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Platforms wonder why piracy is spiking
  • There is a pretty big gap between ad supported and standard. Wonder if ads actually makes up for the difference or if it's just under priced to push people towards it. But seeing as ads are like cancer to me I don't even consider that tier as existing. So 15.49 1080p 2 screen, or 22.49 I think for 4k 4 screens. I sit far enough away that I don't notice the benefits of 4k and don't need the extra screens so I just judge the value from the content and price. Honestly I'd rather just have everything on plex instead of jumping between services, but some stuff that family watches is hard to find. Sonarr has probably 100+ episodes of reality TV crap that won't download as no seeders.

  • Platforms wonder why piracy is spiking
  • Edit: I see now the article is about Australia. And the price is higher, but converting to USD the new price is still less than US $15.49 which I feel is fair. It costs me about $13.50/month in electricity for plex.

    How is the standard plan a bad value? It's $15.49 for 1080p no ads. I dropped 4k a while ago because they went stupid on the price, and I will never use ad supported. If they made the ad tier free, I'd still pay the $15.49/month. Standard plan hasn't been hit with the last several price increases, which is why I still think it's a good value, and why I'm still subscribed.

    I'm sure with the way things are going Netflix will end up pushing me away eventually, but they haven't yet. Dropping standard would cause me to cancel. I also have the Disney/Hulu bundle for $20 and plex for anything else. I could easily get anything on Netflix on plex.

  • Keep finding these lil guys in my house
  • You're both on sh1tjustworks, weird you can't see it. This is it though

    I believe that's a Brown Recluse. It appears to have the telltale fiddle on its back.

    I kind of hope I'm wrong though.

  • Supreme Court Rules Against Women Whose Cars Were Seized by the Police
  • Sounds like personal use amounts though. One of Marijuana and the other meth. I can understand impounding the car and having to pay the also a crime tow amount. But to just take the car, when it's not being used to traffic drugs is complete BS.

  • After Buying Up Studios, Xbox Says It Doesn't Have The Resources To Run Them
  • Microsoft has been a fucking blight on gaming. Paid online, and timed exclusives both started there. No resale if we didn't throw a massive fit about it. Buying up studios to kill them. I mean Sony has their share of being fucks as well, but at least they're making good games. Microsoft has barely any decent games the last 2 generations, and hellblade 2 which is looking great was a Sony game that they had to buy and make exclusive.

  • Suicide Squad Cost Warner Bros. $200 Million In Revenue
  • So basically the single player offline game made bank, but they keep pushing this live service crap thinking it's going to be the next GTA online and not what 90% of the live service crap ends up being.

  • Hellblade 2 is only two weeks away, and fans feel Xbox should be making more noise
  • This is the one studio I'm pissed Microsoft bought. First one started as a Playstation and pc game. Id buy 2 on pc but my GPU recently died and I'm not buying another until the 5070 probably. And my fallback gtx 970 isn't gonna cut it.

  • The One Thing Holding Back Heat Pumps
  • I just got one installed last week. Just under 15k as the list price, but all the rebates available got it to $5200 out of pocket. I was already using an electric furnace though, so this should just be straight savings going forward.

  • The One Thing Holding Back Heat Pumps
  • You also need the backup for the defrost cycle. Which basically just turns the AC on to heat up the outside unit to melt ice. You don't want cold air blowing into your house while trying to heat it.

  • A Cool Guide To Red Bull Energy Drink Sales Vs. Everyone Else
  • Red bull is also the most expensive which is why I barely ever buy it. As someone that blocks every ad I possibly can, red bull is also the only one that has a slogan or catch phrase whatever "gives you wings is" that I know of so I guess marketing pays off.

  • Anyway to easily show hidden read posts?

    I by default have hide read and mark read on scroll and browse new. Sometimes a post that I want to go back to gets marked as read, and it seems the only way to show the posts again is to dig through the settings and disable hide read. In the action bar, there's a hide read option. Is there any way to put a show read as well, or have the hide toggle depending on whether read posts are being hidden or not?

    PC locks up or dpc_watchdog_error bluescreen.

    Edit for solution. Ended up being the cpu. Bought a 5600x that worked flawlessly, and my 5900x was still under warranty. Just got the replacement back from amd and it's also working good.

    Longshot here, but maybe someone can help.

    PC either hard locks or blue screens. Ryzen 5900x 32 gigs ram 2080Super EVGA 750w power supply

    Did all the driver suggestion online. SFC memtest etc. Stripped down to single stick of ram, tried both individually in different slots, GPU and ssd. GPU and ssd have been used in another pc without issue. Windows 10, 11 fresh installs. Tried pop os locked up during install twice. Just replaced my motherboard and the boot ssd and it was working for a few days, and is now doing the same lock up or dpc_watchdog. At this point, the only hardware that hasn't been swapped out to test is the power supply, cpu and case. And I've disconnected everything from the case save the power button.

    I've been building my own pc's for over 20 years and have never encountered such a difficult to diagnose problem. Could it be the power supply? CPU? This is 90% brand new now and still giving me the same issue.

    Any way to group communities?

    For example I'd like to browse all of the gaming communities at the same time. ! and ! etc. Something like all or local but for custom user created groups. This wasn't really an issue on reddit, but would be useful the way lemmy works.

    Anyone having battery issues

    Never got this warning on the reddit version. Its a Samsung S10+

    Distro suggestions?

    Currently running Kali on my laptop as that's all it was used for. Looking for something more general purpose. Mainly steam for light gaming and being able to install the tools from Kali for stuff like tryhackme. Mostly familiar with Debian, as that's what Kali is based on, but willing to try something else. Laptop is this Acer.

    2FA issue

    I did the check for adding 2FA and got the pop up saying to save, scroll down and do something. But didn't see the info on the page after so I unchecked 2FA and saved again. Now any time I try to log in, I'm being asked for my 2FA token, which I don't have because I never finished setting it up due to not seeing the link to complete. I'm still logged in via liftoff, but don't think I can change that setting here. Any way to fix this or will I need to create a new account?

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