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Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Younger, healthier, charismatic, great on camera, focused in stressful situations. Also, she'll be great at dealing with congress because she is so experienced with dicks and assholes.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Yep, I'll pokemon go to the polls now. Harris would not be my first pick, but it would be dumb for me to demand that biden step down and still not vote when my demand is met.

    Democrats have listened to their voters and they deserve to be rewarded for that.

  • Donald Trump apparently shot, 2 confirmed dead at rally - as former president rushed off stage
  • Considering he is in a crowd of angry gun obsessed extremists who have been cultivated to reject reality, I think there is a decent chance that this was one of his own. Maybe someone was pissed that he softened his stance on abortion. The so-called "pro-lifers" have murdered before.

  • I have never sinned

    It is freeing to recognize that I have never sinned and it pissed Christians off when I say this. To clarify, in Christianity sin is not simply "the bad things we do" it is specifically an offense against god. God does not exists so i have never sinned against him.

    I've been an atheist for for 16 years but it was only recently that I realized this distinction. It short-circuits the guilt based evangelism. It forces the christian to first demonstrate that god exists before they can convince me I have sinned and need to be saved from that sin. And to say the least, they are ill equipped to demonstrate the existence of god.

    Satan is real, Working in Secret
  • I totally agree, but I find it a tedious point.

    If I say America is evil, or America is racist and genocidal from it's inception, people don't rush to say "Well the American government is bad, and racists are bad, and voters who keep upholding white supremacy are bad, and America's racist laws are bad, and the racist features in America's founding documents are bad, and America is build on stolen land, and American imperialism is bad, and America's long bloody history is bad, BUT let's be clear that Americans are good. Also, many of Americas enemies are also bad."

  • Protest Convoy Headed to Southern Border in Texas Is Calling Itself an ‘Army of God’
  • Most likely scenario is that they drive around in their trucks waving both flags of the US and flags of traitors to the US, block traffic, and post to Facebook.

    Worst case scenario, there is a wave a of hate crimes as these hyped up fascists try to "defend America" by picking fights with any random brown person they see.

    Best case scenario, they try messing with federal agents, get arrested, and wont be voting in November.

  • Dont get it twisted.
  • I can afford to miss a paycheck. In fact, I'm currently planning for a four month stretch where I'll need to live off of savings. Thinking that I, with my 11 year old honda fit, 10 year old PC, and my 2 roommates, am in the top 20% of this stat is very alarming.

  • Tech companies avoid regulation by acting like Sovereign Citizens

    Sov Cit - I'm not under your jurisdiction. driving is a commercial activity, I am traveling and that doesn't require a license.

    Big Tech - We're not a taxi company, labor laws don't apply to us. We are an app company that allows independent contractors to find customers.

    Sov Cit - I am not the legal person, I am the flesh and blood living person. I do not need any identification.

    Big Tech - We're a hotel network. We're a website that enables peer to peer short term home sharing. Neither we, nor the people who rent on our website should be subject to any sort of existing regulations.

    Just a thought.

    Beleafs you should be shedding
  • Oh, bottom right hits deep. I was raised catholic and even though it was easy for me to accept that sex and masturbation were fine after I got out I am still discovering ways that I was taught to be ashamed of my body that are affecting me 14 years later.

  • Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn?
  • Reduced, maybe, but I don't think it will impact things significantly. The types of people who participate in that do not want an alternative because they do it because they want to hurt and abuse a real person. They want to have power over another human being and make them suffer. An endless stream of porn isn't going to fix that sickness.

  • Ocasio-Cortez endorses Biden's reelection campaign, sending a strong signal of Democratic unity
  • How is RFK Jr. the primary opposition? I know he wasn't, but it feels like he was put there by the dem establishment as a threat. When I'm feeling like I would support any other democratic candidate to run in place of Biden, this barely younger absolute crank leans in and goes 'anyone?' Ah fuck, let's go dark Brandon... if i have to... I guess.

  • Best Zines for Beginners

    What are the best zines for introducing beginners and libs. I have a couple of places I want to start distributing zines but I think my audience needs some real basic concepts like cops aren't your friends, profit isn't really what motivates most people, direct action can be effective. I like Bullshit Jobs and To Change Everything, but I need some more variety.

    Do any you do Food Not Bombs?

    I have volunteered with Food Not Bombs in my city for six years. Many cities have their own branches. Food Not Bombs serves free vegan meals. As much as possible this food comes from food waste rescue. Many locations also distribute clothing, groceries, and hygiene products.

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