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Ask my Gazan Friend Anything
  • If my searching was accurate, chef in disguise has an article about it that also includes some cool cultural context.

  • Ask my Gazan Friend Anything
  • Thank you for the effort in providing a non-machine translation, I never trust those and appreciate you helping those of us who are Arabic illiterate.

    Do you one if I ask if “aaa” has a specific meaning? Google is drawing a blank

  • We're calling her Lightning McBean
  • The attempt on my life has left me cute and fluffy, but I assure you my bowels have never been stronger. The poop is over. The elastic band have been defeated, and the potential obstruction has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.

  • Locked
    Getting back into dating and I fell for a married woman wtf
  • Acting guilty instead of playing it cool definitely dug some of that hole. I can’t really imagine, but I certainly believe you in that it must have been incredibly difficult.

  • Locked
    Getting back into dating and I fell for a married woman wtf
  • You didn’t know and immediately did the right thing upon learning. You were lied to by omission, it’s not a normalized thing to ask “are you in an exclusive relationship?”. The cheater ruined the marriage, not you.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • A super weird aspect of it is that the most battle-hardened officers in the PLA got that way by commanding troops without any of the weapons a real war would make use of.

  • Card
  • Creative use of shroud could do a lot of work.

  • giving out deadlock invite codes! PM me!
  • Mind if snag an invite? I’ve heard great things.

  • fixing the skinnerbox without threats of violence
  • All those games are great, not what I thought you were getting at, but great nonetheless.

    Never played SMO, might have to emulate it at some point.

  • Chinese scientists planning rotating launch system on the moon

    >The magnetic levitation facility would work on the same principle as the hammer throw in athletics but rotating at increasing speeds before throwing the launch capsule towards Earth.

    >“The system’s technical readiness is relatively high. Since it consumes only electricity and does not require any propellant, it will be relatively small in scale and straightforward to implement,” the researchers wrote in the journal Aerospace Shanghai.

    >“The main goal is to extract and return helium-3 to help address Earth’s energy crisis. The project will also boost the development of space mining technologies, heavy launch vehicles, and artificial intelligence.” Note: the AI angle seems to be related to the targeting calculations, not bazinga shit.

    >The system is designed to last for at least 20 years, but it will weigh around 80 tonnes and will need to wait for China’s super heavy-lift rocket to start operating before it could be taken to the moon.

    >The team aimed to complete the development of key components by 2030, followed by lunar surface verification and full-scale implementation by 2045, he said.

    A fascinating review of the Disco Elysium pre-alpha

    There some banger lines and insights. CW, the B-word is used once. If anyone knows of any other articles about early DE/No truce with the Furies please share. I found this while trying to find one that was in a magazine I can't remember.

    What's your favorite post from the old subreddit?

    Post hog was wild and felt crazy at the time, but I think I’m still partial to the old episode megas. Chapo was never deep, but people would delve into the content and find a way to extract actual insight. It was cool sharing a piece of media and crowdsourcing an analysis of it.
