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Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Confusing... My instance is .world, and I similarly subscribe to communities regardless of instance. So seeing a .ml link had me go 🚨 tankie instance for a second, conveniently failing to notice that A: that post is in .world, but seem from .ml; and B: this post is in .ml.

    My bad 😅

    Though I would suggest OP to see if they can fix the link to one that changes the specific link based on the visitor's instance

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • I once saw a video report on bullshit jobs, where they also interviewed a researcher into how much value is gained or destroyed by various professions.

    They said that for every £1 (the researchers worked in the UK) given to marketing executives, that society suffered £11 in lost value.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • There's a city in France - Toulouse, IIRC - where the mayor ran on a promise that "if you elect me, I'll remove all the billboards." Turns out that was really popular, so now that city does not have any billboards.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Especially given that the above link points to, an instance notorious for harbouring tankies & amplifying pro-authoritarian talking points.

    The link is .ml but points to a thread in .world. My bad 😅

  • Shamelessly stolen because I love it
  • Does it stack though? If n people cast ceremony on a party, does that mean they get +2n AC?

    EDIT: I read the rules. And completely read over the latter part of your comment. "A creature can benefit from this rite again only if widowed." 😢

  • Let the man enjoy his boats
  • Trucks for the transportation of goods are okay, I guess...

    Trucks for the transportation of overinflated egos, on the other hand, are complete wastes of workmanship and resources.

  • Burning Up
  • Forty-one sounds insanely hot as an outside temperature if that's the standard you're used to. And that's the thing that the Fahrentards refuse to wrap their head around.

  • Is this birdcage made out of nickel?


    Me: Is this birdcage made out of nickel? Pet Store: Aluminum I think Me: So there's no nickel in this cage? Pet Store: Don't you dare! Me: It's a nickleless cage Pet Store: GET OUT!

    [pictured is a long-haired Nicholas Cage, looking fabulous in the sun and wind. To his left, it's captioned with the text "Worth it"]

    Bug: Comment permalinks broken when opening in new tab

    Pretty much what it says on the tin.

    If I click the chain icon on a comment with MMB on the website (, BE: 0.18.3, accessed via Firefox), it opens to a blank tab. If I do so with LMB, it works just fine.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Iron Lynx
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    Comments 651