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Opinions on Stephen King
  • I personally like Stephen King. I grew up reading Carrie, Cujo, Misery, etc. They are iconic.

    I started reading again a year ago but found them very long to physically read. I listen to them now and noticed a pattern. Many are slow burns, often have an older male involved (or maybe because I just read 11/22/63, Pet Sementary, and Fairytail around the same time), always have characters that reminisce, world building is great with all the details, solid characters.

    I wouldn't read many all at the same time. Try a Stephen King rec, 1 or 2. If you dont like, move on. He doesn't just do horror. He can do other genres too. Very talented.

    I still like his stuff. I just read Holly and liked it. Tried Fairytale. Wasnt my thing.

  • Quality control
  • My dog is very mouthy. He loves to lick, nip (the herder in him), and carry things in his mouth all day.

    He used to have a routine of chewing a benebone in the morning and following me around while I get ready. He also chews at night. Well, unfortunately he wore out one prominent tooth and cracked so we had to get it removed.

    Our vet told us nothing too hard for him because he is a frequent chewer and advised against tennis balls which he LOVES. Doggy specialized Tennis balls okay like Kong brand or Boots and Barkley or whatever the Target brand is. So you are right, normal tennis balls not recommended for dogs per our vet.

  • Is driving a car this awful all the time?
  • Honestly, I was happy my parents were being cheap and bought me a manual for my first car. It made driving automatics later on so easy and they were right at least a few times. They told me there would be times where I may be stuck if I didn't know how to drive a manual. I ended up driving a few friends home in their manual at a time there were no taxis or ridesharing in our area.

    Like everyone said it becomes second nature, even if you're learning automatic... You just have to manage your anxiety. The 3 people through out my life who I know absolutely should not be on the road took multiple physical driving tests on an automatic but are so anxious on the road, they were a danger to others. I'm hoping your description above is just because you're a new driver, experiencing new driver things. I was that scared and not very good either when I started and also was uncertain of myself. I'm happy I stuck with it and it does become second nature if your anxiety is within normal limits. Best wishes on your driving adventures

  • Postal worker parent of trans kid refused to deliver hateful flyers. She's being punished.
  • Agreed. I work in healthcare. As healthcare workers we are obligated to treat any patients regardless of their political affiliation or background. I just provided services to a guy the other day with a huge swastika tattooed on chest. Ive administered care to prisoners, bully/aggressive patients, racists, sexists, and others I would not normally would not align myself with. It does not mean i support anything my patients do or their viewpoint. You cannot have people determining on their own that they are not doing their job because x,y,z especially with more public services involved. It is a very slippery slope

    You cant make exceptions for some circumstances without the effects/consequences extending to other cases for opposite side as this commenter noted. All mail legally needs to be delivered, even in Canada. Props to the postal worker for trying to stand up for what they believe but agreed they should lose their job for it.

  • What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • U.S. here. I "donate" blood regularly to Vitalant. I enjoy the way they do it. You get "points" or often something free for donating (shirts, your name in their sweepstakes to win something large, etc.). You can use the points to redeem gift cards or choose to "donate" the gift card amount back to the organization.

    My thoughts: I think these organizations have more donors when they offer compensation, even small vs if they did not. I saw Red Cross offer a chance to win a PS5 once and I'm quite sure it caught some peoples attention and earned them more first time donors -> potential long-term donors.

  • If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
  • In 2013 I left a very toxic, abusive relationship (physically, emotionally, sexually).

    I'm healthy now but its been a long journey to get here. I have definitely changed as have my life. Its a big milestone that I rarely have to think about now as its been so long. But the lingering effects of trauma went on for years before I considered myself "recovered"

  • Have you ever cosplayed before? Can you tell us about any?
  • Ive cosplayed a handful of times. Maybe 4 or 5? Elektra Netflix version was most fun as someone gave me their sparing sais and I found other Netflix Daredevils at the time to pose pics with and pretend to spar.

    I was Momo from My Hero Academia. A generic agent from Psychopass. The gun prop i have is fun. It flashes and talks. Jealous now though as there are some that transform. It was cool when I found other characters from the show.

    Lastly, I was a terrorist from Counter Strike. I had rubber knives, grenade, sunglasses and I drew a mustache for myself!

    I havent cosplayed in a while though and havent been to any conventions lately

  • What would be your advice for finding work or changing jobs today?
    • If you want to get into a career, ask someone who is successful in it about it.
    • The easiest way to make a great impression is to show up on time and be respectful. Costs nothing.
    • I always tell people you need two of the three things to be successful in any career goals:
    1. Skills
    2. Formal education
    3. Networking

    You have two of the three youre in good position for anything

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals Elextra
    Happy National Dog Day To My Pup!!

    ❤️❤️❤️. His name is Kirk :)

    Steller's Jay [OC]

    Beautiful Steller's Jay spotted Burleigh Murray Ranch in Half Moon Bay, leaning over a picnic bench to look over.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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