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[Lefty Cartoons] Let’s Outlaw Being Homeless! That’ll Work!
  • Or you can since you seem to be the one so against reasonable limits be placed on housing costs. Or it seems more like you don't give a shit about them and don't want them inconveniencing you or even in your line of sight.

  • So professional looking it must be true
  • It's mind-boggling how you and others like you (assuming you aren't just a bot or being paid to say this stuff) can say/comment/post this stuff when there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE proving it wrong.

  • Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA?
  • Insurance companies have control over what the doctors can do and over their schedules. They are only allowed to spend certain amounts of time with patients or they get in trouble. All the doctors I've talked to hate this. Blame insurance companies and the hospitals for prioritizing profit, not the doctors.

  • after 40 all meals are horror
  • I travel a lot for work so I've been to a pretty large number of restaurants and such. I've definitely had bad food from food trucks before, but it isn't very common for it to be abysmal. It's not like a restaurant that can have other factors like atmosphere, lighting, etc. If the food is bad they won't last long. Never seen a true roadside stall any of the places I've been though unfortunately. I'm honestly so sick of chain restaurants. They completely take over and drive local stuff out a lot of the time.

  • after 40 all meals are horror
  • I'm betting they didn't mean it to be racist. I wish I had roadside stalls as options to eat at where I work. A lot of times those end up being better quality and I like the thought of giving money to the people directly making the food instead of a corporate overlord that takes 95% of the money and makes the workers divide the 5% among all of them.

  • What's the best way to measure the size of the government?
  • As someone else stated there's really no way to answer this without specifying in what way. The federal government is bigger in some ways and greatly lacking in others. And the amount of finances or revenue isn't going to tell you the size of the government. It just tells you what one of it's resources is. I would argue that if you aren't in an area that's trying to enforce religious rules/laws the average person likely has more freedom than in the past. Obviously based on the demographic that might not be true though.

  • Patriotism vs Nationalism
  • Not the point, you were referencing the people in the comments. Which at the time of my viewing didn't have anyone just trashing their countries. At the most people were simply bringing up issues and talking about how blind loyalty is a problem.

  • You're wrong, simp
  • Fair enough. I tend to forget about the DeLorean lol. I'm an electrical and computer engineer so I don't tend to work with a lot of different types of materials. But with the little I work with even I knew it would have rust issues from the very beginning since there was no way they would spring for the material quality they needed to.

  • You're wrong, simp
  • They needed designers that were well versed in the automotive field. Both with design and safety so they knew what what was smart or safe to innovate and what was better to leave alone. They also needed a CEO who didn't have an unwarranted god complex and who didn't have the final say on all design decisions.

  • Factorio Holyginz
    Blueprint Assistance

    So first off I know uploading a blueprint/image is probably needed for full assistance which I can do but not until later. But I am trying to create a blueprint of a city block I created that includes my rails and intersection (2 rails with a fourway at each corner) but I don't seem to understand how to set up the snap to grid because i can't seem to get the rails to line up for the grid. I'm not sure if I am messing up with the dimensions of the grid or with the offsets. Are there any tricks to getting this too work or anything like that?

    Factorio Holyginz
    Advice for semi noob

    So I have intermittently played factorio. Scraped through a vanilla playthrough a while back and just did a more serious playthrough recently. I would like to move into using more mods, getting better at using trains and such. Are there any recommended mods for where I'm at to be able to keep moving forward without jumping to far into the deep end of complexity too fast and losing interest?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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