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Some very heavy variegation
  • The only things I know that look like this are in genus Heptapleurum (formerly Schefflera), specifically H. actinophyllum and H. arboricola. That genus is in the family you mentioned so that'd be my first guess.

  • Height Distribution of 5,148 Olympians Across 12 Disciplines by Gender, Paris 2024
  • I love how the French flag is a backdrop here

  • How decline of Indian vultures led to 500,000 human deaths
  • It's unfortunate that there are negative stereotypes of vultures as creepy just because they eat carrion, as they're the janitors who take care of the messes that others don't want to deal with.

  • The Ongoing Censorship of High School AP Courses
  • I encourage everyone who sees this comment to check out the article, including the giant list of related stories at the bottom, and see if there's anything going on near you. There's a ton of stuff from many different states mentioned -- Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, California, Missouri, Arizona, Michigan, Virginia, Arkansas, South Carolina... Even if there's nothing in your local area, you should be vigilant about what's going on in your local area, and be active in local government.

    If you're an elections geek (like me) or have friends in the St. Petersburg, Florida area, you might want to know about that one crazy candidate, Danielle Marolf, for Pinellas County school board (Florida, basically St. Petersburg) who's lying about the availability of a book that's already been banned, and campaigning on this lie. Marolf is running against incumbent school board chair Laura Hine in this year's school board elections.

  • Smilax spp.
  • Maybe this is why they named a Super Mario RPG boss after this genus

  • You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
  • It’s the lack of lignin (bamboo uses silica as a strengthener)

    Oh I see

  • Pi Day
  • The funny thing is that both "July twenty-third" and "the twenty-third of July" are common in the US.

  • Pi Day
  • as if my Florida Man posting didn't already give it away :P

    that said I have learned to prefer YYYY-MM-DD for all my cataloguing needs on computer because it sorts far more easily

  • Nearby Village [OC]
  • Your mentioning using stuff from tlieset packs (which I presume you made) actually made me wonder about something -- I'm definitely not a skilled visual artist myself, but I do have various very well-made asset packs that I've picked up over the years (mainly due to the giant bundles on, so maybe I could actually try stitching a scene together from them sometime. Could be a fun way to spend an hour or two when bored, and I could do something with these purchases while also being able to show off the work of a variety of pixel artists to friends.

  • Donkey Kong Country ROM Hack Swaps DK For Mario
  • The way Mario seems to teleport when turning around in the water seems to say something about the way hitboxes worked in the original DKC1.

  • 1 + 1
  • concat: "11"

    cat: ignores your inquiry

  • Hmmm
  • Um

    The second wrong.

    Or...only one


  • Hmmm
  • > Goddamnit.
    > This is
    > like getting
    > rick[rolling something involves flattening it]

  • Pi Day
  • I don't mind having an excuse to get ourselves a new calendar system :P

  • Pi Day
  • then write the year before the month before the day 😈

  • Pi Day
  • looks at today's date

    ...darn, I did forget Tau Day. :(

  • Pi Day
  • well yeah, there's no 14th month

  • How to make LibreWolf keep history indefinitely?

    Is there a setting that can allow me to keep browsing history on LibreWolf "forever", i.e. without it expiring and getting dumped after some time?

    It's not in the settings, but I'm willing to dive into about:config to do it.

    Putting Mander on Canvas!

    I'm working on re-creating a logo we had last year onto this year's #Canvas. The site, complete with template, is linked above!


    "Chemistree" Chris Armstrong (

    Attached: 1 image The #Chemistree is done and coloured using universal indicator.

    Chris Armstrong (

    Found this on Mastodon. A "Christmas tree" of flasks with differently colored liquids.

    September: NRPA Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz Parks For Pollinators 2023

    The Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz is a national campaign to raise awareness and community involvement in the pollinator crisis through local parks and recreation. The National Recreation and Park Association and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation are challenging local parks to get involved and host ...

    Parks For Pollinators 2023

    Edit: Added the city of Plantation.

    A "BioBlitz" is an event where you go around and make observations of wildlife all around you using the citizen science app/website iNaturalist. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) runs the "Parks for Pollinators" BioBlitz every September, across the United States, lasting the whole month, and focusing mainly on plants and the animals that pollinate them (mainly insects and birds) in local parks. But you can record observations of any sort of living thing you want, anywhere, as much as you want, anytime.

    Here's their homepage for it: ...but probbaly more relevant is the iNaturalist project for it (click here, or the link at the top). You can use the map to see the various BioBlitzes going on all over the country as part of NRPA's umbrella event. Hopefully, there's one near you!

    If there is, be sure to check your local events calendars, because there might be special events on specific days. For example, here in Florida, there are the following BioBlitz events (and some have special events on specific days - I'm not sure about the last three, but you can check yourself):

    But, of course, you can go to these places anytime in September to participate -- you don't need a special event.

    If you want to participate, you'll need an iNaturalist account, and any relevant observations you make in participating locations will automatically be counted in applicable projects. If you join the project, you'll also get the project's badge displayed on your observation!

    GameDeals GlennMagusHarvey
    Pixel Worlds sale on GOG

    GOG is having a "Pixel Worlds" sale, with deals on games (DRM-free as usual, of course) that use pixel graphics. It will continue for two more days and change.

    My personal highlights include the following three metroidvania titles:\ Chasm -75%\ Phoenotopia Awakening -60%\ Timespinner -50%

    There are several pages of games on sale; others famous ones include Stardew Valley, the Contra Anniversary Collection, two of the Shantae games, and One Step From Eden (i'm gonna pick up that last one).

    Come join me in getting GOG onto the Canvas

    So this thing is happening:

    It's hosted by the good folks at and here's a link to the community for this: !

    I was thinking we can get a GOG logo onto here. I've drawn up the attached image as the template I'm using. And I've started painting this with my top left corner being 98,208.

    Come join in!

    Edit: Modified the image. The exact pixel art is at the top left but I've provided a blown-up version that's probably easier to see. Though you can always just download the image, open it up in MS Paint or something, and blow it up yourself.

    I drew in Gail from Phoenotopia: Awakening a little earlier

    I left her a little platform to sit on. And I had to give her a 1-pixel aura because her shirt is white lol.

    Anyway you can find her to the left of Hollow Knight.

    What details should I add? Or anything else any of y'all would like help on? The platform is exactly seven pixels higher than the pixel beneath Hollow Knight's feet, for what it's worth.

    As bombs drop, Ukraine energy company opens a new wind farm As bombs drop, Ukraine energy company opens a new wind farm

    Can embattled coal-heavy DTEK lead Ukraine’s clean-energy revolution?

    As bombs drop, Ukraine energy company opens a new wind farm

    cross-posted from:

    > Can embattled coal-heavy DTEK lead Ukraine’s clean-energy revolution?

    Here are some choice excerpts, which the kbin post didn't mention:

    > About 100 kilometres from the front lines of the conflict in southern Ukraine, 650 workers building the Tyligulska wind farm dove into underground concrete bomb shelters whenever Russian missiles and drones attacked targets nearby. The crews, clad with body armour, toiled for seven months, much of the time during the dead of winter. They spent roughly one day in five underground when the explosions came too close for comfort. > > By mid-March, the first stage of Ukraine’s newest renewable energy project – 19 turbines with a capacity of 114 megawatts – was completed. None of the workers had been killed or injured, and the turbines began to generate much-needed electricity a few weeks later. During a time of war, when Ukrainian infrastructure everywhere was being turned to scrap by Russian missiles, the achievement was nothing short of heroic.

    > [After various woes, from the Russians capturing land with potential for wind and solar development, to much difficulty finding financing,] DTEK’s first bit of good news came last November, when the successful Ukrainian counter-offensive liberated Kherson in the country’s south, allowing a 10-megawatt solar plant in the village of Tryfonivka to be returned to Ukrainian hands. At the same time, DTEK was well on its way to completing the Tyligulska wind project to the west, near Odesa. Using turbines supplied by Denmark’s Vestas, the project is one of the biggest of its kind in Europe, with a total cost of US$450 million. The second stage, to be completed in 2024, will take the capacity to 500 megawatts, when 83 turbines are scheduled to be in place.

    > Ukraine exported electricity to Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland before the war and recently resumed those sales as it rebuilt its transmission lines and power plants – its grid is now entirely detached from Russia’s and interconnected with Europe’s. The country has obvious competitive advantages to play the green game. Ukraine has ample land, meaning that it is unlikely to see the NIMBY campaigns that have stalled or crippled many wind projects in Europe. Certain parts of the country have high wind speeds, and the permitting process is faster than in Europe. Add in a relatively low cost of labour and energy production, and Ukraine will certainly have a seat at the export table. It also knows that certain European countries are setting themselves up for power shortages.

    South Florida sea surface temperature recorded at over 100°F Buoy in Florida Keys measures 101.1-degree water temperature

    The Manatee Bay buoy in the Florida Keys recorded a sea surface temperature of 101.1 degrees at 6 p.m. on Monday, July 24.

    Buoy in Florida Keys measures 101.1-degree water temperature

    It was already bad when the sea surface temperature was well over 90 degrees Fahrenheit last week, but...over 100? (this is the article linked above)

    FYI that's hot tub hot, as this other article notes:

    This might be record-breaking. In the worst sense possible.

    (this is a repost of my own toot, with additional elaboration and minus hashtags)

    Sample of mind-altering magical wood

    Once upon a time, this piece of wood was posted somewhere.

    Note that I'm wearing gloves when presenting this to you. I highly advise against touching it with your bare hands. The last person who did...well, here's photographic evidence that they lost their mind.

    Research tests whether bioplastics break down in Moreton Bay Research tests whether bioplastics break down in Moreton Bay

    A major study in Southeast Queensland is testing how quickly biodegradable plastics break down in waterways, as researchers look for solutions to the world's growing plastics problem.

    Research tests whether bioplastics break down in Moreton Bay

    cross-posted from:

    > A major study in Southeast Queensland is testing how quickly biodegradable plastics break down in waterways, as researchers search for solutions to the world's growing plastics problem. > > The project is underway at the $13 million Australian Research Council Training Centre for Bioplastics and Biocomposites at The University of Queensland, which has been officially opened by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Research Council, Dr Richard Johnson. > > "There is a lot of research on what happens to biodegradable plastic in soil, compost, on land, and in landfills, but we actually don't know what happens when these materials enter the marine environment." > > Early results have found PHA plastics which are bioderived, degraded completely in water after 7 months but other bioplastics degraded by a little as one per cent in a year.

    Found a video reproduction of a piece in an old format known as "Flash"

    It's almost as if time has stopped for a piece like this.

    (Auctioneer's note: If you're looking for the best part, it's the last part.)

    Interactive Article: 'The dead sea: Tasmania's underwater forests disappearing in our lifetime' The dead sea: Tasmania's underwater forests disappearing in our lifetime

    The sea along the Tasmanian east coast is a global heating hotspot. One man has watched entire sea forests disappear in his lifetime

    The dead sea: Tasmania's underwater forests disappearing in our lifetime

    cross-posted from:

    > An older article related to Tasmanian Kelp Forests. Has sound and video.

    Alien Song
    Hi there!

    Hello! This is my first time using the "threadiverse". I joined this instance because there's a lot of interesting stuff going on on Lemmy and Kbin. I heard about this part of the fediverse only recently, mainly coinciding with the controversy on Reddit, though I've been using the fediverse since even before Twitter got stupid.

    Like my profile suggests, I'm into environmental science and policy issues, and have gotten myself sucked into some local native plant groups and doing wildlife observation stuff. I'm also a musician, and I enjoy videogames as well, mainly older ones.

    Shown here is the full version of the photo from which I got my avatar. It's my own photo. There's a snapping turtle that can be occasionally sighted at a nearby park. Sidenote: snapping turtles look way more elegant in the water.

    OMG I can edit the thread OP! I remember this specifically being impossible on Reddit lol

    GlennMagusHarvey GlennMagusHarvey

    A person interested in nature, science, sustainability, music, and videogames. I'm also on Mastodon: and

    My avatar is a snapping turtle swimming in the water.

    Posts 15
    Comments 149