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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • We all know damn well the four day week inevitably comes with a pay cut. Big business won't cede anything without getting theirs back.

    Still all for it. Four day workweeks are better for the environment and mental health.

  • I go back occasionally to niche communities that haven't moved off yet but since I deleted my account, I can't interact and don't feel the need to stay long, and since I don't/won't use the mobile app my usage is even further reduced.

  • The Gadsden flag, notable for the text "Don't tread on me," on a yellow flag with a coiled snake in the center. It's popular with cishet white male alt-righters and libertarians who feel persecuted for whatever reason. People use the phrase "No step on snek" with a cartoonish snake illustration to mock the idea that the most privileged groups today would ever compare themselves to the people of the American revolution who fought and died under this banner.

  • Even around the interstate you've got plenty of people flying flags on their houses and their trucks. It's funny, the fascists where I live have abandoned their Trump 2024 flags for No step on snek. I guess they figure he doesn't trigger the libs as much with one foot in a jail cell. Or maybe against all odds they grew a sense of shame.

  • If your encounters are one monster that is effectively a punching bag for your players, no offense, but you're doing it wrong. Every encounter should feature at least as many hostile creatures as it does players, even if they're piddly and don't offer much more than a turn or two of distraction while the big bad gets their good attacks off. You should almost never be running high-CR creatures alone, even if they have legendary actions.

    Additionally, vary your environments. Put down some patches of difficult terrain to slow down the melee-ers. Provide some cover for PCs and hostile creatures. The +2/+5 to AC and dex saves makes a noticable difference against casters, and lots of spells rely on being able to see the target. You might also change the nature of the encounter - maybe the PCs need to divert enemies away from a location, or prevent them from escaping.

    As for encounters dragging on forever, I find that it's usually a result of one or two players either not knowing their sheets, or spending a great deal of time weighing options. Identify those players, and talk with them after the session to see if there's a way to help streamline things.

  • Like, even within the bounds of the 'thought experiment,' the good lasts maybe a couple minutes if it even happens and the bad lasts an entire fucking lifetime, of course OP is going to get shouted out of class, the shit falling out of his mouth would make his ass jealous.

  • Seconding darkwood - one of the few that matches Amnesia in its ability to make you fear what you cannot, should not see. You pray to whatever gods you believe in that your light lasts and that thing that goes bump in the night does only that.