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What are some old or new Steam alternatives to StarCraft 1 & 2?
  • Is there such a mod for SC1?

  • Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate
  • They don't want to solve the immigrant problem, as the fear of the population is what drives their grip on society.

  • Which intro skipper is still working?
  • According to their readme, it works with the newest Jelllyfin server.

  • Chatkontrolle weitergedacht
  • Sebastian Fiedler

    Das ist der Trottel wegen dem die SPD beinahe dem CanG nicht zugestimmt hätte. Der soll mal lieber zur CSU gehen.

  • PC Hardwareshops ohne Versandkosten
  • Einfach bei Geizhals die Versandkosten einbeziehen lassen und gucken wo es am günstigsten ist ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

  • Recommendation for a high-quality webcam for Linux
  • You can probably use an Elgato Facecam (Mk.2), configure it in a Windows VM and then save the settings directly on the device to use it under Linux.

  • YouTube downloader
  • Does this support other targets like twitch VODs?

  • MAS scripts should be safe, but what about Windows iso you can download from MASSGRAVE website
  • Huh, you're right. But a few weeks ago I was definitely able to download via Fido. Maybe try that.

  • Filen cloud
  • Nah, that was public opinion on /r/datahoarders (I think) back when I still used reddit.

  • Filen cloud
  • People complain that they won't respect their lifetime plans forever, but otherwise I haven't heard anything bad about them.

  • MAS scripts should be safe, but what about Windows iso you can download from MASSGRAVE website
  • Never had an issue getting an iso from them via Mullvad.

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • Mattermost does not have E2EE to my knowledge.

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • Not E2EE though, or at least not fully.

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • XMPP only does it with certain client extensions. And Matrix only does it when the rooms are set up this way. SimpleX does what you want, but is kind of unintuitive for the average user.
    I say go with Signal, it does what you want and is idiot-proof.

  • How to fix my Coturn setup?

    I've set up my homeserver via matrix-docker-ansible-deploy, but made the mistake of using my domain as ansible_host variable at first. I think that is why now my Coturn server doesn't work as intended. Calls can only be made (in Element) when I enable as an alternative in the settings.

    Since the initital setup, I've correctly replaced the domain with the server IP in the ansible inventory file and reran just setup-all, but I still can't make calls via my homeserver.

    1. Is it likely that the mistake I made is causing this issue?
    2. What can I do to correct the Coturn configuration or otherwise fix this issue?

    EDIT: I've found this in the docs: I'll try this and report back.

    EDIT2: This did not fix the issue.

    How can I find out whether my homeserver is correctly set up to support sliding sync?

    I've used matrix-docker-ansible-deploy to set up Dendrite and the Sliding Sync proxy. Is there a way for me to test the sliding sync functionality?

    FLOSS sound level meter for Android?

    Is there such a thing? I wasn't able to find anything in the F-Droid repository.

    CryoByte has a merch store now CryoMerch33

    The official website and shop of CryoByte33. Buy merch and support your favorite creator.

    What's with the new comment hiding behavior?

    Before the newest update I was able to collapse a comment and all of its replies by tapping the "headline" of the comment. Now this action only hides the replies. Can I get the old behavior back?

    Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch

    After installing a new interim CEO earlier this month, Mozilla, the organization behind the Firefox browser, is making some major changes to its product

    Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch

    >Specifically, Mozilla plans to scale back its investment in a number of products, including its VPN, Relay and, somewhat remarkably, its Online Footprint Scrubber, which launched only a week ago. Mozilla will also shut down Hubs, the 3D virtual world it launched back in 2018, and scale back its investment in its Mastodon instance. The layoffs will affect roughly 60 employees. Bloomberg previously reported the layoffs.

    Yo, wtf. Their VPN, Relay and Monitor are basically the only Mozilla services I'd use and pay for. To me this sounds like this is the wrong direction. What do you guys think?

    Gibt es eine vollständige Liste aller Psychotherapeuten (m)einer Region?

    Ich suche eine vollständige(!) aktuelle(!) Liste aller(!) Psychotherapeuten nach Region aufgeschüsselt. Über [1] und [2] finde zwar schon eine ganze Menge (und sogar nach Region gefiltert, teilweise sogar mit Entfernungsangabe), ich weiß aber von mindestens einem Therapeuten aus meiner Region, der dort nicht gelistet wird. Ich vermute, weil er nur Privatpatienten behandelt.

    Gibt es also eine Liste, die alle Psychotherapeuten aufführt, auch die, die sich nur mit Privatpatienten beschäftigen?

    [1] [2]

    What Matrix/Discord/Teams alternatives are there that FULLY support E2EE across Desktop and Mobile?


    > Element for Android doesn't support searching in encrypted channels and I think you can't use E2EE in the browser at all(?), plus basically every other client has even more drawbacks when it comes to E2EE. > > My team recently tried RocketChat, but E2EE is obviously an afterthought for that project as it has even more limitations than non-Element Matrix clients (no searching, no pinning, no file upload, no edit, etc.). Plus Jitsi integration seems to be buggy right now (at least on my Windows installation). > > What else is out there that's not on my radar? Is Matrix with Element really the best option right now? Is there no project that puts E2EE above all else? > > Edit: Should be self-hostable and (FL)OSS.

    What Matrix/Discord/Teams alternatives are there that FULLY support E2EE across Desktop and Mobile?

    Element for Android doesn't support searching in encrypted channels and I think you can't use E2EE in the browser at all(?), plus basically every other client has even more drawbacks when it comes to E2EE.

    My team recently tried RocketChat, but E2EE is obviously an afterthought for that project as it has even more limitations than non-Element Matrix clients (no searching, no pinning, no file upload, no edit, etc.). Plus Jitsi integration seems to be buggy right now (at least on my Windows installation).

    What else is out there that's not on my radar? Is Matrix with Element really the best option right now? Is there no project that puts E2EE above all else?

    Edit: Should be self-hostable and (FL)OSS.

    Session Token: Looking Ahead
    Forget spaceships, I just want my music

    Edit: Sorry, this has already been posted.

    datahoarder Lemmchen
    Forget spaceships, I just want my music
    Best F-Droid frontend for Android TV?

    The origial F-Droid app is extremely cumbersome to navigate with a remote. I'm hoping one of the clones has a layout that's more suitable for remote controls.

    P.S.: Has anyone tried Obtainium on Android TV yet?

    Jetzt mal Butter bei die Fische, wie kriegt man eingetrocknete Kotreste im Toilettenabfluss weg?

    I know, I know, unangenehmes Thema und so.

    Ich rede von "eingetrockneten" Ablagerungen im Siphonbereich der Toilette. Mit der Klobürste und diversen Reinigern tut sich da gar nichts. Gibt es irgendein Patentrezept dagegen, außer es gar nicht erst so weit kommen zu lassen?

    EDIT: Vielen Dank für die Tipps. In Ermangelung von Waschmaschinentabs, habe ich dieses Pulver genommen, weil ich das gerade greifbar hatte. Und siehe da, es hat ziemlich gut funktioniert :)


    Is there a plugin for documentaries?

    I have a collection of German documentaries and ideally I'd like to make them available via Jellyfin. Is there a plugin to index those? Hell, is there even an index database for that type of thing?

    What is the current state of the art of upscaling DVD-only releases?

    I know this technically doesn't really qualify as !, but I figured if anybody on Lemmy would know, it's you guys.

    I have some old DVDs that never got a proper Blu-ray release. With all the fuzz about and the recent advancements in AI, what is the definitive best way to upscale to 1080p in 2023?

    Lemmchen Lemmchen
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