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Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe? - The Atlantic
  • They have every American's shit. Most Europeans too. Spoiler, if your uncle and your random ass 3rd cousin got tests done, then you also basically got a test done. They don't need every single detail to draw a rough "good enough" circle around like "people with these genes in their family aren't worth the cost."

  • got caught being drunk at work. had to give my boss a ride home and he found my gin under the back seat. am I fucked?
  • I'm confused about the order of events here.

    The worst reading is you were drunk, your boss had you drive him home, and at some point he discovered evidence of you drinking in your car, presumably at work/on the way to work/whatever.

    The other (better) reading is you were drunk at work at some other time, today you had to drive your boss home, and he found gin in your car which he took as evidence you are still drinking at work, possibly even while driving. Although alcohol is legal and the mere presence of it in a private vehicle doesn't mean anything illegal or against work rules occurred. Which is why I assume this was a follow up event to the first statement. I'm probably reading too much into it

  • Feds raid home of Mayor Adams’ chief advisor Ingrid Lewis-Martin
  • We knew this dingus was corrupt for his entire time as mayor... the fact it took this long to do anything. It's also for the dumbest shit he did. How about bust his skull like he told the NYPD to bust skulls of college students... Kinda fucked Joe did his this way after all that violence he did to support Joe's foreign policies. I'd be snitching my ass off about Biden admin corruption if I were him. Maybe he doesn't have anything though... mayors are pretty isolated from federal party shit

  • Justice Department accuses Visa of debit network monopoly that affects price of 'nearly everything’
  • Hmm, user preference I think. I think the latter version displays more contempt though.

  • Justice Department accuses Visa of debit network monopoly that affects price of 'nearly everything’
  • Oh wow just one of ten billion suits the government should have been pursuing over a decade ago.

    The fact that these cowards are doing an antitrust suit and didn't just blackbag the CEO and other high up officers in the company when their response to obviously being a monopoly (it's quite literally just Visa and Mastercard and Visa is far bigger) was "pfft. No! Pfft. Look at all these competitors! Like Mastercard! And... did we mention Mastercard?"

    It's like Microsoft or Apple trying to claim they don't do monopolistic shit, that they don't hold de facto monopolies in certain sectors, because "Well, there is literally one competitor! So technically just because we hold 95% of the market, that means we aren't a monopoly!" No. That's not how this works.

    Well, it does because 1) a ton of people who even see this stuff don't care or very cuckedly (yeah, I'm making that up and using it) support it. And 2) this suit is being brought late in the year immediately before an election when the suit has been deserved since... at least 2008. At least. It's just being thrown out to say "See? Eh? You see that one? We did something! What was the result of our lawsuit against Apple, a clear monopoly holder that charges $99/year to develop apps and locks customers from using their devices which should be the easiest slam dunk "you must allow root access" outcome ever? Stop asking! WE DID SOMETHING!"

    How about using just 0.1% of the energy they've been spending on college kids mad about genocide on any of these CEOs if only for personal grievance "fuck you!" reasons. Imagine being the USAG and Visa's top attorney scoffs at you like that when they are absolutely obviously a monopoly. Even if you're a massive paid shill, send that asshole to a blackhole just because, you know, you still can.

  • Kosovo strong
  • "Greek invasion" made me snort.

    Not to downplay the seriousness pr whatever. Just the idea of a bunch of overweight, hairy, small diner owners angrily sailing in a boat is funny. Imagine an army of Stavvies vs an army of his best friend (he's Albanian, I forget his name). Would be hilarious.

  • German "Antifa" has completely lost it
  • I think many people forget the origins of "national socialism" aka the Nazis was basically the same as we see now days all over again. The far right appropriating language, claiming to be pro-worker, etc. and finally they just start using the word people associate with the actual groups trying to make things less shit.

    "MAGA "communism"" couldn't be more on the nose if they tried.

    MAGA movement, make America great again, extremely nationalistic in every sense. Communism commonly used as a synonym for socialism. Especially to Burgers. It's just the same.

    Like Peterson using the term "cultural Marxism" as a thin veil for "cultural Bolshevism" which is just a not-thin veil for "cultural Judaism" which, well, they aren't saying it in a positive way, that's for sure.

  • Ethan Klein is losing it
  • Can't wait for these two clowns to make a podcast called "Rightovers" or maybe "First Dibs" I dunno. Some play on Leftovers.

    They'll have infinite content to discuss where Bonnerama can recount stories from his grandparents about owning slaves and Ethan can be like "hey, at least Israel doesn't want to enslave them!" Dan will probably hang himself after the first episode with a mic cable. Imagine being Ethan's producer over the last year. Jesus Christ.

  • Ethan Klein is losing it
  • That's an attack directed at Hasan Piker. He's the only motherfucker who drinks Diet Mt Dew. Has been for years.

  • Ethan Klein is losing it
  • "Morally lucky" is a really obvious clue who he's been talking to behind the scenes.

    It's a guy with an online name better befitting a stripper (no disrespect to strippers btw, just listing facts)

    Who has recently been owned by an 70 something year old Finkelstein, agreed 100% with a Nazi (Ben Shapiro), and has spent ~a year now explicitly supporting a genocide while denying a genocide is happening.

    It's a classic Mr Borelli line. Of course he didn't invent it, he's not that clever, but he has used it repeatedly for years as an "own" against those who find themselves on the correct side of things more often than not, such as Hasan Piker. It's a cope phrase to protect the fee-fees of gusanos and Zionists.

  • "I'm a gun owner. Tim Walz is a gun owner. If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot." Harris told Oprah.
  • "Leftists" whatever that even means in the US (nothing basically) are a non-entity. However, every single policy that this ambiguous "leftist" would support is insanely popular.

    • Actual anti-imperialist (cloaked in anti-war)

    • Healthcare as a human right (cloaked in healthcare coverage for all- call it anything you like)

    • Pro abortion (cloaked in "pro choice" and "pro women")

    There's a bunch more including immigration (or at least pro-immigrant), actually pro-labor, etc.

    All popular stances, all leftwing if properly articulated and executed. They can't be sold as leftwing because insane Nazi country and all that. But if she ran on them, she'd be winning about ~60-80% of the national vote. Assuming the media was arm twisted into proper coverage.

    Oh, and anti-genocide of course. She could just say Israel is doing genocide and as POTUS she would oversee the systematic dismantling of Israel as a nationstate... and lose like 4 votes. Because all the Nazis are already voting for orange Nazi man. The libs don't actually care. They care as much as Maddow and Van Jones tell them to care, eg "wow look at these Hamas students!" But they do not actually care about Israel. All it takes is a media narrative shift which the sitting VP/potential future POTUS can absolutely 100% force. Trump does it all the time. They have to cover what she says. She has access to the bully pulpit, although smaller ATM. She chooses right wing though. And it's actually losing her the election.

    If you assume both candidates wish to win, and you must assume this otherwise the other path is pure conspiracy theory that doesn't benefit anyone, this is the better analysis. She and the democrats, her advisers specifically, are fucking incompetents. Right wing hacks. Far to the right of the general population. Which, considering America, is almost impressive...

  • I just got dumped by someone who is really into astrology, so I just wanted to say...
  • It is stupid, but lots of hobbies are stupid.

    What takes it over the top is when people start making actual life decisions based on what they read about "Aires and Gemini relationships" or whatever.

    I have an ex whose grandmother would literally call her in the middle of the night to opine on how she should leave me and find a man who better matches her astrology shit. And what could have been a humorous laugh about batty ol' grandma turned into me chuckling while she sternly stared at me until I said "... you're... not really listening to that dumb shit, right?"

    Well, that was many years ago, grandma is long dead, and uh, I dunno, maybe the sun knew something. Or maybe she was just using it as an excuse to make hard decisions. Who knows.

    I still don't understand anything about organic soap or astrology though. So, maybe she was also right with the whole "you never listen to me" thing. Listening to someone go on about the stars and moon and shit and how it has mystical powers is probably exactly how my mom felt when I was a kid explaining to her how I made gold in RuneScape. Just smile and nod along. Retain nothing. I did try to retain stuff, I really did, but I guess my brain just isn't built for that shit. But I describe in painful detail every boss fight from a raid I did 20 years ago... Brains. How do they work?

  • Have we crossed into a new era of censorship in the global north?
  • If you pay attention, like actually pay attention, and fully comprehend all the terrible shit the US state dept (and its various puppet like the EU, NATO, Israel, etc.) does on a daily, even hourly, basis... this is basically all going as expected and predicted for decades.

    Not to downplay the shittiness

  • Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump
  • Remember that time... when after 9/11... George "Hitler" Bush and Richard "Himmler" Cheney pushed through a bunch of insanely overreaching legislation, executive orders, and got SCOTUS to rubber stamp basically all of it. I remember being told as a teen in those subsequent years into the Iraq War era, that while time period, that those laws that created or beefed up the most powerful intelligence agencies/federal law enforcement agencies ever at the time, and still, were "required" for the moment. We're at war! Once Himmler gasses all the terrorists, we'll just, you know, do that thing which oppressive governments are famous for doing and simply relinquish power, stop the mass spying, the oppression of non-state dept friendly ideas/actions, etc.

    What actually happened, as everyone including a (very stupid, but not that stupid maybe) 15-16 or so year old me, said was gonna happen. The laws remained, the provisions they promised were only for "dirty foreign terrorists" became increasingly for "well, domestic terrorism exists too!" and now, as fully predicted, they're just creating more events, pushing people on the edge (but it's not entrapment because we said so!) to do unhinged shit, all to justify the previous laws, which you cannot even question anymore in public discourse btw, good luck if you tried. Fully solidify the past, it was always like that, don't believe those silly cranks who literally lived through that insanity, and btw, we need more funding. More departments with ambiguous names, murky objectives, held accountable only to other federal agencies that will simply say "nothing to see there. Just patriots!"

    The right wing used to be against this shit. Ostensively anyway. That old streak of libertarianism that probably would've said like "Yeah I think all these commies deserve to die, but that doesn't mean we need to frame them! If the government can frame them, they'll frame us!" You know, the absolute basic critical thinking required. Well, those guys are totally gone, and now just like "Yeah this is all really fucking bad... bad that isn't being used 100% against commies! Let's just do that!"

    Which, one on hand, I can appreciate the sentiment since I would like the power of the US government to also obliterate all the right wing dipshits. But, I also know that 1) isn't happening 2) probably would horribly backfire even if someone tried. That also means that, like it or not, my own mind has slipped from a world where, for example, dissolving the department of homeland security (one of the worst agencies in the US which is packed to capacity with SS units on top of SS units) was a possibility into the current world where that isn't even up for discussion or even much thought at all. Instead the only thought is "How do I point the death cannon at people I hate?"

    Matt Christman and many others have spoken on the same basic idea. Nothing unique. Just rather sad when you analyze your past self and present self and realize that while you hold certain ideals somewhere down there, the perception of what is plausible has changed around you, and thus changed you as well.

    "Sad!," in the word of a dang Cheeto.

  • Uber's $81m tax bill wiped as it doesn't 'pay' drivers
  • I think Uber might be the pinnacle of a vaporware tech corporation.

    Remember they were gonna make self driving cars? (On paper anyway) Like that was the original selling point idea thing. Then it just became "oh, well, we drove all the taxis out of business... now we have slaves essentially. Well, this works too! Oh, btw, they aren't our employees. Oh, also btw, we will absolutely still be collecting our massive chuck every time a ride happens."

    Another situation I try to sort out like "ok. Cool. So, all the drivers should just use an open source app "Not Uber" which is literally just Uber, but, you know, not." They could even charge the same prices to riders and the drivers keep all (maybe minus some minimum amount to maintain the app) the profits, perhaps boosting them to almost a fair wage.

    As it stands, drivers assume all the risks, must have insurance, are responsible for cleaning their vehicles, gas, normal wear and tear, apparently also will be responsible for taxes (self employed I suppose?), etc. Uber does absolutely fuck all except they made an app like 10-15 years ago, were first to market (first big anyway) and dominated by offering artificially low pricing to customers.

    But this would require some sort of Mass Effect style or Borg shit where the leader assumes direct control and tells people to stop using the Uber app and instead use this other Not Uber app... but in that case, why not just also command them to embrace communism?

    Which leads me to my new solution for the world: communism brain worms. We get a sample of that RFK Jr worm(s), we find out how it made him cut the head off a whale, and we reprogram it to cut the head off... well, some sort of head, who can say what head?

  • Someone set archival footage and images to blowback and put it on youtube
  • I think about doing shit like this all the time (like turning an audiobook into a movie) but never even get close to follow through

    What an incredible effort. Also, am I about to listen to season 1 for the 4th time? On Chapo, Will did say Brendan and presumably Noah will be on Soon ™️ with their new season announcement/yearly shilling

  • If you were a caveman and saw an eclipse, what would you think was happening?
  • If we're talking literal cavemen, like hunter gatherer societies that hadn't really discovered the technology of farming yet, then I'd believe the world was fucking ending for about an hour. Then be like "oh... it didn't... back to figuring out how to not die today."

  • U.S. Govt pushes Nvidia and Apple to use Intel's foundries — Department of Commerce Secretary Raimondo makes appeal for US-based chip production
  • The US government (and EU for that matter) can't even find their sacks to make Apple stop being a monopoly and anti-consumer as fuck (no, this does not mean Google, Microsoft, etc. are better).

    The US is going to collapse under its own house of shit because people listened to a demented, "god fearing" failed actor circa 1980 and never figured out how full of shit he was and how much damage was done by undermining union labor and then passing NAFTA (Clinton did it aka Reagan term 4 and 5)

  • Matt Christman update
  • He spoke at the end of the recent True Anon/Chapo (w Hasan Piker guest) live show with like a very short prerecorded cameo. He sounded basically like his old self there.

    Obviously I don't know anything more specific than anyone else outside his family/friends, but strokes now days can be recovered from almost 100%. There might always be something "off" about the person post-stroke, but it's generally expressed how we saw Fetterman (as a public example) immediately after the stroke with aphasia. With therapy the symptoms can be almost fully overcome in a lot of people. With all medical stuff obviously it's statistics and just because like 80% of people live basically normal lives doesn't mean... well, you know. But based on Amber, Will, Chris, Felix's statements over the past year or whatever and the fact he can even make a video at all. Seems promising.

    Here's a pubmed paper on stroke recovery if interested.

    Heart related medical science has really come a long way even in my lifetime. When I was a kid, a stroke basically meant you were paralyzed for life. My grandmother had one and she used a cane until the day she died because her left side was so weakened. Now days, my next door neighbor had a stroke and I see his old ass power walking with his dog every morning. So, anecdotal sure, but it's also sort of the reality now. (Obviously assuming a person has access to modern medical facilities and trained physicians, etc.)

  • Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • This type of revisionism is off putting to "normies." I don't know if that will change with widespread normalization, but, for the current time, people are still (correctly) primed to respond with "wait... what the fuck?"

    Anecdotal: I was discussing with a friend who isn't tuned in to basically anything explicitly "political" especially online Nazi shit. It came up due to a meme where girls were asking guys how often they thought about Rome. And I was like "yeah, for a few people it's probably for actual historical comparisons, but for most of them that's a red flag. They're just obsessed with the power and the glory aesthetics from the past. Like the Nazis."

    Then I was continuing on with something like "many of them ironically agree with the Nazis, although they will always say they do not. A fundamental thing that they agree on, a core aspect of fascism and Nazism, was their hatred for communism and specifically the USSR in the case of Nazis. A lot of them have spent time trying to pretend that the Soviets were as bad as the Nazis. There's no actual basis for this, it's known as Holocaust revisionism which is akin to holocaust denialism, but they will say it nonetheless. Perhaps unaware that they are just saying Nazi talking points."

    Her only response was "what the fuck? Why?"

    I just let her wonder why/place that puzzle piece as she feels fit... but if you're just saying Nazi talking points and making shit up to make their crimes seem less significant, well, I know what I call those people...

  • [Old Content Super Cut] Matt Christman on Biden's Senility [CushVlog Cuts]

    Good recommend from the ol' YouTube algo

    Someone made a super cut of Matt talking about Biden's senility back in like 2019, 2020 and onward.

    It's a reminder that we were and are being gaslit by the DNC/media in general. No, it was not "Trump campaign talking points" to realize that Biden's brain was already halfway mush in 2020. You weren't on crazy pills. You were right. And here's proof.

    This is almost therapeutic in a weird way. Sometimes the constant gaslighting starts seeping in and you just gotta go back and double check like "they are all just liars, right? Yes... yes... ok."

    Fuck Seinfeld: The Encore. (Excerpt from his book read)

    YouTube has definitely taken notes 🤓 on my hatred for Jerry. I've been a longtime hater of him, but then again, who hasn't? Him and his wife's pro-genocide bullshit has just been a tank load of fuel on a simmering resentment.

    Anyway, Uncle Sam at The Majority Report had on a person who read an excerpt from an old 1993 Seinfeld book called... goddamnit. Called "SeinLanguage"

    Alright so moving on from that.

    It has some rather disturbing descriptions of apparently how Jerry's mind works. I don't want to overly spoil it because the shock of hearing what he wrote and chose to publish for the world is... well, it's pretty gross. Also wholly expected from him.

    Also, I can only assume this is what he means by now days people are too "woke." "Oh you can't be a pedo anymore! So woke!" And "Wow, Michael Richards can't even yell the n word on stage at black people! So woke!"

    It's funny how it's never the bad/evil behaviors themselves that are the problem, like funding fascist thugs to beat student protesters. It's saying "Jerry Seinfeld is an unfunny, privileged, stuck up, asshole that funds fascists"... which is the problem.

    Gilbert Gottfried relentlessly mocking Jerry Seinfeld's standup in a voicemail message

    Last week, Will, Felix, and Bryan talked about the atrocity that is the new Jerry Seinfeld brainchild "Unfrosted." A shitty movie about poptarts. I guess. Haven't seen it, and I don't plan on it!

    In the episode at one point Bryan (IIRC) talks about Gottfried going on Howard Stern's show and doing a spot on impression of Jerry for a long time and having it record onto Seinfeld's personal home voicemail tape recorder (this was in the 90s I believe).

    Well, thanks to the creepy YouTube algo, here you go. This was in my mental backlog of "things I want to search for, but will never remember to actually do so." Thanks, Google. (Unironically for once)

    It's a pretty humorous little bit. Gottfried's impression was dead on like Bryan said. Them mocking Jerry about stuff he actually whines about (like people eating at his shows) is gold though. I wish someone would ask Jerry about this and see if he reacts at all. Maybe Bill Burr can throw it in one of his little jabs he takes at people. Jerry would probably be fuming but unable to say anything because then he'd be the "poor sport" or whatever.

    Anyway, fuck Jerry Seinfeld. I hope Gottfried is haunting him somehow.

    The DNC are STILL pushing "Russiagate" type bullshit in 2024. This circus of an article features MTG being 100% correct yet being mocked without any counterpoint even attempted Marjorie Taylor Greene Can’t Stop Pushing Russian Propaganda

    The Georgia Republican continues to insist that Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t so bad.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Can’t Stop Pushing Russian Propaganda

    Most relevant portion, imo. Although the whole thing is very short.

    > Vladimir Putin has not said he wants to go march across Europe and take Europe, and the reality is Ukraine is not even a NATO member nation.

    This is 100% true. Putin has not said he wants to march into any other countries. He hasn't even, to my knowledge, said he intends to take Kiev/western UA. Now obviously not everything has to be explicitly stated in order to be true, but if that's the case here, then surely they have evidence to indicate Russia plans to push into Poland, etc.

    > It’s quite a bold claim to make, considering that European countries in addition to Ukraine have made no secret that they fear Russia. For example, Germany, Poland, and France are discussing the revival of a decades-old alliance to strengthen their cooperation because of Russia. Sweden just joined NATO last month, following neighbor Finland’s accession to the alliance last year, over concerns Russia might try to invade them next.

    So Poland and some other nations' leaders have indeed made statements of fear about Russia invading. Is that evidence? No. It's worth considering though, I suppose, if I'm being the most charitable that I can be. Just fold it up, put it in a pocket in the back of your brain. "Poland thinks Putin wants to invade Poland." Ok. Filed away.

    Countries reviving defense pacts and/or joining NATO might also indicate paranoia over Russia. Ok. But where the fuck is there any indication in a speech or actions that Putin intends to do more than he's publicly stated?

    > So, is Greene simply echoing Russian talking points? Several of her Republican colleagues in Congress have warned that Russian propaganda is influencing their constituents and politicians like Greene, following revelations last week of a vast Russian-backed corruption network in Europe. Belgium is even investigatingRussian interference in the European Parliament’s upcoming elections.

    Debunked, for the most part, or at best over exaggerated claims of influence by Russia again. Ok. And in the EU parliament this time?!? My God! MEIN GOTT! SACRE BLEU! Pasta meatballio Deus! (dunno how Italians exclaim like that)

    But even if there is Russian interference and propaganda, the implication here is what MTG said wasn't factually correct. The author never addresses the claim (that's the end of the article). They never provide proof or reason to believe Russia intends to go beyond Kiev. When you're talking about billions of US dollars, billions in US weapons and training, the standard of proof is absolutely fucking higher than "ohhh jaaaa Poland and Deutschland are ze scared of Pooteeen. Seend meesiles America! Danke!"

    Even doing Devil's advocate shit I would've listed Russia going into Georgia, Crimea and now Ukraine to establish a pattern. Of course all of those countries (and whatever Crimea is... city state thing?) have some fundamental differences with Poland, Germany, etc. Maybe that's why the author decided against that point because it would get bogged down in massive jumps of "logic" to explain the argument? Easier to point to bullshit, repeat the line "Russia bad!", and expect us apes to get in line for our shit sandwiches.

    I absolutely abhor MTG. She's a shit human, seems dumb as a rock, etc. But when someone is saying something plainly true, and some dishrag DNC article wants to complain about it without even properly arguing against her, just quote dumping a bunch of shit that adds up to "ok, and?", that's not journalism. It's ironically... just propaganda. American imperialist propaganda in this case.

    A random glimpse into the brain of normie-coded ‘mericans: Feb, 2024 Edition.

    (Before you read this just know it’s mostly a mundane recounting from my memory of a conversation with my mom. There isn’t some dramatic event or a real “point.” Reading it is almost assuredly a waste of your time.)

    I got invited to (free) lunch with my family for my brother’s birthday. The price of admission is seeing my boomer-ass parents. I’ve just made it a point now, in my middle age, to annoy the shit out of them by pressing their buttons on politics. My dad basically totally disengages, and my mom will sit quietly until I’m done and then bring something else up. Classic move. Never works. I always go back. They’re my parents after all. If I have the right to press anyone in the world on their shitty politics, it’s them.

    So, just to mess with my personal NSA agent, I may or may not change some dates and stuff. The overall information will remain intact.

    My parents were both in the US military. I knew since I was a kid that my mom had spent some time in Israel before I was born. At least that was how I remembered it vaguely. “Mom was in Israel.” I always meant to ask her about her time there out of curiosity. Look, she’s in her 60s, a veteran, from the US south. We all know without asking that she supports Israel’s existence and probably everything they do. So I knew that if I wanted to get anything more than yelling at my mom for shit she did 40+ years ago I had to kinda “just ask questions.” Don’t purposely offer my opinions, just ask pointed questions and let her talk.

    She told me she was stationed on the Sinai peninsula in Egypt in the mid-1980s. I always just thought she was “in Israel” so I asked her first:

    “Egypt? Why? What did you do there?”

    “I don’t know. Just drove a truck. A mail truck.”

    “So you were in Egypt? Why was the US there? Were you working with the Israelis?”

    “No, no. There were a bunch of soldiers from different countries there. The soldiers in the south were there for protection. I was support. (She was a truck driver basically from my understanding)” [I actually don’t know shit about this, so I need to look into it more at some point]

    “Was this a remnant of the 1967 war?” [Just my in-the-moment thought]

    She nodded “Yeah! Yeah that was why. Carter signed some agreement. All these countries agreed to defend the peninsula.”

    “Oh, ok. So did you ever visit Israel then?”

    “Oh yeah. I went all the time. It was beautiful there. I went and saw all the places from the Bible. I went to Bethlehem where Jesus was supposedly born…”

    [I kinda cut in] “Nazareth? He’s called Jesus of Nazareth all the time.”

    “Yeah, yeah. I went there too. I went to the wailing wall. You know what that is?”

    “Yeah. I think that’s more important to Jews though. Do Christians really care about that?” [She didn’t really answer, so I started doing a little joke/bit] “I’m pretty sure Trump went there and did the prayers. I remember seeing him. “Look at the wall folks! The best walls.””

    “Yeah, it was beautiful there. I’ve wanted to go back, but I couldn’t because of you.” [referring to my birth not long after]

    “Did you go to the ancient city of Jerusalem?”

    “Of course!” [This is the part that got actually a bit more interesting. Remember my mom is in her 60s.] “You know, they have all these border stations. They check your ID and they ask where you’re going. They all speak English there, you know. And they’re nice and they say “ok, go go” but you can’t just cross back and forth in certain areas.”

    “Oh yeah. You know, some people in this country [me referring to the US] would get angry and debate you over what you just said. They say there are no checkpoints, that anyone can cross freely anywhere. Of course you can if you have a US passport or from Europe somewhere. Not the Palestinians though.”

    She just kinda nodded. She didn’t disagree. I think she was in her mind and remembering back 40 years.

    “Did you see the River Jordan?”

    [she thinks for a moment] “No… no, I don’t think I ever went there.”

    [Then she offered this other interesting, to me anyway, nugget from her memories] “I remember flying in one time late at night.”

    “What airport?”

    “uh… I don’t know.”

    “The one in Gaza? It used to be there anyway”

    [She didn’t respond to that, still thinking]

    “it was an Israeli one?”

    “Yeah. And there was supposed to be a driver to pick me up and take me. But no one was there, and it was so late at night. I remember I could see planes flying over to, it had to be, you know the Gaza Strip. You know? Where all the fighting is right now? And I could just hear the bombs far off.”

    “Yeah. The Israelis are always bombing them. They won’t let them have… well, anything.”

    After that she noticed my niece, her granddaughter, doing something cute and spent a long time taking pictures and showing me old pictures on her phone. But, as always, her son dragged her back to reality. I don’t remember what led up to this next conversation exactly, but, here it is.

    “Trump is a dumbass. I will never vote for Biden either. He’s senile, you know. Did you see that funny report the other day?”

    “Oh yeah. They’re both idiots and both losing their minds. Biden has no clue where he is half the time.”

    “Yeah. I’m not voting for Trump. And I sure as hell ain’t voting for Biden either! That dumbass. I think I’ll vote for that Robert Kennedy if he’s still in by then.”

    [Pretty sure I physically cringed at that statement]

    “No! Don’t vote that for dumb- actually, you know what, who cares? Vote for whoever. They all suck.”

    “I always liked the Kennedys anyway.”

    “Well, they kinda all sucked, Mom. And RFK Jr. is somehow worse than his dad and uncle…”

    “I don’t care. I’ll vote for him.”

    “Ok. Whatever. I guess his dad [RFK, Sr.] got… a bit radicalized after his brother got killed by, well, I can’t say for certain, but like 99% sure the CIA had him killed.”

    “Oh yeah. For sure. That was all a conspiracy. I think his bodyguard shot him.”

    “Hmm. I dunno about all that, I think it may have been Oswald, why not, but the conspiracy is WHY was he killed not so much who actually shot him. I think the CIA definitely wanted him dead and had something to do with the whole thing. I mean why would this one single ex-marine, ex-defector want to kill the president? Why would he care that much? Maybe he was just deranged, but it doesn’t all add up.”

    “He was just a patsy. Just like he said.”

    “Yeah, for sure. Whatever happened it was what the CIA or FBI wanted. You know, the crazy thing is he was an American who defected to the USSR and then came back! No one does that! He had to have CIA ties to do that part alone. They would never allow anyone else to leave and come back like that after renouncing their citizenship. That one single piece of evidence alone proves to me that something was going on that they’ve never admitted to.”

    “Yeah. They’d send him to prison probably.”

    “Yeah, probably.”

    [Somehow changed to this]

    “You know who I feel bad for? Those people, not the Russians…you know…”

    “The Ukrainians?”

    “Yeah! I don’t like that Putin guy. He’s a jerk.”

    “Yeah. Well, he’s there because of US meddling and destroying the USSR. So, we get what we deserve. We have to work with Putin now.”

    [she didn’t acknowledge any of that]

    “You know who I liked? Gorbachev.”

    [I had to hold back a guffaw for real] “Gorbachev? Why? He’s the reason, well not like JUST him, but he’s one of the main reasons the USSR fell apart and why all this shit is going on in Russia and Ukraine. He’s why Putin is there. You said you don’t like Putin.”

    [again, zero acknowledgement. I realized I was speaking in “Russian pro-Putin propaganda”, so I cut myself off to keep the talk going]

    I don’t really remember the rest of it, and I’m tired of typing (holy fuck). I just saw my sister in law sort of staring or glaring, couldn’t tell which, at me. Probably thinking how I won’t be allowed around my niece when she’s older because I can’t stop talking about the most contentious shit possible at a birthday lunch thing. I am truly the crazy uncle.

    I don’t know what my point was here. Maybe I’ll press my mom (and dad- a harder nut to crack) on more details about Egypt/Israel in the future. Mostly for my own knowledge. They’re old as hell and they’re gonna vote for conservatives either way. Although my parents are kind of oddballs, or maybe this is a normal position I don’t know, in that they both fucking hate Trump AND Biden. They would love to vote for, I assume, like a Reagan type guy. Now to me all of these people are effectively the same. Trump is just clown-makeup Reagan, but it’s weird that their libbed-up tendencies make him unappealing to them. Does this mean anything for the election? I dunno. I do live in a key swing state, so their votes do “matter.” Does it really matter if Biden/Trump wins though? I don’t personally think so. Not for my goals anyway.

    Norman Finkelstein response to crocodile tear crying liberals

    This was during a Q&A after he spoke about Palestine years ago. You still see many liberals and so-called "leftists" (who are really just libs) crying like this girl. People act like fascists then cry when people call them what they are.

    Justice Justice
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