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Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • Who needs to get over whom? Probably the ad-hominem hero. Talking about science but behaving like an agitated chimp. Go work less and chill more 😁

    I prefer civilized discussion, so... Have a nice life.

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • Science doesn't say we need meat. Also very specially not the crappy processed toxic waste the majority consumes as "meat".

    But ever tried a diet only existing of plants/fruits OR meat? Guess on which you'd live longer? Exactly.

    And again, no vegan here. Just also sick of this super old "but science says we need meat".

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • I know. I was an animal rights activist once (in a time where "vegan" was either an insult or noone knew what it even was). Based on way too much knowledge about what we do with other beings.

    And i didn't say "it's ethical", but a local farm where the cows got names and live a great life (up until they stop doing so) surely beats industrialized farming ethically. I doubt you wanna argue there, except you only can live in a binary world (harm/don't harm) . But that would be impossible as a vegan. Unless you're one (i just assumed) because it's fashionable or trendy or just edgy.

    Btw something being "humane" doesn't really mean anything ethical. Being sadistic shit-sticks who rape the whole planet raw until there's nothing left is actuallly very "humane". No other species is that horribly aweful.

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • I know. Same here. Probably the same everywhere. But still pissing me off

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • You know what's funny?

    People say that like forever. And those "vegan cultists" we told that 3 decades ago (and we were waiting for them to die of malnutrition) are still healthy and happy while the average supermarket-joe got fat and unhappy or is long dead by now.

    I'm no vegan btw. but why would i argue with science? Just because we evolved to be able to eat nearly everything doesn't mean we should. We could probably survive a good while on just eating hoofs or tree bark. Doesn't mean we should include it in our diet.

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • Same. Me too. When i buy meat, then it's only organic and the best ethical treatment I can find. And also waaaaaay less in general. It just became bad in every sense of way and plant-based stuff has gotten so much better over the last 3 decades.

    Only thing that pisses me off is that the food my food eats is even more expensive for no apparent reason (edit: yes ofc i know the socio-economic reasons. As a consumer i just don't care. That's what i meant)

  • What search engine do you use?
  • Which isn't better than Google these days? They dropped immensly in quality.

  • vampire rule
  • Murica. Dunno if any other country does censor such trivialities too. And to the deeper why: religious hipocrisy i guess.

  • Pray they don't alter it any further
  • I hate netfucks & co, but in the case of mindhunter, they were innocent for once. Author just lost interest and canceled it. Nothing they could do about it. But it's a damn shame though.

  • The Linux Experiment - Linux kernel variants explained: Zen, Xanmod, TKG, RealTime, Liquorix...
  • I dunno how that would be a trustworthy gauge. We talk here and i still don't know the content of that video 😁

    Sure, to each his own, but's lemmy, not reddit. And also this is a linux-post. I wonder how the efficiency of Linux goes with the inefficiency of videos with ads in it. But that's just me, and I'm just annoyed by no client (that i know of) having such simple feature to just ignore video-posts, especially if it's YouTube. Or just links to reddit or even nastier paywalls. Even if i might miss a good discussion or real information in the comments i would never see.

    Though, Of course, you're not wrong with all you said.

  • The Linux Experiment - Linux kernel variants explained: Zen, Xanmod, TKG, RealTime, Liquorix...
  • Oh no, don't get me wrong. Of course Youtube isn't evil/bad per se. It totally has a reason to exist. And of course youtubers make videos. And yes, i simply don't consume YouTube unless i have to.

    But, i am not on Youtube here. I am not here to grant someone a buck for a view. I don't want advertisement. And i certainly don't want videos. It personally pisses me off that i so often click on an interesting post here (lemmy in general) just to end up paywalled or in a damn video. That is all. I'd love a simple feature to opt out of posts that just advertise their youtube-video. If I'd want that, I'd go to, well, Youtube 😁

    Not ranting about the existence of this video (it might be awesome, what do i know), but it's just totally misplaced imho.

    Like i wouldn't want to browse YouTube to find videos of a picture or a text. Yeah sure it's called "social MEDIA", which includes all media. I'd just love to select what to consume.

  • Deleted
    24 years later, Warren Spector offers more details about Deus Ex's cut 'Denver airport conspiracy' mission that was 'so crazy no one would believe it'
  • Ah thanks for the vivid trip down memory lane. It's sad you have to really search hard to find such pearls nowadays.

  • The Linux Experiment - Linux kernel variants explained: Zen, Xanmod, TKG, RealTime, Liquorix...
  • You're downvoted to oblivion for being right. Well you could've phrased it nore civil and friendly though 😌

    I miss the Internet of the beginnings. Pure, simple and efficient information. Mostly. I'd argue the downfall slowly started with geocities and the rise of "funny" animated gifs and music in websites.

    And it all went bonkers with "web2.0" and sites needing 15 fat libraries and megabytes of visual pleasures to just tell the time...

  • The Linux Experiment - Linux kernel variants explained: Zen, Xanmod, TKG, RealTime, Liquorix...
  • Amen. So this. I always audibly sigh at this shit. The tiniest piece of information is always wrapped into tons of useless crap and blahblah which could've been a highly informative block of text or a table. As if the net wasn't already full of bloat anyway.

  • Voyager 1
  • If they'd be super far advanced, they most likely won't be capitalists 😁

  • Voyager 1
  • There will always be a "step further we'd love to see but won't". Let's be glad we're in that step which included this photo and the inherent magnificence in it.

    It totally beats being one of the earlier humans who just wondered what the lights in the sky might be. Probably gods or something.

  • Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died
  • It rewards the whole dark triad of personality traits. And it sickens me to the core.

  • Microsoft's latest Windows update breaks VPNs, and there's no fix
  • Don't trust every "article" on some shitty website.

  • Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died
  • Apart of that definition being outdated: Which major CEO isn't? It's more like a basic requirement for the job :-(

  • its true tho
  • Apple might be user-friendly, but that is kinda easy if you're super restrictive. And the only one that produces their stuff. The worst thing about android is being so fragmented, not only in versions but also in makers. And some really put tons of their own shit on top of android. I hate it. Especially Samsung. The apple of android.

    I also hate it to be stuck with googles pixels. They're not only the purest but also, ironically, the easiest to root and, especially, un-google them with a different OS.

  • Weird problem driving me crazy (Win, Domain, Network)


    It was my router which set STP on by default. Switching it off (in smaller networks) or using RSTP made the delays go away.



    For a long time I've got this horribly annoying problem: Upon bootup, ANY domain-machine that is using LAN (no probs with wireless) has an idle-time with "there's no network!" of about 1-2mins until they discovered the network. BUT only windows-machines. Linux boxes get net instantly. Also on LAN.

    Setup: 2 Domaincontrollers, Server2019. Both are DNS, one is DHCP and NPS for WIFI. All machines have fixed IPs, the DHCP is just for wireless clients.

    I have tried everything I could think of, like NIC-Drivers, OpenDHCP, temporarily changed the switch from a managed one to a dumb one, changed the NIC in the server, let only one DC be alive at a time, rejoined the domain, the usual sfc/dism-approach and whatnot.

    I asked once on reddit, but everyone just told me "that's DHCP!", yet it's (seemingly at least) not. All have fixed IPs, but using dhcp doesn't change a thing.

    So I'm clueless again, hoping for some nerd that's nerdier than me to have an idea :)

    What song still emotionally "destroys" you today? And why?

    As the title says....which song still haunts you emotionally? And why? A (freely accessible) link might greatly bring your point across.

    Mine would be: (Typhoon - "Empiricist")

    The lyrics go deep and it just touches me. No otherwise special attachment.

    Dyskolos Dyskolos

    Homo Homini Lupus Est

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