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Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? Infinite Scale - the new cloud-native data platform

Infinite Scale is a new data platform with a focus on performance, scalability, security and governance. Microservice-based, database-less and written in Go.

Infinite Scale - the new cloud-native data platform

The topic of self-hosted cloud software comes up often but I haven't seen anyone mention owncloud infinite scale (the rewrite in Go).

I started my cloud experience with owncloud years ago. Then there was a schism and almost all the active devs left for the nextcloud fork.

I used nextcloud from it's inception until last year but like many others it always felt brittle (easy to break something) and half baked (features always seemed to be at 75% of what you want).

As a result I decided to go with Seafile and stick to the Unix philosophy. Get an app that does one thing very well rather than a mega app that tries to do everything.

Seafile does this very well. Super fast, works with single sign on etc. No bloat etc.

Then just the other day I discovered that owncloud has a full rewrite. No php, no Apache etc. Check the github, multiple active devs with lots of activity over the last year etc. The project seems stronger than ever and aims to fix the primary issues of nextcloud/owncloud PHP. Also designed for cloud deployment so works well with docker, should be easy to configure via docker variables instead of config files mapped into the container etc.

Anyways, the point of this thread is:

  1. If you never heard of it like me then check it out
  2. If you have used it please post your experiences compared to NextCloud, Seafile etc.
Switch from Ubuntu to something immutable?
  • Kde has a disable sleep button in the power/battery icon menu which I use as a work around, still annoying and yet another quality of life issue that Just Works (tm) on other platforms

  • Should I stick with Docker Swarm for self-hosting?
  • When I was starting out I almost went down the same pathway. In the end, docker secrets are mainly useful when the same key needs to be distributed around multiple nodes.

    Storing the keys locally in an env file that is only accessible to the docker user is close enough to the same thing for home use and greatly simplifies your setup.

    I would suggest using a folder for each stack that contains 1 docker compose file and one env file. The env file contains passwords, the rest of the env variables are defined in the docker compose itself. Exclude the env files from your git repo (if you use this for version control) so you never check in a secret to your git repo (in practice I have one folder for compose files that is on git and my env files are stored in a different folder not in git).

    I do this all via portainer, it will setup the above folder structure for you. Each stack is a compose file that portainer pulls from my self hosted gitea (on another machine). Portainer creates an env file itself when you add the env variables from the gui.

    If someone gets access to your system and is able to access the env file, they already have high level access and your system is compromised regardless of if you have the secrets encrypted via swarm or not.

  • Release 10.9.7 · jellyfin/jellyfin
  • This is genuinely one of the most impressive open source projects out there right now. Seems like 10.9 opened the flood gates for all these amazing contributions and improvements. 81 merges in the last 30 days! Great job jellyfin team!

  • Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome?
  • Not to mention the advantage of infrastructure as code. All my docker configs are just a dozen or so text files (compose). I can recreate my server apps from a bare VM in just a few minutes then copy the data over to restore a backup, revert to a previous version or migrate to another server. Massive advantages compared to bare metal.

  • Kata Containers: Security and Containers Without Compromise - Ildiko Vancsa, Open Infrastructure Fnd
  • Is this useful for a homelab with a current setup of 1 physical host -> proxmox -> alpine VM -> docker?

    Docker is managed by portainer that pulls docker compose files from a git repo. Around 30 containers total in 10 or so stacks.

    This idea looks really interesting but it seems to be mostly for kubernetes deployments

  • Immich android re-uploads files after docker restart
  • There is an issue with your database persistence. The file is being uploaded but it's not being recorded in your database for some reason.

    Describe in detail what your hardware and software setup is, particularly the storage and OS.

    You can probably check this by trying to upload something and then checking the database files to see the last modified date.

  • ASUS warns of critical remote authentication bypass on 7 routers
  • If you are willing to spend a bit more upfront, I bought a mini PC in 2017 and installed opnsense on it. It's still rock solid. For wifi, I use a separate ap (a ubiquity UAP that I bought in 2015) and it is also going strong. Almost a decade of rock solid performance easily beats out any other router I've owned in terms of both performance and cost.

  • HDMi port om Fedora 40
  • I have an atomic variant of fedora 40 (Aurora) and it just works on an Intel CPU with integrated graphics. I have a USB c dongle with HDMI out and it just works when I plug it in.

    I also tried it on my steam deck dock the other day and it worked without issue.

  • A Story of Silent Data Corruption with Seafile

    Technically this isn't actually a seafile issue, however the upload client really should have the ability to run checksums to compare the original file to the file that is being synced to the server (or other device).

    I run docker in a VM that is hosted by proxmox. Proxmox manages a ZFS array which contains the primary storage that the VM uses. Instead of making the VM disk 1TB+, the VM disk is relatively small since its only the OS (64GB) and the docker containers mount a folder on the ZFS array itself which is several TBs.

    This has all been going really well with no issues, until yesterday when I tried to access some old photos and the photos would only load half way. The top part would be there but the bottom half would be grey/missing.

    This seemed to be randomly present on numerous photos, however some were normal and others had missing sections. Digging deeper, some files were also corrupt and would not open at all (PDFs, etc).

    Badness alert....

    All my backups come from the server. If the server data has been corrupt for a long time, then all the backups would be corrupt as well. All the files on the seafile server originally were synced from my desktop so when I open the file locally on the desktop it all works fine, only when I try to open the file on seafile does it fail. Also not all the files were failing only some. Some old, some new. Even the file sizes didn't seem to consistently predict if it would work on not.

    Its now at the point where I can take a photo from my desktop, drag it into a seafile library via the browser and it shows successful upload, but then trying to preview the file won't work and downloading that very same file back again shows the file size about 44kb regardless of the original file size.

    Google/DDG...can't find anyone that has the same issue...very bad

    Finally I notice an error in mariadb: "memory pressure can't write to disk" (paraphrased).

    Ok, that's odd. The ram was fine which is what I assumed it was. HD space can't be the issue since the ZFS array is only 25% full and both mariadb and seafile only have volumes that are on the zfs array. There are no other volumes...or is there???

    Finally in portainer I'm checking out the volumes that exist, seafile only has the two as expected, data and database. Then I see hundreds of unused volumes.

    Quick google reveals docker volume purge which deletes many GBs worth of volumes that were old and unused.

    By this point, I've already created and recreated the seafile docker containers a hundred times with test data and simplified the docker compose as much as possible etc, but it started working right away. Mariadb starts working, I can now copy a file from the web interface or the client and it will work correctly.

    Now I go through the process of setting up my original docker compose with all the extras that I had setup, remake my user account (luckily its just me right now), setup the sync client and then start copying the data from my desktop to my server.

    I've got to say, this was scary as shit. My setup uploads files from desktop, laptop, phone etc to the server via seafile, from there borg backup takes incremental backups of the data and sends it remotely. The second I realized that local data on my computer was fine but the server data was unreliable I immediately knew that even my backups were now unreliable.

    IMHO this is a massive problem. Seafile will happily 'upload' a file and say success, but then trying to redownload the file results in an error since it doesn't exist.

    Things that really should be present to avoid this:

    1. The client should have the option to run a quick checksum on each file after it uploads and compare the original to the uploaded one to ensure data consistency. There should probably be an option to do this afterwards as well as a check. Then it can output a list of files that are inconsistent.
    2. The default docker compose should be run with health checks on mariadb so when it starts throwing errors but the interface still runs, someone can be alerted.
    3. Need some kind of reminder to check in on unused docker containers.
    Self hosted YouTube player with automatic yt-dlp downloader

    Looking for a self hosted YouTube front end with automatic downloader. So you would subscribe to a channel for example and it would automatically download all the videos and new uploads.

    Jellyfin might be able to handle the front end part but not sure about automatic downloads and proper file naming and metadata

    Jellyin app on steam deck allows screen to dim

    The jellyfin app (self hosted video streaming) app on steam deck (installed via desktop mode->discovery as a flat pack) doesn't seem to register as 'playing' with the os. The screen will dim after a few mins.

    I'm 'playing' the jellyfin app as a non steam game in game mode.

    I know I can disable screen dimming in the settings but is there a way to have it auto detect when a video is playing and prevent the screen from dimming?

    Suggestions for good decaf coffee roasters in Canada?

    Any suggestions for roasted decaf beans I can get Canada?

    Anyone tried this 4x 10gbe + 5x 2.5gbe router? ServeTheHome Forums

    A place to discuss servers, storage and networking

    Very solid price, the cheapest I've seen for something like this. Has anyone tried it with OPNsense or other software?

    The linked thread talks about someone getting 60C load temps but the air was 37C and they are using a RJ45 DAC which are known to use lots of power.

    Wondering if anyone else has experience with this. Seems like a big advancement in what's possible at a home scale for non second hand equipment.

    Another article about this:

    Shout out to JellyStat, awesome stats for Jellyfin! GitHub - CyferShepard/Jellystat: Jellystat is a free and open source Statistics App for Jellyfin

    Jellystat is a free and open source Statistics App for Jellyfin - GitHub - CyferShepard/Jellystat: Jellystat is a free and open source Statistics App for Jellyfin

    GitHub - CyferShepard/Jellystat: Jellystat is a free and open source Statistics App for Jellyfin

    Beautiful stats for Jellyfin. I just set it up in docker compose yesterday. Love it!

    zwave to Ethernet bridge

    I'm wondering if I can get a device that enables zwave over Ethernet/wifi and connect that to my home assistant setup?

    Basically I have a home assistant setup in my house. I want to add a few simple things to my parents place but I want it to all be on the same HA instance.

    On the router in my parents place, I can install wireguard to connect it to my LAN. So now my parents network is the same as my LAN network.

    I'm looking for a device that can connect to zwave and then send that info over the LAN to my home assistant. Does such a thing exist? Thanks.

    Do UltraPro Z-WAve Switches have local control?

    By local control, I mean if the Z-wave hub is down will the switch still work as a dumb switch and turn the lights on/off?

    This is the product I would like to get, but can't find if they allow 'dumb switch' operation. Does anyone have experience with these?


    Starship ready for second test flight. Waiting for FAA approval. SpaceX stacks giant Starship rocket ahead of 2nd test flight (video, photos)

    'Starship is ready to launch, awaiting FAA license approval,' Elon Musk said.

    SpaceX stacks giant Starship rocket ahead of 2nd test flight (video, photos)

    Starship has been stacked and is apparently ready to launch as per Musk. Waiting on FAA approval for second test flight.

    homelab Lem453
    NixOS as a docker host VM on proxmox?

    Hi all. Just learned about NixOS a few weeks ago. I'm in the process of migrating several of my docker services to a new server that will have proxmox installed as the host and then a VM for docker.

    I'm currently using alpine as the VM and it works well but one of the main goals of the migration is to use infrastructure as code as much as possible. All my docker services are docker compose files checked into a git repo that gets deployed. When I need to make a change, I update the git repo and pull down the latest docker compose.

    I currently have a bunch of steps that I need to do on the alpine VM to make it ready for docker (qemu agent, NFS shares, etc).

    NixOS promises to be able to do all that with a single config file and then create a immutable OS that never changes after that. That seems to follow the philosophy well for infrastructure as code and easy reproducibility.

    Has anyone else tried NixOS as a docker host? Any issues you've encountered?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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