrasing of course).
Trump expected Zelenskyy to do as he told. He wanted Zelenskyy to make peace. Zelenskyy refused which made Trump angry. So Trump offers a compromise where Zelenskyy signs a mineral deal in return for a possibility that Trump will continue aiding Ukraine. Zelenskyy refuses which makes Trump mad. Putin comes along and says, "You tried your best but Zelenskyy does not want peace, but I want peace, and you will be the peacemaker" (paraphrasing of course). Putin is making Trump look like the peacemaker he wants to look like.
TLDR: Trump expects people to fellate him, Putin is very good at not actually doing that but making it seem like he is fellating Trump. Meanwhile Zelenskyy does the exact opposite and tells Trump to zip up his pants.
This doesn't mean that there is no Russian influence as Sergei Ryabkov whom is Russia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the Trump campaign had been in contact with Russia and that "we know most of the people from his entourage".
In fact, Journalist Craig Unger documented 59 people that connected Trump to Russia.
And this also doesn't mean that Semion has nothing to do with Trump as Semion's underlings paid for a lot of Trump properties and David Bogatin purchased the Trump Tower condos for $5.3 million in 1984 and his brother is part of Semion Mogilevich's mafia family.
Are you denying the fact that Kazakhstan and China are sovereign countries unlike Ukraine?
Bullshit is when you back your words with actual facts and then people can't argue back but instead insult you.
Sorry. Not much of a connection between someone who had their wife cuck them or someone who havn't had one to begin with. Thanks for making me laugh tho.
Take it back then. Oh wait Ukraine tried and is failing to that. Instead they have lost a larger portion of their country. Ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy? Ukraine should take the loss and make peace before more people sadly die from this horrible war.
Yes because everyone you disagree with, is a Russian troll.
Yanukovych was a Putin laptop that was thrown out by the citizenry as well as the Ukrainian military. You’ll find Yanukovych in Russia now, but I probably don’t have to tell you that. You’re probably closer to him than I am.
He was thrown out due to a false flag operation where pro-maidan snipers shot their own protestors in order to incite public backlash against Yanukovych.
This has been confirmed by several hundred witness testimonies including wounded protestors, 2,000 videos, and 6,000 photos, 30 gigabytes of radio intercepts, and forensic examinations.
Yeah, I would be getting the fuck out of dodge and be escaping to Russia too if far right snipers shot their own fellow protestors and managed to convince the populace including your own armed forces that it was you who done it.
Yanukovych was a Putin puppet that turned armed forces against unarmed civilians. The armed forces themselves turned on Yanukovych.
What happened was that pro-maidan snipers shot their own protestors and then blame it on the government in a false flag operation.
Oh and have a fun time trying to prove that several hundred witness testimonies, 2,000 videos, and 6,000 photos, and 30 gigabytes of radio intercepts are Russian propaganda.
I don't know what to think of this. He committed most of his crimes in the west, spent a year in a Russian prison in like 2008, and then two more years under house arrest.
No one knows his current location, some say Moscow while others say Israel.
I usually see Semion Mogilevich be mentioned when someone wants to say something is actually controlled by Mossad or whatever which is nonsense and is usually said by stormfront neo-nazi types, yawn although this one claims that Trump is controlled by Semion Mogilevich whom is the guy who according to them, actually controls Moscow.
In my opinion, both are nonsense but you are free to disagree.
The US have more people incarcerated than China and the US has one of if not the largest recidivism rates in the world.
I mean in American prisons, they place poor prisoners in four point restrains and urinate on them. I bet it is going to happen more frequently to the unfortunate trans women.
Also not a Nazi. In fact, I even argue with Nazis, many times in fact.
Maxine Waters suggests ‘we don’t know’ scope of Musk’s influence over election - Washington Examiner
I’d assume that if Musk interfered in the US election, it would be similar to how my beloved Putin interfered in Elections in Bulgaria.
Using mass amounts of money and spending it on a disinformation campaign similar to Musk’s attempted interference in German election.
But many here seem to also be referring to more ‘interesting’ ways to interfere with elections.
WHAT??? I thought it was called trickledown economics not trickleup economics??? American politicans lie??? WHAT???
China and Kazakhstan are sovereign countries who can do whatever they want.