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Loudness equalization on linux
  • Appreciate the replies! I will try the effects apps when I get home later. For vlc, that is actually what I am currently using to watch my media, and where I enabled the replaygain function to unsatisfactory effect. I will try and tinker with the range some more, perhaps I configured it wrong.

  • Loudness equalization on linux

    Hey guys, I made the switch to Linux about a week ago and have mo complaints so far. Except maybe this: I can't seem to find a way in Linux to get proper loudness equalization like I got on windows.

    My issue is that I have a bunch of media, especially shows and movies, that are suffering from way too loud gunshots, explosions, music and so forth and really quiet dialogue. I know this is because sound engineers make the audio fit for cinemas and not my living room, it is a problem nonetheless.

    Under windows there is a simple toggle in even the most basic sound cards and settings called loudness equalization, that corrects those perceived differences quite effectively, which Linux is lacking. A bit of web search led me to the term ReplayGain, which seems to be the proper name for it, and I enabled it for my media from within the player apps. However it doesn't really work like i am used to.

    Sounds and language constantly change volume mid sentence, which is very irritating to me. ReplayGain also doesn't really help avoiding those sudden bursts of loudness, I still blast awake my neighbors on accident when watching a move later at night.

    Is there some way to get at that windows audio codec or whatever they use, that works so much better?

    Thanks for reading

    ProtonVPN on Steam Deck
  • I am also very new to Linux (on a PC, but with a distro that also relies mostly on flatpaks for its software selection). Could you explain what makes them un- or less trustworthy? Or alternatively recommend a link to read? I know next to nothing about the different software distribution methods used on Linux.

  • OpenAI putting ‘shiny products’ above safety, says departing researcher
  • organization is non profit but has a for profit subdivision

    reckless, greedy leader gets ousted by the more careful board

    employees (and investors iirc) throw a fit, leading to the whole more careful faction to get booted from the board

    reckless leader is reinstated and has barely any checks and balances now

    company pursues reckless and greedy strategies


  • Question about ownership of the means of production
  • The basic idea of shared means is that if you let someone privately own the means you deprive everyone else of that resource, unless you pay them to use the means, and then you are back to private ownership.

    You are also creating an incentive not to share your tilling machine freely, because you're now in debt and if you let your neighbors use it for free, why is that fair if you paid for it? Might as well charge them for it, and if youre smart you start lobbying against the others buying a communal machine, because then nobody would pay to loan out yours any more.

    Instead the tilling machine is paid for by all local farmers together, meaning nobody has to go in debt or pay for using it. Who gets to use it and when is just a matter of scheduling, and if wait times are too long you buy another together.

  • Question about ownership of the means of production
  • It doesnt necessarily mean direct democracy on every miniscule detail of societal organization, there would be - as is now - a bunch of well versed administrators, scientists, economists, ideologists and so forth working out the most practical and efficient way to do things.

  • Question about ownership of the means of production
  • Naturally there is a breaking point where collective ownership becomes too cumbersome in relation to what is shared, for example imagine your lightbulbs go to your neighbor when you are asleep or at work. That's just not worth the bother, same for basic tools like a spade or hammer. Collective ownership makes sense for everything an average person cannot purchase or fully utilize on their own, like machinery that sits in a barn 2/3 of the time.

  • How to access files on other drives?

    Hey guys, so i just now pulled the trigger, formatted my windows installation and installed Linux for the first time. I went with bazzite, which seems very gaming friendly and idiot proof with its rollback functionality.

    Now to the issue: I have 3 drives in my computer, one 500gb SSD which i used for the OS. This one can be accessed fine as expected. The other two, a 2tb SSD and 1tb HDD however, dont. I cant seem to find a way to access them, and i have all my media on there / want to install games onto them.

    How can i access them, and tell the OS that these two are also part of its system?

    Change the integrated music widget?

    Hey guys, I am somewhat new to android (went straight to grapheneos) and am a bit annoyed with this widget.

    It looks good, but the skip buttons are tiny and my gorilla fingers have trouble hitting them reliably. Is there a way to change to a different layout with bigger buttons or even gesture support?

    I am aware that most music apps come with a widget for the home screen but I specifically need the one shown on the lock screen and pulldown menu to change.

    Thanks in advance!

    How to identify “unavailable" videos on yt?

    I hope this is the proper place to ask, though probably only indirectly on topic for this community.

    What I am looking for is a way or tool to extract from a YouTube playlist the information which of my saved videos (usually very niche music from about a decade ago) are no longer available in it (so that I might procure them elsewhere).

    With google being google, and the condensed information of "x videos are no longer available" that is displayed, I am fairly sure the information isnt gone gone, just hidden from the user.

    Is there a way to get at that info?

    Thanks in advance

    Tried my hands at a crossover 🫡

    The civics were a tossup between shadow council and police state but I really couldn't justify not using one of the other two, they fit so well.

    Looking for an emulator (old nintendo)

    So i recently got my first android phone after having been an iphone user for years. So far i am really happy and especially enjoy finding foss alternatives to as many apps as possible.

    However i cant seem to find a gameboy emulator, one oft the things i missed on ios all those years. Mostly for gba games, maybe gbc too. Does someone here have a recommendation? All the ones i found on fdroid were incompatible.

    A really low priority feature request

    I was wondering if you could add alternate icon support for the Android version, so it can be themed properly.

    Obviously this is purely cosmetic, but it would be a very nice addition

    Update for future readers: the functionality actually already exists, choose one of the themed icons for voyager from the list.

    I just realized a change in phrasing

    So it just occurred to me that during the TNG production era there is a shift in ship nomenclature:

    • TNG: The Enterprise
    • DS9: The Defiant/Yukon/Danube/etc.
    • VOY: The Voyager
    • (ENT): "Ennurprais" is all that’s left.

    Seems towards the later shows they stopped referring to the ship as a, well, ship and just addressed it as a character? Why?

    Suggestion/bug report: favorites are sorted confusingly

    So I recently doomscrolled imaginarystarships, and saved a few posts I liked. When I wanted to revisit those I discovered that saved posts are sorted by when they were originally posted, not when I saved them, causing some of the older images I saved to be very far down the list. This is very annoying to deal with if you (like me) sometimes go on a saving spree regarding a specific topic and would like those saves to be logically grouped together.

    Lemmy Support GregorGizeh
    Question about the federation system

    I noticed that some instances seem to sort of shadowban users from what I presume is any instance not on a whitelist.

    This might sound like it might be regular defederation at first, but I can see or interact with their content just fine from my all feed while anytime I attempt to interact with communities on there in any way literally nothing happens, as if my contribution were invisible.

    No replies, up or downvotes, no deletion or ban. Just shouting into the void while everyone around you (from that or other whitelisted instances) is having lively discussion.

    Granted there is also the possibility that my contributions were uninteresting but my general experience is that people love to argue, or at least downvote whom they disagree with.

    Is this a thing I should be aware of? That some federated instances have unilateral shadowbans in place?

    i want to make the switch from windows. how to get started?

    So I am hoping to finally get around to installing Linux for the first time. Ideally I would like to eventually replace my win10 installation with it, but for now I plan on dual booting until I am comfortable enough on Linux. This leads me to a couple questions:

    • which one is best suited for gaming? I do a couple other things as well but I would expect that any OS could deal with those. I know vaguely about proton / the steam deck improvements that trickled down, but don’t know if and how that affects different Linux versions.

    • I read some days ago that ubuntu is being used by Microsoft, does that mean it is more compatible with their other applications?

    • I also read that amd is better suited to linux because nvidia refuses to support it, which would be a happy coincidence for me because I just recently built a fully amd computer, is that actually true?

    • And lastly, provided there is even a definitive answer to my first question, where should I look to get started? I have never dealt with Linux before but would consider myself reasonably tech / computer savvy.

    Thank you

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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