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2 yr. ago

  • too many public figures on Biden’s side have came out in opposition

    AKA Trump supporters.

    None of those fuckers could come together and figure out who would replace him before dragging him publicly for weeks. So now we have either Biden who is being let down by his own party, one? To face Trump who promised to be a dictator day 1 and has a literal plan to overthrow the government?

    Everyone has failed and if Trump is elected it is more these peoples faults than they will ever admit or realize.

  • If all the Democrats and "liberal" news stations and pundits spent half as much of their time bitching that Biden should drop out on figuring out WHO should replace him this wouldn't be such a problem. If they could just agree on a new nominee maybe Biden would consider dropping out. Because right now Biden has to consider it when there's no alternative.

    People suggesting Biden drop out without a plan on how to proceed are doing the Republicans' jobs for them. Or they are Trump supporters.

  • Fuck yeah. Probably won't go anywhere with a traitorous house majority but it's worth it to try and get them on the record.

  • Always hate it When Day Breaks.

  • Unfortunately, most of that (lying, chasing, not reporting a crash) isn't actually illegal (for pigs). Police have a stupid amount of leeway from the law.

    Really, it should be illegal at the state level in every state to chase people. I've lived in a city where the PD had that: police could not chase; they'd just find them later.

  • Just had a weeklong beach vacation. We sat on the beach once for about half an hour before the sun was too much. We mostly just took morning and evening walks on the beach. We're not really swimmers either, which was good because the surf was fucking lethal pretty much every day. Once day the waves were reaching the dunes and pooling past the high-tide line. Kids were constantly swimming and it was incredibly dangerous. I think most days were red flag and the "nice" ones were yellow.

    The beach is pretty awful these days and we aren't even that far south.

  • Yeah. That's the real answer to this: exploiting this fuck-awful SCOTUS decision plunges the US into an authoritarian state.

    The choice is: do you let Trump and Republicans do it if they win and turn American into a christo-fascist state? Or do it yourself to prevent that and turn into a "better?" abusive state? There's really no winning here but we have to do something or we're screwed.

  • YES, FUCK. How do we let people with some of the most insider knowledge profit off of that at the expense of the American people? Making money in the market isn't just printing money: that money comes from others who lose out because they aren't cheating.

  • My players have entered the Feywild recently under charges by an Archfey and I've had plenty of signs. Kinda sad they actually read them and are being cautious.

  • I've been hoping Biden would do this since the SCOTUS decided he can't commit crimes as POTUS. Just have a list of every Republican and SCOTUS justice who has been credibly accused of crimes. Then just send those to the FBI to have investigations, charges and arrests fast-tracked.

    Afterall, those are the positions where criminals can do the most harm and investigation should be taken serious and done quickly.

  • Americans have a double-standard. If you profess to be a real politician, stand-up person, and trying to do good you have to appear strong, smart and effective. If you profess to be a fascist and want to hurt other people you can literally do anything and appear to be the dumbest, foulest, most incompetent piece of filth in existence and you won't lose any support.

    Fuck me.

  • Are those real Trump supporters and not detractors? It's really doing me in to believe Trump supporters think that looks good for his "strong man" appearance.

  • Those were unreachable Trump supporters to start with. Hopefully it doesn't motivate them to do anything.

  • $3-400. Upper range if I can't get anything for a trade-in, which is rare. I generally only get Pixel a-series but would definitely look at motorola again. It's what I had before a-series existed.

  • Yeah. Last time I checked I couldn't get paid much to go hiking in the woods.

    Maaaaybe if I wanted to be a park ranger or firewatcher (is that real?) but from my knowledge those pay dick.

  • All we really need is the barest evidence and then due to the SCOTUS ruling the President can order the FBI to just have them arrested for corruption. Since he's immune from official actions, afterall.

  • When I got a vasectomy, it was like 20 before they wanted to do a fertility test.

  • Who needs to turn their sperm release on and off so quickly? I understand wanting it to be easier than surgery but no one needs it so fast that you flip a switch. Deciding to have kids is a huge decision that often takes months of fucking to succeed at.