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  • There are 8 varieties of gluons, the subatomic particles that exchange the strong force between quarks. The person answered with one word that more or less satisfied the 8 particle requirement. I think that's the joke, at least

  • Anybody playing Political Ideology Catgirl sim (FF14)
  • my ping is normally sub 100, and I have XIVAlexander installed to allow me to double weave with a slightly high ping. Hasn't been an issue for me so far, but I'm not exactly doing Savage raids or anything yet

  • Anybody playing Political Ideology Catgirl sim (FF14)
  • I am unfortunately on an EU data center >< Specifically Chaos. I live in NA but started playing FF14 to join an EU friend. One day I'll probably make an alt on an NA datacenter when I'm caught up on MSQ, though. Fwiw I'll still :3c you about my progress if you want lol

  • Anybody playing Political Ideology Catgirl sim (FF14)
  • Of course I'm keen on a new friend to play/chat with! What data center are you on? ^^

  • Anybody playing Political Ideology Catgirl sim (FF14)
  • Heyyy I've been playing! Currently still trying to catch up to current content, almost done with Stormblood. I enjoyed Heavensward a lot but Stormblood is kind of dragging for me. Eager to get to Shadowbringers soon, I've heard its by far the best expansion

  • Roguelikes frustrate me.
  • I absolutely love classic roguelikes. I didn't love ADOM despite playing it a fair amount, but I do love DCSS, Caves of Qud, Cogmind, Cataclysm, and quite a few more, albeit to a lesser degree. I love games that demand you learn their systems inside and out to even have a chance at winning. I love the sense of stakes that roguelikes create and the experiences that emerge from the fear of losing everything. I also generally tend to be quite critical of heavy RNG elements in roguelikes and I fucking hate deckbuilder games in general, but I like having to measure and mitigate the risk of unexpected and unfavorable situations on the fly and come up with impromptu solutions to interesting problems. Loss is expected, and while you can learn from loss, sometimes you're left feeling like the cards just weren't in your favour, and I think that's something that a lot of people who play these kinds of games just come to accept. A lot of people see it as senseless masochism, but in my experience with the games I've listed above, losing can genuinely be fun. There is a sense of loss, but these games to me are also in part story generators. I've had many experiences in all of them that I remember very fondly, and a lot of those stories end with loss.

    My particular fixation with them might be because of autism though. I have well over a thousand hours in several (probably multiple thousand in Cata) and tend to come back to them for comfort, so I probably just really like bad games

  • It's a miracle that Palworld exists, according to the studio founder: 'It was the antithesis of proper game development'
  • Oh, I'm sure we were in the minority, I just thought it was amusing enough to bring up. My group did experience quite a few bugs but not much I would call major.

  • It's a miracle that Palworld exists, according to the studio founder: 'It was the antithesis of proper game development'
  • I really didn't walk away from the game my first handful of hours thinking it was more polished than BG3 on release. I had to bail from our MP game because my inventory was rapidly filling with undroppable self replicating meat lmao

  • What's a game you love but can't actually recommend?
  • If you mean the thing about them refusing to pick up ammo, yeah, it was fixed a bit ago. They can still be a little fiddly, but it isn't a nightmare getting an archery squad working like it was before.

  • What's a game you love but can't actually recommend?
  • It's definitely possible to get the PC game running with some patience.'s_Cut

    PCGW has a good page on most of the PC version's critical issues and candidate fixes, and as you can probably see, there are quite a few. Getting it running in the first place was the hardest part for me. Once you get it running, just refer to the wiki now and then to watch for problematic points in the game and how to best avoid crashes.

    As for emulation, I have no idea. I do know that the console versions are supposed to be quite messy themselves, though, so I would guess it won't be a much better experience.

  • What's a game you love but can't actually recommend?
  • I think Dwarf Fortress's Steam release, for all its issues, has made it a lot more accessible to a casual audience, especially in the wake of the great success of games like Rimworld. That said, it's still quite an undertaking to pick up and learn. Cataclysm has definitely always been a hard sell to others, though. Usually, their interest wanes as soon as they look up a screenshot. On the rare occasions that I've convinced someone to boot it up, they've just walked into the sight range of a mi-go or something and immediately died and lost interest. There's so much to talk about when it comes to both of them, but no one to talk about them with :(

  • What's a game you love but can't actually recommend?
  • Deadly Premonition. It has a cast of very charming and surprisingly well written characters alongside a fascinating mindfuck of a story that is very much unlike anything else I've ever experienced. Heavily inspired by David Lynch's Twin Peaks and the closest I've seen another piece of media come to recapturing its dreamy, surreal vibes. Has a cult following despite being an absolutely shit game by all reasonable metrics. The combat is atrocious, it's unfathomably buggy, you're forced to drive between locations in a janky ass car, and the driving is like pulling teeth. It's really quite an unpleasant game to play for many reasons, and that's if you even get the game to run; the PC port is basically unplayable and requires a fuckton of fiddling on newer systems. Despite all that, it's an experience I remember very fondly. Just don't know if I'll be booting it up for another run in the next decade.

  • Locked
  • Oooooh fuck yeah, I'm gonna have pleasant dreams tonight (✿◕‿◕)

  • Okay so im just starting dwarf fortress, but I have a few questions about it
  • As others here have suggested, if you go with the Steam edition you'll get a pretty new UI with mouse support and official tileset pre-installed among a variety of other QoL improvements (and some regressions that are being worked out, but nothing that will affect you having a good time.)

    If you don't go with the Steam edition, I'd highly recommend getting started with the Lazy Newb Pack as it provides a nice launcher that allows you to change some internal settings and select from a handful of tilesets

    First of all, Flinch already linked it, but I'll doubly recommend having the wiki open while you play. It's an invaluable resource, and anything you don't understand will be explained in detail there.

    For your first fortress, I would personally try to settle somewhere without aquifers (although light aquifers are newer and pretty manageable), or you may get frustrated trying to deal with them while learning.

    When you get settled in, have some workshops, bedrooms, etc., try checking out the basics of the nobles system, particularly managers and bookkeepers, early on. Having a manager will allow you to set up automatic tasks that are refreshed on certain conditions (i.e., Build 10 more beds IF number of beds in storage is less than 2.) Learning this early on will save you a lot of time and annoyance resubmitting tasks one-by-one for jobs that you would much rather have automated.

    I could ramble about DF and little tips for hours, but honestly blind is the best thing to be when starting. Just be patient, use the wiki, and have fun!


    Oh, and if you dig really, really deep, you might find some delicious candy, or even a group of funny clowns, if you're lucky.

  • Formerly a Space Station 13 server - Rounds every 3:00 PM CST on Saturdays, 8:30 PM CST on Sundays
  • Yeah, Amogus is essentially an ultra-simplified version of Space Station 13, and Barotrauma could be argued to be the same. Tasks in Among Us are really simple, but jobs in Space Station 13 tend to be complex, open-ended, roleplay heavy, or all of the above. You can spend hundreds of hours in SS13 mastering a single job, and that mechanical depth combined with the sheer chaos that can break out at any moment is why people play SS13

  • Would any nerds here want to play on a Hexbear Space Station 13 server?
  • I would give it a go! I haven't played SS13 in quite a while, but that sounds like a fun idea.

  • What changed? Skin color and America's strategic interest.
  • Yeah, the average individual denouncing the actions of Hamas are reacting to headlines that describe them as terrorists and child murderers.

    "They have a right to freedom, but they shouldn't be killing innocent people"

    If MSM rightfully framed it as a rebellion against an ongoing effort to colonize and ethnically cleanse Palestine, then I highly doubt you'd hear quite this many people spouting totally uninformed drivel in support of Israel.

  • Accidentally took like 75mg of edibles last night and experienced ego death
  • I experience this, too! Often I'll hear classical music out of thin air if I'm really fucking high, and I don't even listen to classical. It's extremely interesting whenever it happens

  • .ogg vs .wav, whats better?
  • Lossy means that data is lost on encoding, so the original quality of the recording will be compromised in some fashion.

    FLAC is superior to WAV because it's still lossless but compressed so the files take up less space.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • A lot of really good advice. Thank you immensely for this post! 🖤

  • NailBunny NailBunny [she/her]

    I like computers and all the dumb bullshit that makes them work. I'm also a big fan of horror literature, especially of the cosmic variety, and always appreciate recommendations! !hexbear-trans

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