MDCCCLV @ MDCCCLV Posts 0Comments 54Joined 2 mo. ago
A plain reading suggests that everyone is dead and stays that way until the eschaton when they're resurrected. So the only people in heaven would be the Jewish souls that Jesus directly put there that had been dwelling in the gloomy underground afterlife.
The premise was removing your mask after the election, so in that case the 25th would be the appropriate solution. But that's only for extreme cases because you need most of the cabinet to agree.
If they're in a group with other humans. If you grow up without language like child raised by wolves then you just miss out on language completely and it's very hard to impossible to learn later once your special infant brain language tool is gone.
The point is that the captain wants his orders obeyed instantly. Reaction time matters.
This is still basic research, it's not close to commercialization.
That by itself isn't terrible, that could still be used if it is sealed in something like an era brick if it's good enough.
It would be like the fall of the ussr, the oligarchs today were people like the aluminum guy that took control of the aluminum foundry with a gun and then gained pretend ownership of it on paper.
Commonly artistic items of game sets would be made for largely show purposes and rarely or never used. So it wouldn't be surprising if it was made and then sealed in a box for a funeral wealthy collection or storage. We still do that with fancy metal dice that most people will never roll.
Except for the constant parasites.
There are lots of good free vpns out now, so it's not unlikely. People that spend hours on it can follow a guide for 10 minutes. It will lower the amount of people on it for sure but anybody who wants to can bypass it easily. It will probably mean more for creators and stuff, and their us bank accounts maybe won't be able to accept money from tk if they're sanctioned.
Acetone will work if nothing else works, but it's just as likely to strip the underlaying paint off. You can mostly use alcohol to clean it and apply some acetone just on the actual stain with a qtip, that makes it less likely to be noticeable.
This would be sk officers from their CIA stationed with Ukraine military to help deal with nk. They're not there secretly
Yeah, this is for people that are paralyzed and can do literally nothing. Anything is an improvement.
No shes third generation from the first elves that woke up. She's one of the oldest elves in middle-earth.
No, if you have a center track you can just use that. Volume isn't a problem for a computer listening to it since they don't use the physical speakers.
Is it more stable? I always ended up getting either a kraken or like 2 fps with a giant space station.
The recent ones were good. But they're basically a visual novel with some combat, so they're small scale.
It was honestly the design choice to make it procedural generation and then leaving the universe as a new game plus. That killed it completely.
Not really, they certainly had secret executions but they were limited. And a lot of that was done by police or the militias. The army wasn't just rolling around shooting people.
It's stupid to send a mission there just to pick up samples. Just wait for the next rover or lander test mission and then send that to land closer to the samples and pluck them up on the way back. They're not going anywhere.