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Anon befriends a Japanese girl
  • in places outside of the US, a lot of countries have a multipurpose chat/social media app they tend to use. If you are aware of what Whatsapp is, Line is similar, but has a more east asian audience to it.

  • CUDIMM Standard Set to Make Desktop Memory a Bit Smarter and a Lot More Robust
  • faster ram generally has dimishing returns on sustem use, however it does matter for gpu compute reasons on igpu (e. g gaming, and ML/AI would make use of the increased memory bandwith).

    its not easily to simply just push a wider bus because memory bus size more or less affects design complexity, thus cost. its cheaper to push memory clocks than design a die with a wider bus.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • one of the major reasons is that new cheap evs cant compete with used premium ones, hence the desire to develop a cheap EV, at least in the states, is economically prohibitive.

    basically because of how picky people are, especially with budget cars, the risk of devlopment on them are extremely high. Make the wrong cut and youre suddenly a bankrupt company

  • Nearly 20% of Microsoft SQL Servers running have passed end of support
  • on the former point, i never claimed it was all disks, I only claimed that it was even remotely possible to stick a disk in and possibly play an og xbox game. Something you couldnt remotely do on the latest playstation (wouldnt boot any ps1 game) nor nintendo for obvious reasons(no disk drive, no compatibility with older cart systems)

  • Fisker reaches end of the road and files for bankruptcy
  • its a how many you can produce vs margins situation. not many companies want to take the risk on a high production low margin product, as failure would put you soo deep in the red that you wouldnt come out unless your first product knocks it out of the park.

    its why moat. conpanies are doing the top down approach (e.g Tesla, Rivian) where you cater first to the high margin vehicles and then make your way down. given the sales of cars like the chevy bolt and nissan leaf, people are picky about cars they buy, and the problem new car companies have is the one that vinfast has, which is "would an average consumer buy a new cheap car, or a used premium car" and its usually the latter.

  • Nearly 20% of Microsoft SQL Servers running have passed end of support
  • its generally just consumers on the consumer OS who have that image of Microsoft.

    take for example their Xbox Division. Microsoft is the o nlu company where its possible to throw in an OG xbox game in their modern console and play it (after a compatibility patch). Both nintendo and sony couldnt even fathom that kind of backwards compatibility. Microsoft is also the one who keeps up their digital store (on console) the longest

  • hope
  • i choose to believe in the Star Ocean concept of aliens and believe Aliens have a signed agreement not to interact with races that have not fully moved into the space age yet

  • That doesn't look like something that should be left behind
  • hard to not understand given the highway is the most dangerous place for a tow truck to be at (youd be suprised how common it is for a negligent driver kills a tow truck driver numbers speaking on a highway). they want to get out of there ASAP

  • Japan Passes Law to Allow Third-Party App Stores on the iPhone
  • its the one opening Microsoft wants. if they can manage to be able to get gamepass on the devices, itll get what it wants (more subscribers) in virtue of having more devices it is officially on.

    while i dont think it would happen, if it were thrown up in the air, companies like microsoft and epic would 100% be backing it up

  • Adobe's Employees Are Just As Upset at the Company As Its Users: Report
  • in general, assume any conpany where a good bulk of the employees are software engineers to not be unionized. many programmers tend to make significantly more constantly jumping companies, hence the turnover rate and not needing to unionize. Its also kinda ingrained in the hiring structure too as many of the large conpanies contract developers and not hire them outright.

  • I'll take in thousand dollar bills.
  • is it insulting, depends on the person. if the person is known to be all about flexibility, then its not really a problem. to some it may be a problem because it shows to them that you didnt think very hard for a gift. E.G if your longterm SO who isnt married with you gave you money as a gift (over getting something youd probably eant/like given they should know you), may rub off in the wrong way.

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • not in a biological sense no. peanuts and almonds are legumes.

    Basically there is a difference between the biological and the culinary definition for some foods. For instance a common example is that bananas are berries, and neither strawberries nor raspberries are berries biologically, However the culinary definition would treat them as the oppisite. same idea with Tomatoes (biologically a fruit, culinarily a vegetable)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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