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Movies @ Blahaj ItsYaBoiBananaBoi
What is your favorite "so bad its good" horror movie?
Movies @ Blahaj ItsYaBoiBananaBoi
Any recommendations for free youtube movies?

Does anyone have any recommendations for movies you could find for free on youtube or the internet archive?

Movies @ Blahaj ItsYaBoiBananaBoi
Fun Fact: These are the longest films ever made

The longest movie ever made was a 2012 Swedish movie called "logistics" which follows the production of a pedometer in real time but also in reverse, the movie is 51,420 minutes (857 hours or 35 days and 17 hours).

The longest proper cinematic film is black and white 2019 Bangladeshi film called Amra Ekta Cinema Banabo (We Will Make A Film in english, the movie was also called "Innocence" in promotional material.) and has a run time of 1265 min (21 hours and 5 minutes). The plot is a little convoluted, but its basically a drama that takes place in the aftermath of the Bangladesh Liberation War.

Here is a brief plot synopsis for anyone who is curious:

What is the most disturbing book you have ever read?

Tell me about a book that disturbed, distressed, shocked, traumatized, or unsettled you in any way. Please elaborate on why it does.

Movies @ Blahaj ItsYaBoiBananaBoi
What is the most disturbing movie you have ever seen?

Doesn't have to be a horror film. Just anything that left you distressed, disturbed, or unsettled in any way.

PSA RULE: please report any tankies Nazis or trolls that you may come across.
  • Allegedly left-wing bootlickers. Historically, they are more comparable to fascists than anything leftist.

  • fuck tankies rule
  • Mutual aide is not really the issue with tankies, the problem is the authoritarianism. Mutual aide can be very effective when done properly. For example, anarchists tend to answer the question of "leeches" by giving them the resources to self-actualize, and if the "leech" does not care to do that, they can be kicked out of an anarchist community.

  • fuck tankies rule
  • For idolizing the soviet union and the people's republic of china, who have done some very evil things. Tankies always try to undermine the sins of authoritarian regimes. They keep trying to instate authoritarian regimes knowing full well that they have killed so many historically.

    If you want truly based leftism, try anarchism.