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  • Makes sense. Sorry you had to see that

  • help
  • Yeah, that makes sense

  • "I absolutely ABHOR this celebrity for saying 'Genocide Bad'."
  • Using the word love for any celebrity is just sad anyway. Except maybe Stalin. That'd be alright

  • help
  • Why'd you go in his bedroom?

  • What's the worst Thanksgiving dish your relatives ever made?
  • Somebody brought little bacon rolls. I assumed it was wrapped around cocktail weiners. It was liver. Why the fuck would you do that?

  • What's the worst Thanksgiving dish your relatives ever made?
  • No. I will not be thinking of that. Thank you

  • "Very cool adult man argues with a child"
  • Charlie kirk looks like someone hit random on oblivions character select screen with silly haircuts mod installed

  • Orsinium has fallen. Billions must WAAAAAAAAAAGH
  • The problem with orc twinks is that if you're even a little rough with them they get less twinky

  • You have to admit, right-wingers have the funniest shirts
  • I shudder to think the price some natives just paid for that colonial's freedom

  • What is with chuds and them loving Joel from the last of us?
  • Do they? The last of us seems too slow and too gay for the average chud. I don't recall many talking about it

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hey, remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines?

  • Also intentionally calling someone something they find insulting because you know that they find it insulting and then instructing them that they shouldn't be insulted by it is just a silly waste of time.

    Its like calling someone a removed and then pontificating about how actually vaginas are beautiful and important. They're not annoyed because they're a misogynist. They're annoyed because they knew what you meant by it

  • Nazi Walmart is celebrating the Ho-Ho-Holocaust this year
  • It can also be an item that's 14.89 at another retailer and they want to be able to claim they have the lowest price

  • Question for none American comrades. Do other countries measure things in some form of 9/11s?

    Do you guys compare more recent tragedies to some past event to try to gauge the level of atrocity? When 9/11 happened did people in the UK say this is 6 times worse than the troubles or some shit? Or is that just an American thing?

    Anybody following the Pathologic ARG?

    Sorry for the reddit link but Fyodor posted again if anyone's into it. Heres a video on it

    I shaved my head and people think I'm a CHUD

    I don't know anyone who can cut hair and I can't afford to pay 25 bucks to get my hair cut so I shaved off my fairly long hair. Now people feel its acceptable to come into my job and tell me their stupid fucking takes regurgitated from whatever they heard on fox news this morning. As I'm at work I can't share my opinions on the issues they don't begin to comprehend. Now I know why Marx had so much hair, its !LIB repellent
