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CIA getting real desperate out here.

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Billboard article for some amazing context.:

> The guys arrived in Los Angeles from Israel to work on their debut album on Oct. 6, 2023

> The group is composed of... Sadik Dogosh, a Palestinian Bedouin Muslim from Rahat; Palestinian Christian Aseel Farah from Haifa...

A complete psyop.

I know Hasan had Dave 1 from Chromeo atleast a couple times, so that's a good Jewish-Arab music duo to listen to. Other than that, a Palestinian artist I found is Nemahsis through this Lorde cover she did to which Lorde said:

> I am so grateful for my Palestinian sister for reminding me why I make art – it speaks when I cannot.

Nemahsis was dropped from her label after October 7 so support her if you can.

Oh, also, I almost forgot. Macklemore did Hind's Halland recently released a sequel, Hind's Hall 2, featuring Palestinian artists. He was recently dropped from his Las Vegas show after he said Fuck America at a Seattle show.

Drop more awesome music recs for people to follow instead of this garbage psyop.

"New" Scandal Dropped: Blinken lied to Congress about Israel blocking food and medicine into Gaza so US could keep sending them weapons.

Link to the twitter post and to the original propublica report.

Nothing will happen here, obviously.

When we point it out as it is happening, these left-adjacent liberals wring their hands helplessly. Then, months later, they act horrified when this shit gets leaked and pretend they didn't know. I'm mad but I'm tired.

They'll do the same for Lebanon and who knows what else.

I don't know, I think right now I'm understanding the scale of evil that exists and how powerless we are.

Exposing the Flaws in Our Phone System

TLDW: There is no expectation of privacy when using your phone re: calls, messages, even your location. Hackers can gain access to it all and prevent these from getting to your phone without you even knowing it.

Use internet-based apps for messages, 2fa and calls like signal, telegram, WhatsApp etc (not endorsing any, just giving examples). The location hack is NOT based on gps so disabling it doesn’t protect you either. You’ll have to leave your phone behind, or power it off to be safe.

Better than Twitter tbh.
  • AI site won’t have pornbots but it also won’t have real memes created by real posters.

  • I think I made a friend
  • Thank you!

  • I think I made a friend
  • Thanks!

  • I think I made a friend

    We met at work and have a lot in common. But I’m an awkward s.o.b. and have been so hesitant to talk despite wanting to talk really bad. Anyways, we still managed to talk over the next few months at work and then exchanged numbers (she initiated). Now I texted her and we had a nice chat and she said she wanted to keep chatting! It genuinely feels so good ngl.

    How the fuck is Putin supposed to be a “war criminal”?

    Like? Is anyone who starts a war a “war criminal” now?

    If it’s because Russia’s killed civilians (whether intentionally or just because they didn’t care enough in pursuit of their military objectives), then, like, isn’t basically every Western leader + Biden a “war criminal”? How would you ever create a standard that could include him but not others?

    And if they are all “war criminals” then why would you support one over the other? I don’t get this conversation.

    And even if you had to, like, in what world would it make sense to think that Putin is worse than Netanyahu or the Western leaders who arm and support him?

    Why the fuck is AOC rage-tweeting at Jill Stein like she’s Elon Musk?

    She obviously got ratio’d including by Jill Stein herself.

    > Well @AOC, you supporting genocide was NOT on my bingo card, but the Democrats have a way of changing people who say they're going to "change the party from the inside".

    > What's the value of Democrats winning if you won’t fight for raising the minimum wage, Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, or any other policy you took from the Greens, and instead end up supporting fracking, caging kids, and genocide? Maybe it's time to watch these parties die.

    Turns out, she is leading among Muslim voters in several key swing states which might be worrying some DNC officials. But rather than changing their stance, they send their “progressive” attack dog.

    Burkina Faso nationalises contested gold mines amidst legal settlement
  • If they just seize it military style you’ll see a coup or a full-on war Egypt and Nasser-style. This way, at least, all there will be is just a lot of crocodile tears and demonising in western press and nothing else.

  • How it started. How it’s going.
  • Thank you comrade rat-salute-2

  • is this brat behaviour?
  • provided the source here..

    Now you post yours.

  • is this brat behaviour?
  • provided the source here..

    Now you post yours.

  • Kamala Harris supports Israel just as much as Joe Biden.

    Link -

    Squirrel exposes Kamala and “leftists” who support her. CW - mention of torture, sexual assault
  • His coverage of Kamala, especially the last couple days, has not been just analyzing the “horse race”. I’m not saying he agrees with her policies/actions.

    But his coverage has been focused on getting her elected, becuase to him she is good enough while Biden was not. This might even be your position. But where I draw the line, and where it really galls me, is when he lies about her record and views on Palestine.

    What was a redline when it came to Biden is just an inconvenient truth to be hidden and ignored until the election.

    None of what Squirrel has talked regarding Kamala on Palestine has gotten any coverage on Hasan’s streams. When her views on Palestine come up, in fact, you could be forgiven for assuming she is even pro-Palestine (at least compared to others near her position), if all you do is watch Hasan.

  • NSFW
    Squirrel exposes Kamala and “leftists” who support her. CW - mention of torture, sexual assault
  • You cannot say the “threads” are good and defend how Hasan has been glazing Kamala the past few days.

    I’ll stick to the topic of Palestine: Ever since Biden dropped out, Hasan has consistently talking about how Kamala is good on Palestine. Even before, he talked of how Kamala distanced herself from Biden’s pro-genocide position, bringing up that one clip where she said the word “ceasefire” as if that’s proof.

    This is either a lie while he knows the truth that Squirrel has pointed out in multiple threads (more than the two I linked), in which case Hasan is being a grifter liar, hiding the truth from his audience for other domestic considerations.

    Or he doesn’t know just how horrible Kamala is on Palestine, in which case he is irresponsible and uninformed, misleading his massive audience like the blind leading the blind. He calls himself a political commentator - it’s his responsibility to be informed on the policies and actions of the Democratic Presidential nominee.

    Hasan said how he was not going to vote for Biden because of his pro-genocide actions. Kamala has the same positions, even worse in some cases. Yet Hasan is not pointing those out, either due to his own ignorance or for other reasons. Both are bad.

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • Counterpoint: my boomers told me it’ll take 30 applications max. And after two weeks of no jobs, they told me to go in person and just start asking for jobs agony-4horsemen

    They also began blaming immigrants despite being immigrants themselves.

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.

    the sheer RELIEF I’m feeling my god. I came so close to offing myself so many times lmao. This goddamnit labor market is TRASH.

    I’ve accepted it obviously and waiting for the next steps. Gonna drink some nice wine I bought a while ago.

    I might be trying out Fedora Linux
  • Fedora’s nice! I was on it for a long time before switching to a fork called Nobara, which is still just Fedora but with some tweaks for gaming.

    I’ve never tried Mint but I know it’s supposed to give a Windows-like appearance. So maybe you’ll be more at home with KDE than GNOME, though both are great.

    Another thing to remember is Fedora does minor updates pretty often but it doesn’t force you to update. It’s up to you to choose when to update it. I’m not talking about the full OS upgrade like going from Fedora 39 to Fedora 40 which happens every few months etc. So make sure to just do an update once a week or every coup of weeks or something. The OS will remind you, too so no need to worry.

    Also, a big difference is apt-get is gonna change to dnf when you use the terminal to get packages. When you go online to find stuff to find apps to download or commands to run, you’ll need to find the Fedora specific versions or ask for them. A lot provide for both Ubuntu and Fedora but Fedora is smaller than Ubuntu, so you will see some things online that just don’t have any instructions for Fedora. So you’ll have to ask around.

    Some resources that might be helpful - the Fedora subreddit and the official forum.

    I also found a couple of videos on what to do after installing Fedora. They’re from a few versions ago but the advice seems sound - video 1 + video 2

  • Delicious Hindutva Tears (CW - Islamophobia)
  • Self care, I get that lol. I’m glad I get to see a very real world example of online Hindutva fascists not being the majority of India.

    Having been away from the country for a while, and my only contact being people who have bought into propaganda + essentially all mainstream media being just govt. mouth pieces, there are very few ways of getting any alternative view. And there is no ability to gauge how popular that alternative view is.

    In that context, these results are very relieving. Dont know what it means for the future. He’s still gonna be the PM and BJP will still form the govt (via a coalition). But hopefully there will now be a strong opposition + he will not go down the Hindutva route (but who knows? Maybe he’ll double down. He hasn’t changed as a person).

  • Delicious Hindutva Tears (CW - Islamophobia)
  • Me too! Some worrying things in the results but that’s for later. The overwhelming feeling is just relief at the moment. Democracy in India is not dead, which I’m so so glad to have been wrong about.

    And it was the classes/castes/religions who were oppressed the most who kicked BJP out of its majority in its supposed strongholds.

  • Delicious Hindutva Tears (CW - Islamophobia)

    It’s been a good 24 hrs (the market crashed and my relatives lost money but that’s what they get for betting on a fascist. I’ve been happily dancing and drinking from thousands of miles away.)

    Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?

    Went to a Palestinian solidarity protest/rally with some new folks who’d become radicalised against America/the West over the last six months. They aren’t socialists (yet, I’m working on it) - but they’re good people. So, seeing the genocide and its support by our governments filled them with disgust. We talked about the Nakba, the history of Zionism, and the current apartheid etc.

    Now, we come to the protest.

    Overall, the atmosphere was incredible. Lots of cool signs, different kinds of people, and, of course the pigs. That’s not the problem.

    The problem was the fucking speakers. I swear, at least half of them had to be feds whose entire job was to turn people away from turning up at these events.

    Some of them, and I mean this literally, wanted the crowd to chant “we support October 7” and “we stand with Hamas”.

    I swear, the way the people I was with turned to look at me.

    Not every speaker was like this - most were genuine. They talked of labor solidarity, campus organizing, personal anecdotes. But all of that made these speakers stand out all the more.

    The worst part is that when it would happen, the organisers was one of them. So this entire thing was a sham from the start.

    I feel so bad. I shouldn’t have just brought people to a random protest I saw and should’ve vetted it first.

    Like, seriously. I can’t fucking get over this. Who organizes a protests of people from all walks of life in support of Palestine and wants them to chant we stand with Hamas and let’s do one hundred more October 7s?.

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    Like, of fucking course Hamas is a natural reaction to apartheid and ethnic cleansing and genocide. And of course Oct 7 is nothing compared to the 200 days that followed since (or the 75 years that preceded it). But come the fuck on.

    Twitch Streamer Asmongold: I don't really give a fuck what Palestine's problems are... but if somebody's blocking the road... and I'm trying to get through... I will reflexively be against them.


    When asked: Would you have said the same thing during the civil rights movement?

    He replied: "What a ridiculous and self-serving oversimplification to imply the civil rights movement was successful because people stood in the street. It's very simple, just get out of the road"

    Here's the link to the video clips.

    He also said this:

    "What gives you the unique moral authority to break the law because of what you believe in?... It's narcissistic and entitled. That's insane. It's like these people think the world revolved around their issue..."

    The pic is just a pic I found of him.

    Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.

    Good British Man.

    Edit - I don't remember where I read/heard it, but I remember very early on someone said that liberals will one day turn on Israel but it'll be after a certain number of people begin dying - 5k, 10k, 30k, 50k. I wish I could find it.

    That perfectly encapsulated the liberal mindset. They won't stand with us before the atrocity begins, when we are saying this will happen - only when it's already happening and their conscience gets in the way. (I'm talking about the people, not the ones in charge - the latter know perfectly well what they're doing, of course).

    It's just endlessly frustrating, because the same thing happens over and over again.

    Hasan interviews Student Organizers at Columbia protesters HasanAbi - Twitch


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