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jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • Why having DRM behind a "do you want to install DRM to play media" button is seen as a bad thing? Otherwise everyone would have to use chromium.

  • Goverlay/Mangohud issues
  • If you are trying to config Mangohud, just edit his config file.



  • Android Intent Filter Verification Service
  • It does, because I've tried to install some apps from Aurora store (denying network permission) and then I saw these requests on TrackerControl, so maybe those apps wantend to be opened by default with these links. We are talking about video player apps, so there is no need to default on them for Amazon.

  • Android Intent Filter Verification Service
  • Thank you, it makes sense.

    I've tried to install some apps from Aurora store (denying network permission) and then I saw these requests on TrackerControl, so maybe those apps wantend to be opened by default with these links.

  • Android Intent Filter Verification Service

    cross-posted from:

    > Android Intent Filter Verification Service > > I've seen on TrackerControl this system app (on my grapheneOS) contacting Amazon ( and Google (,, and > > What does this app do? I've disabled internet access for the time being.

    Android Intent Filter Verification Service

    I've seen on TrackerControl this system app (on my grapheneOS) contacting Amazon ( and Google (,, and

    What does this app do? I've disabled internet access for the time being.

    Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons
  • From video description:

    Reason 1: Gaming
    Reason 2: Creative Apps
    Reason 3: Foobar2000 (my music player)
    Reason 4 (bonus) Fussing, fussing, fussing!

  • Mamma mia!
  • Celebrating #Firefox’s 20th birthday! 😍
  • Why did they change this icon?

  • Amazing app ideas
  • Did Sony used "MacDonald's" brand in a patent diagram? Can you link the source?

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • How does this actually works? Can you point me to technical documentation about this?

    I've only found info about SSAI, not about SSAP. Is it the same?

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Seems too much, really. Even if they do such a terrible thing, would they not expose a "report ad" or "see the product" buttons? Video buffer is still locally downloaded.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • I don't see any technical specification in the article, but if they inject the ad at the start of the video, making it part of the video itself, would make possible to just skip it using video controls. To avoid user skippin ad thru video controls there should be client-side script blocking it, so an ad-blocker can use this to tell apart an ad from the video itself.

    Can anyone correct me on this?

    Also, would this affect piped and invidious too?

  • I don't know why this isn't talked about more. But Nemo works with my iPad!
  • Different protocols? Like android's mtp? Never had an apple device, what do they use?

  • [Playstation Lifestyle] PS Plus Premium’s PS2 Games and Third-Party Classics Get Trophy Support
  • Now this is something actually cool the premium is worth for. Retroarch was leading on this.

  • NSFW Removed
    need a new name for my new computer
  • FatBoy.

  • Boeing's Starliner Just Docked To The ISS Despite New Thruster Problems Boeing's Starliner Just Docked To The ISS Despite New Thruster Problems

    It seems Boeing’s Starliner Spacecraft can’t quite get away from various complications on its first crewed mission. Earlier today and not too long after the additional helium leaks were found, the decision was made to call off the initial docking as five of the spacecraft’s thrusters failed. As a re...

    Boeing's Starliner Just Docked To The ISS Despite New Thruster Problems
    Photo Picker albums view does not show all albums

    As you can see in the screenshot, inside the Photo Picker in the Albums view only "Screenshots" is shown while in Photos view all the pictures are available in chronological order.

    By looking it up, I found people complaining the same issue and one suggesting adding them with Google Photos (which I don't have and I don't want to install).

    Just wanted to know if someone else here got the same issue or if there is a workaround/fix for this. (I'm on GrapheneOS)


    Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side

    I've introduced two of my friends (not into tech) to Lemmy. Since they're not into tech this is their first web forum.

    I've explained the federation thru the usual email metaphore and that's ok, but to lookup for communities is not quite there on client side.

    Let me explain. He wanted to see all the communities on an instance because that instance is in his native language but he's registered on another instance. So to see all those communities you must go on instance.domain/communities, copy the name of the community you are interessed in and paste it inside the app/web client to look it up.

    And to see all the communities all over the fediverse you must use which is a cool site, but still you got to copy paste back and forth to the app.

    This could be implementend inside app itself by listing all communities and add ability to filter by things like instance.

    Obviously open to discussion about the issue itself and how that could be improved.

    Feel free to tag apps/clients devs to ear their opinion too.

    Gamepad players, what button do you use for push-to-talk?

    Dualsense player here, I would like to know what button do you use as push-to-talk or if you use dualsense built-in mute button.

    Have a nice democracy ✊

    UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

    Facial recognition tech booms despite accuracy concerns. Police arrests surge while airports and restaurants trial facial payments and passport-free travel.

    UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech

    cross-posted from:

    > UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech > > A big biometric security company in the UK, Facewatch, is in hot water after their facial recognition system caused a major snafu - the system wrongly identified a 19-year-old girl as a shoplifter.

    True Tone / Adaptive Color Tone for AOSP

    I would like to know if there is something like iPhone "True Tone" or Samsung "Adaptive Color Tone" in AOSP or if there are alternatives to install. (I'm on GrapheneOS)

    Fake WhatsApp and Instagram apps that can steal personal data Fake WhatsApp and Instagram apps that can steal personal data

    Android smartphone users should be increasingly alert to malware infections on their devices.

    Fake WhatsApp and Instagram apps that can steal personal data

    cross-posted from:

    > Fake WhatsApp and Instagram apps that can steal personal data

    Large Graph Visualization Tools and Approaches | by Sviatoslav Kovalev

    > What to do, if you need to visualize a large network graph but all tools you try can only draw a hairball or eat all your RAM and hang…

    Just wanted to share this article that I came across (tho it's from 2019).

    How to encrypt regular phone calls?

    Is it even possible on android? Is there a FOSS dialer to optionally encrypt some phone calls (non voip) using a pre-shared key with other party?

    Is a Piped-like instance federated with PeerTube possible?

    Does every PeerTube instance store all other instances' content metadata (title, description, comments)? Would federating virtually with YouTube (through a YouTube frontend like Piped) give a too high ammount of data to store on other instances?

    GrapheneOS, where can I get changelog of system updates?

    I can't find any GrapheneOS changelog on their site. Are these just AOSP updates?

    MrSoup MrSoup
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