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Federal government clarifies the CRA won’t collect ‘any portion’ of a non-resident landlord’s unpaid taxes from tenants
  • Reading that text, there is so much liability from a personal perspective. Unless you're paying rent to a rental agency you're on the hook for withholding those taxes. I don't think I've cared enough to ask whether any landlord was a resident or non-resident, and having an accent isn't enough to go by. Moreover, I didn't even know about this law, so why would I ask about my landlord's residency or withhold any taxes? I don't think this makes me unusual.

  • Anon plays GTA: Dubai
  • There are multiple stories of women being raped and then charged with having premarital sex, as if they had a say in the matter. Here's one example. The fact that's it's happened enough for an organization to be created to deal with it sounds fairly damning from where I stand. I can only assume those 15 million people don't find that to be reason enough to stay away.

  • Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons?
  • Come on. A lot of foods were bred for shipping, not flavor or nutrition. Some used GMO, others used selective breeding. Here's an article talking about it 20 years ago. The short answer is people want to make money, and most foods aren't priced based on their nutritional value.

  • Manipulation
  • Cats are reasonably smart and can be trained. Cats are also quite strong-willed and so are difficult to train. Our cats know they aren't allowed on the table, so they don't go on the table (when we're around). We've also taught them some calls to stop fighting and to come. They're moderately effective.

    The big trick is to start young, start with things they're interested in, and always follow through. If you tell your cat to get off the table and you don't make sure they do, they decide you're asking them to get off the table and they might choose not to.

    Also, cats like treats and food. Not many things catch their interest more, certainly not trifles like their own name.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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