Formfiller @ Formfiller Posts 1Comments 32Joined 3 days ago
Thank you this post means a lot to me. I’m returning to school as an older student and I even thought I had a knack for art when I was young it was discouraged by my parents. I was always told artists are poor losers and to not pursue. I’m probably going to keep painting. This moment just spoke to me as something I needed to record in a significant way
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
My son said the same thing
I just kinda didn’t feel like going the extra mile with the hand because it’s not a focal point
I want to live in Germany! I got skills and would be happy to study abroad
He said he isn’t political at all but the composition was on point
Slimy ass dude. Why is my PG&E $500? He needs Interview PG&E and ask why they need to do six rate hikes a year.
It’s going to be worse for us the wealthy will be given communist gifts of money and debt forgiveness for us it will be cutthroat capitalism mass layoffs, homelessness explosion, no affordable healthcare, elderly being thrown onto the streets, all government services will be privatized for shareholder profit, food insecurity and then they’re going to buy what is left of our homes and America…..oh and it’s illegal to be homeless in America now thanks to the SCOTUS.
At some point the people will have to use their check on power. The second Amendment.
Should I take it down?
Well they already chose not to honor the 14th amendment by allowing Trump to run for and hold office ….pretty sure that means the constitution doesn’t mean crap to the current SCOTSUS
Why would it get taken down? Am I violating something? I read rules ummm yeah not sure if this is allowed
Martial Law? Yeah see you all in the RFK “organic farming” camps.
Bernie is he’s doing a coast to coast tour right now. He’s getting huge crowds
Sure as opposed to the totally stable and sane politics of today🙄. The establishment neoliberals aren’t popular . It’s just a fact
I don’t think it was the mods I think it was Reddit
America be like…
I mean your logic is sound. The second amendment is literally a check against tyranny. Should be counted in the checks and balances.
DNCs fault for blocking Bernie