CalipherJones @ CalipherJones Posts 0Comments 27Joined 1 day ago
I get it in the past because the information was simply not accessible for most people. Nowadays there is no excuse for ignorance. It takes a 5 minute google search to get a taste of the inhumanity of history. Everyone should be willing to put in at least 5 minutes man.
Mexico's got some huevos for the U.S to suck on
Almost all of the WW2 vets are gone man. I worry that the far right resurgence around the world is being allowed to happen because people are simply ignorant to the horror of WW2. I remember talking to someone younger than me about Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. He didn't seem to think much of the Holocaust which I found disturbing. I started bringing up the numbers and I could see the shock in his face. He genuinely didn't seem to grasp just how many people were murdered because of fascism.
I had a Scottish chick in Edinburgh tell me that I was the only American she enjoyed talking to. I didn't realize just how poorly we were viewed overseas until I went myself.
Luigi is an American hero. Whether he did it or not is irrelevant. It's what he stands for.
I am permanently banned from making Reddit accounts because I got about 4 of them banned for "promoting violence".
The violence? Telling people it was a good thing to punch Nazis. Reddit is a Nazi safe space.
I wonder if anyone ever said "Democracy would never work, just look at what happened to Athens".
Socialism and communism are relatively new ideas. While I don't believe communism is an effective form of government, it's still kind of silly to write it off so quickly.